So It's Back To First Principles

Steel Magnolia blocked him. I saw it in another post of his as well. But, if by “going Colon, Goodman, Webb” on him means they too blocked him, I would not be surprised.

He has it in his mind that certain local LEOs are in on the assassination plot. He watches videos of them interacting and then interprets those actions in such a way that they prove it. It’s sort of like watching a movie without sound and making up the dialogue yourself.


I guess it’s time to start a Sheriffs Department ID page in the Recognition Tools.


@stellauc and @redranamber

I’m working on the Butler County Sheriffs ID page now. I was wondering if Sgt. Anthony Sawl would be the guy you were trying to ID, but it’s not him.



Here is the Butler County Sheriffs ID page.


Thank you! I believe we are bound to come across him at some point. It is helpful ruling names out too.

Thank you for working on that page. Some good ID’s there so far!


I’m putting my money on Ed Newman. It should be a safe bet.

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Here is a video I made showing all Music, Videos & Speeches at the Trump Rally from 2:16pm to 6:11pm EDT:

And a version on Rumble for countries where the music has blocked the video (like Russia):

You might be able to use this to accurately time some of the shorter videos where you can hear the music in the background.


Ed Newman | LinkedIn

Perhaps Sawl is in the hat?

(Last 3 from Pearson’s cam)


It looks like him. We should see if his radio comms can confirm his movements from where Pearson’s cam catches him to the tree he was standing under.

BTW, I already had Newman’s LinkedIn account linked on the ID page. I tried finding a picture of him on his lawn care business Facebook page but there were none.

I am also leaning your way on the Terradyne being the SQ400, with those being the only two armored vehicles at the rally. The defining clue I think is the Administration & Logistics page with the vehicles.

If there was a third vehicle, they would likely have stated who was bringing it to the scene. Why 4 drivers then? I’m leaning towards them driving the teams or squads (SQ) from the Butler County HAZMAT station to the FOP. Being a Logistics part of the plan and talking about bringing the SQ400 and SQ200 to the scene, it is most likely assigning drivers to transport the various teams/squads to the scene. That would explain the odd choices of (previously assumed) drivers for the armored vehicles.

Think Logically & Logistically!


Hi VegasPatriot, I am almost finished a 2 hour documentary that mainly focuses on responsibility for the AGR building and the ESU snipers there. Here’s a clip (I just have to update the end in light of Ken’s latest radio transcript) -

I just came across your work and wanted to thank you and others here for putting it together. I also have a question about your identification of Bank and Peres. I think you have them the wrong way around.

Bank is the Lead Advance Agent that stays with Trump. She can be seen at the hospital Trump went to. Peres is the site agent (I think) that stays with the site.

Bank says that she was covering Trump when the shooter was killed. This can’t be the lady with glasses.
(p145 of the Lead Advance Agent interview - Investigation of U.S. Secret Service Planning and Security Failures Related to the July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt - Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs)

Peres says that she was between the bleachers and the armoured car when shooting started, witnessed wounded by the pond and saw Corey and his family. Seems to match the lady with glasses.
(p162 onwards on the Site Agent interview)

I have a few other reasons to believe Bank is the lady that struggled with the holster, and Peres is the lady with glasses, but I think these are enough. What do you think? Thanks


Hello, Chris, and thank you for the kind words. I will take a look at your clip after I respond to your question about Bank and Perez. I do look forward to seeing your documentary, though.

I have analyzed the AGR counter snipers movements myself, before we had the benefit of the HSGAC Interim Joint Report, DHS Independent Review Panel Final Report, and Congressional Task Force Interim Staff Report, and now the radio logs. I’ve started to go back and update my analysis based on the new evidence, but I have a few projects to finish and update first.

I started a similar deep dive on the USSS activities, when the HSGAC report came out, and hope to get back to that in the near future.

