The irony of it is fantastic! Make that my eagle eye lmao! I’m literally blind in my left eye from a complete retinal detachment, and my ‘good’ eye can’t see well without being corrected from a -7.50, as such I wear a contact lens.
Thanks for posting Chris’ comment, Daniel. I must have passed over that, but am going to rethink how I label them, which I’ve changed over the course of time as more accurate or first hand information came to light.
Among the various sources of information there are different terms used. For example, some refer to the “Site Agent” while others use the “Site Lead,” hence my using both. Some also refer to that position as the “Shift” rather than the “Site.” The “Shift” meaning the agent on the protection detail shift currently protecting the protectee, which would be the same as the “Site Agent” during the rally, but could be different if there was a shift change in detail agents during the day. I’m pretty sure the same agents don’t protect the protectee 24/7. An example might be Trump having 2 or 3 speaking engagements during the day.
Another confusion comes into play when the “Advance” agents don’t also fulfill the same role during the event. If memory serves me, I think that was the case for one of the other USSS roles, but could be wrong.
Good luck figuring that one out because none of the USSS agents in question even knew. You’ll find that as you read through the interview transcripts of SAIC Tim Burke, Lead Advance Agent Perez, Site Agent Bank, and Site Counterpart Dubrey. They all seemed to have different opinions, and the congressional and independent panel investigations call that out as one of the failures.
Interestingly I cannot seem to find Wagner’s LinkedIn anymore. I wonder why. I was able to find this though, it is quite old and not very high-res, but still mentions Wagner by name.
A little old, but I just… - Prospect Borough Police Department | Facebook
And here’s a recent Count Costanza :
Wow, so many incorrect links. I tried my best to group the names, images, and links before reorganizing the ID slides into a more logical order during the last few revisions, so they must have gotten mixed up in earlier revisions.
I’m keeping Wagner’s photo and referencing his deleted LinedIn account, but will change the link.
As for Constanta, I can hardly recognize him in that Halloween costume (), so better keep the photo we had for him.
Thanks for doing this review. It’s very helpful.
Yeah, well, with the sheer amount of info dumped on you to sift through and then arrange into what you have produced, and then reproduced, and further reproduced, improving at each revision and reworking of things, it makes sense that certain things, especially like these reference links may get mixed or swapped or whatever. Thank you for all of what you have produced and continue to revise and improve upon!
I take this to mean that you can’t find his LinkedIn either?
Glad to be of assistance! I figured given the mistakes presented, mistakes we’ve uncovered, and the nature of humans to make mistakes that it would be worth at least a semi-critical proofread!
Okay, I think I have all the corrections, though I lost the link for O’Sche. Jurysta and Lawson are both behind paywalls, but it’s all I had for them, unfortunately.
Ken shouldn’t find any more issues with the Matthew Shaffer field image. ( )
I moved Huminsky and added a note. Had no good place to move white shirt USSS agent to, so put him on the USSS Leadership side as an insert. I wonder if he is Clowser? I also switched Bank and Perez images and corrected the related detail pages.
I’ve got a few more changes to make and will post Rev. 15 later this afternoon. Thanks again!
It seems that for the paywall blocked links, a cached result will produce the full article, photos and all:
Lawson: UPMC, Middlesex Township honor lifesavers – Butler Eagle
Jurysta: Local EMS study hopes to reveal solutions to funding, staffing issues – Butler Eagle
Excellent! How do you get those? (I learned to type on manual typewriters in high school. I learned computer programming writing Fortran code and entering it into the computer using IBM keypunch cards in college. )
Much simpler than either of those! I’m not sure as to how often it occurs or if it is available on all results, but with using the Bing search engine, there is a drop-down looking arrow next to url’s that allow viewing the cached web page.
Ya know, I used to access those but haven’t seen it in so long I thought the search engines did away with it. Thanks!