As for Banks and Perez, I and others had a tough time trying to ID those two initially with such little evidence to go on. The first breakthrough for me, and I realize it’s what I call soft evidence versus hard, was a comment made by Gary Melton of Paramount Tactical during his video with Chris Martenson. He interviewed a former USSS counter sniper who told him the lady who had struggled with holstering her weapon was the “Shift Lead.” (Video Link) The related conversation starts at the 32:30 mark, and the comment is at ~33:50. That prompted my research trying to understand the difference between the Lead Advance Agent, the Site or Shift Lead/Agent, and what I learned from the HSGAC report was the Site Counterpart.

I appreciate your comment about thinking I have Bank and Perez mixed up and will go back through my notes to see what else I have that supports my belief. I’ll get back with you on that. I take feedback like this as an opportunity to review my argument and the evidence it’s based on to ensure it’s accurate. If it’s not, I’m thankful for the information that gets me closer to the truth.

In the meantime, I wonder if you’ve seen my summary conclusions about Nicol’s reporting of the suspicious person. In case you haven’t, I’ll share the key slides here. They highlight the most compelling findings from my timeline analysis. (Note: This also was performed before the more recent reports and radio logs were released.)


I found this site that could maybe help with questions if you hadn’t already found it. I didn’t sign in. I figured you all are better at this and have more questions to ask. Might be insightful about AR and SQ?? And other questions. Ask a LEO


Thank you for sharing. I’ll look at it shortly.

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In my/our Recognition Tools slide deck I have detailed ID slides the contain information supporting the identifications made. Those I don’t publish because the full deck is currently 138 slides long.

The first 2 in this excerpt are published, but the second two are not. Those represent the detail ID slides for Bank and Perez. It’s in PDF format so you can link to the sources.

USSS Lead Advance Agent & Site Lead.pdf (426.3 KB)

Now I will go through my other analysis on the USSS still in progress, and review again the HSGAC interview transcripts for the two and see what I can find.


Thanks for the reply. My documentary goes through all the evidence chronologically. I can’t remember the order off hand but I cover the Johnson timeline, the Grassley docs, the ABC interview you reference there, the PSP hearing, Rowe’s hearing, the ESU/DA responses to Rowe, various NYT, CNN and Washington Post articles etc… I am about 90 minutes in and am just covering the HSGAC report and the SS interviews at the moment. I’ll then go over the Task Force hearing/report, DHS report and radio logs after that. I’ll finish with a real-time multi-cam footage timeline from Trump taking the stage until just after the shots, overlaying radio logs and things I’ve covered earlier to sum it all up.

Just before the HSGAC report and SS interview I covered this article -

While reading through the transcripts I want to pay close attention to what Blasko said about manpower apparently to Perez and Dubrey. So I’d like to work out who they are. I then found your pdf with the Jul10 walkthrough pic and identification. But reading the Lead Advance Agent transcript convinced me that was the lady with the holster, and not the lady you have identified. She said she was on Trump when the shooter was taken out and the lady you identified is nowhere near the stage. The Site Agent said she was away from the stage and a few other things she said seems to match up with the lady you identified as Bank, and they do not match the lady you identified as Perez.

Thanks for that link, But even that video further convinces me Bank is the holster lady. She’s the agent in charge. She’s the one that conducted the advance. That further matches up with the Lead Advance Agent interview I read, and not the Site Agent which is most probably the lady with sunglasses, who was on the left of the walkthrough picture. It’s a bit confusing to refer to the Site Agent as Site Lead/Agent. She leads the Site Counterpart but is led by the Lead Advance Agent, somewhat at least.

I’d love to hear what you think after going through it again. But personally I am even more sure now than I was during my first comment. I’ve read the Lead Advance Agent and Site Agent interview and am halfway through the Site Counterpart interview now. It gets clearer the more you go along. If she says in the interview what Dubrey says about Blasko in that NYT article above I should have all 3 names worked out.

I did go through those pages of yours. You make good points and I have covered all of the same articles I think. I haven’t done a conclusion of what to make of it all but there are a lot of suspicious things about him and his partner. He could have seen Crooks run along the roof if he stayed where he was when seeing him by the picnic table. He didn’t radio Murcko when he noticed the people calling about someone on the roof. He is a bit dishonest about sending the photos straight away. I also was going to ask about your analysis of him going downstairs after 6pm. Are you sure he exited through the door you mentioned (forgot the number atm)? It’s probable but I thought it was also possible he could have exited through the same door we see him exiting later, hoping to see Crooks heading towards Sheetz when looking to the left. I also find it odd he wouldn’t know the layout of the building he was in and know Crooks went into a dead end, but that’s another story.

I uploaded a draft of my doco for some people to look at a while ago. It’s a bit outdated now, I’ll probably re-upload where I am at now if you wanted to look at that before I finish it and release it properly.

I just got your second reply, will have a look.

It was an interesting read, but it doesn’t get us any further along than we already are, which I think I’m much closer today than I was yesterday and am working on revising my analysis of the armor.

Since the post addresses ESU/SWAT vehicles in transit, it doesn’t apply to being on duty at and event like the rally, other than to support the fact that the BuC Terradyne would certainly go straight to the hospital and not stop along the way to enforce the law. It would have to be something that forced them to stop, such as hitting an IED planted by the Deep State to prevent them from making it to the hospital to set up a perimeter. :sunglasses:


Well, that was easy. I just did a search for “hospital” and learned that it was the Lead Advance Agent who was the one that went to the hospital. That’s what I would call hard evidence. :wink:

I thank you for challenging my inferences and getting me closer to the truth.


As for the Door 13 event, unfortunately the Task Force interview excerpts for Nicol stop at 6:02 pm, and the Door 13 event reported by CNN and ABC would have immediately followed that. Below it the transition point in the Task Forces narrative timeline where it goes into the response actions by other LEO searching for Crooks.


If and when we get the full transcripts of that interview, I have to stick with my belief that it did occur as CNN reported. I analyze the evidence, and so far have found no evidence that contradicts the CNN report. If hard evidence comes to light that disproves CNN’s reporting of it, I’ll revise my analysis just like I’m going to revise Me recognition Tools and switch Bank and Perez.


Hi Vegas Patriot. Ken Linke here. I made the comment about you being a “conspirator” as sarcasm & the people in that thread hopefully knew that. You have done incredible work, A+++. What’s funny, however, is that you replaced Mike Sulerud’s pic with Chris Kopas’ pic as Matt Shaffer on J13 in your 14th rev. Shaffer was WRSWAT, dressed in black on a hot day on a metal roof:

Make no mistake, this is Matthew J. Shaffer. The 2nd pic I posted with the hair in the back threw us a major curve ball. Matt Shaffer always has military hair. I need to find the pic that absolutely laid this issue to rest for us, I think it was on his Instagram page. I’ll try to provide that later.

HYPOTHESIS: I hesitate saying this because of how sick it is but I’m serious about this hypothesis, unlike the one I wrote about you. I believe that hair sticking out the back of Shaffer’s helmet is a DNA sample from the dead guy. Yes, I believe Shaffer is that sick in the head. Shaffer’s character can be seen as he lied about Patsy’s backpack being “one of theirs” & continuously led people to the bike backpack instead.

It doesn’t matter how crazy you think I am for the scalp taking theory re Matt Shaffer, he was the man in black on that roof. I’ll find the Instagram pic.


I had seen the link in the image and wondered if it were to his linkedin! :slight_smile:

I would say that this all tracks, and certainly logistics are a big part of planning, clearly you would want to know ahead of time how the various team members are getting to the scene, as well as how your tac vehicles are getting there. And then as you’ve pointed out, it most likely is not indicative of on duty operation. I would think operationally the armor response would remain more fluid in order to react to a dynamic threat environment, which we see in the response as sending CAT#1 in the Terradyne to the hospital as per command instead of per preoperational planning.

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Thanks for these extra slides. They gave me a bit to think about.


The Lead Advance Agent (holster lady):

  • does appear to have experience with detail, and I’m not sure how independent she is from the detail.
    p 15