This is very helpful! Thank you! I have skipped over so many articles because of the paywall. This is an excellent tip to at least give a try.
Same here, and half the time it doesn’t even dawn on me to try this method out, but clearly seen with Lawson and Jurysta it is a viable means around the paywalls! I am very curious if there’s anything useful that I’ve passed over simply based on paywalls being present.
You mean when there was already a bunch of people on the roof, all with equipment, and a lot of equipment strewn across the ground (roof) that belonged to those that responded. Agent Smith asks, “is that all your stuff?” motioning in the direction of all the junk on the roof. This doesn’t specify the patsy’s backpack whatsoever; you cannot even be sure that his backpack is included in the “all your stuff” identification. So, to then take a situation with high uncertainty and attribute such a claim (unfounded, as I see it), is rather absurd. Do you have evidence to prove that he lied? And to then take his assumed “lie” to the proportions of ‘unhinged DNA collector’, seems equally absurd. What purpose would there even be for him to have a sample of the patsy’s DNA? I can’t think of one.
Hey Chris, in case you haven’t caught it. Because Beaver & Butler Counties could be posted as BC, we are adding a e & u to differentiate between them. BeC (Beaver) & BuC (Butler). It saves a lot of typing while showing which you mean. Before I thought of that, people using just B-C was getting confusing.
Do you acknowledge that Patsy brought a backpack to the roof?
I think your research into the distance a bomb sniffing K9 needs to be from the device is smart thinking. I didn’t even think about that since I was fine with my research that K9 Kiko was most likely not trained for bomb detection.
Looking at this archived FHA document, we can safely assume that the two-lane rural road has at least 9 feet wide lanes.
So, if you were to be handling a bomb sniffing K9 to detect bombs, you most certainly would not do if from the middle of the road. But that is just what we see, the handler is walking down the middle of the road the whole way while in view.
He does not walk the shoulder of the road then redirect Kiko away from the Elantra. Even more telling, since there were two cars parked on that side of the road, he does not turn Kiko towards the red car.
Therefore, I do not see the purpose of his walking Kiko as a bomb sniffing mission. I also don’t see the handler purposefully positioning himself between Kiko and the Elantra.
I also don’t see it as being a tracking mission to find Crooks, since Kiko would have picked up Crooks’ scent where he crossed the road. Besides, Kiko does not have his nose to the ground.
You would have to make a far more compelling case that the K9 team was tasked with searching for bombs. If they were, the handler is doing a poor job of it. I can see you taking that as evidence that the handler is intentionally staying in the middle of the road, but Kiko makes no attempt to go towards either car. Compare that to the dog sniffing the motorcycle in front of Door 9. He leads his handler towards the motorcycle, if memory serves.
I’ll tell you what I see Kuss doing. He stands near the vehicle waiting for Giallorenzo to approach closer, then starts walking alongside Kuss talking with him as evident by Kuss turning to face him as he walks. A purely logical explanation that is observable in the video.
I don’t have the best hearing, so it’s hard for me to make all the details of the conversation around 19:22:01, so I’ll take your word for it. What I can make out is something along the lines of you can send them to AGR on the south side. Then, about 13 minutes later look who walks up with 3 K9’s I believe. They eventually enter the building. I don’t know if they are trained in detecting explosives, but it’s pretty safe to assume they were. If so, the bomb sniffing mission was inside the AGR buildings.
You aren’t providing any real evidence, mostly just speculation about what you think is happening. I don’t spend much time debating speculations since I am focused on analyzing evidence. So, you’ll have to excuse me for not following your line of thinking much further.
Everybody’s scared. Lone crazy shooter on the roof is much less scary than a conspiracy of powerful people in law enforcement capable of assassinating a former President & killing witnesses. I agree. I wish I could see it that way. Bye.
If you are making the assumption that I’m afraid of discovering that our government is evil, at least a large portion of it, especially at the top, assume away if you want. I’ve known for decades that it is.