So It's Back To First Principles

it does not look as if it matches. For those who don’t have the top view picture in high resolution you can download it here:


Close but not quite correct. Once a bullet leaves the barrel it starts falling/dropping. To account for this the barrel is tilted up. That is how you get the upward part of the arc.

We can add Narcissistic, too.

All we can make is a SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) without knowing exactly which ammo Crooks used. The ballistics change depending on the answer.

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Roger, since you’re focusing on the lights from the inside, let me offer you this:

Check the dashcam video from the link below. The outside lights on each side of the main door turn off and then on again. I originally thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, but after I saw yesterday’s video from Chris and know you’re focusing on the lights, I went back today to find the timestamp for this post and saw that it actually turns off and on more than once. The light switch is obviously inside the building, and most likely close to that exit.

18:11:36 - lights on - 5shot volley
18:11:38 - lights turned off - start to dim
18:11:43 - lights off
18:11:54 - lights turned on
18:11:56 - 'dont pull up your head, he’s right there - lights on
18:12:05 - lights turned off
18:12:18 - lights turned on

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I happens the entire time the 2 hour recording lasts of the dash cam. probably just faulty wiring or something that they aren’t bothered to fix.

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We do NOT know the caliber, bullet weight, or barrel length.

Best educated guesses are .223 Winchester or 5.56x45mm NATO (nearly synonymous but not exactly). Typical bullet weights, in order of common to least common, would be 55 grain, 62 grain, 77 grain, and then other oddball sizes. 18 inch barrel from pictures, maybe 20 inches. Looks too long to be 16 inches.

Does this photo show that the gun sights were off center (to the right)? Or what are the two little “feet” below the gun?

No, to my experience and knowledge none of the IR type head mounted lights are going to reflect in any way that would reveal the user, especially not a bright white light. That would obviously negate the purpose of using them in the dark to remain hidden.

In one image I can clearly see tube style florescent ceiling lights.

As to these various window lights, there’s some theories. I saw one video where a car parked in the grassy field between the AGR#6 and Trump stage turned on its headlights that appeared as a reflection in the window. Makes sense to me. Could be a different weird reflection from outside or inside the building/rooms. Could be a officer searching with a flashlight. Could be the assassin using a flashlight to escape. Could be someone using a cell phone camera that has a flashlight in the “on” position. Sun reflecting off a car window or windshield. Who knows. Could be multiple different explanations.

We do NOT know the caliber, bullet weight, or barrel length.

Typical bullet weights, in order of common to least common, would be 55 grain, 62 grain, 77 grain, and then other oddball sizes.

He’ll have to test all of them then.

18 inch barrel from pictures, maybe 20 inches. Looks too long to be 16 inches.

This cop seems to have a 16" AR-15 so if someone can use Bodycam #122110 POV from here and line it up with the POV of the rifle when he’s on the roof, maybe we can get he measurements of the barrel.

Here is one example when we see the gun from his POV, so something like this.

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Not sure about the “two little feet” and it’s not clear enough of an image to perfectly identify it. But for non-gun people I’ll try to come close to help.

(Not accusing anyone here, just an announcement to And to ANY and ALL ignorant gun grabbers who want to ban these as being “ultra dangerous,” you have no clue what you’re talking about. Had the assassin used a common deer rifle (for which there’s hundreds of millions) with a magnified scope, 1 shot would have done the job. So before you think about trying to ban these “weapons of war” nonsense term, understand and learn some things. Please. )

Rifle was reportedly a AR15 (Armalite 15, the design), made by DPMS Panther (that’s a brand). Statistically high probability chambered in .223 Rem and 5.56x45 mm (effectively the same or very similar). Very similar in performance and appearance to this one.

From left to right, buttstock, grip, trigger, magazine, upper receiver, optic, barrel.

On the top of the rifle instead of that optic, Crooks rifle appears to have had a Holoson 1x non-magnified red-dot optic capable of 2 inch groups at 100 yards, like this one.

And it appears some type of collapsible front and rear backup sights in a deployed position. Why, dunno. His Holosun might have malfunctioned.
Similar to this, either regular co-witness style

or 45 degree angled as shown.

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.223 Remington, not Winchester.

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Also on the equipment, don’t know it if was already mentioned or not, but…
12 buttons?! TWELVE?! And the manual mentions soldering even, so not exactly plug-n-play… The other versions weren’t in stock? Were all the buttons for explosives? How big? Small decoys on trees to confuse snipers or van size disasters? Or some buttons just served to emit alert beeps to a receiver elsewhere? The other versions also have the ‘1000m but could be less’ rating.

Model No.: 0021029 (CB-12)
Shell Color: Grey
Channel/Button: 12
Button Symbol: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Operating Voltage: 9V (1 x 6F22 -9V battery, can be used for 12 months)
Operating Current: 30mA
Operating Frequency: 433Mhz
Encoding Chip: PT2262 / PT2264 / SC2262
Encoding Type: Fixed code by soldering, up to 6561 codes
Transmitting Distance: 1000m / 3000ft (theoretically)
The distance of 1000m is a theoretical data, it shall be operated in an open ground, no barriers, no any interference. But in the practice, it will be hindered by trees, walls or other constructions, and will be exposed to some interference by other signals. Therefore, the actual distance may or may not reach 1000m.
If you stretches the telescopic antenna, it can have a further working range, which is twice as much as it used to be.
Modulation Mode: ASK
Operating Temperature: -20 ° C to +70 ° C
Unit Size: 135mm x 42mm x 25mm
Weight: 95g

garage doors, motorcycles, car alarm products, home security products, wireless remote control products, industrial control products.

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Hi Sgt Raven,

Always appreciate your help.

Like I said I just need an approximate estimation. Going further down the road when we get more information we can correct this value. So let me ask the question differently:

Considering the shot looks like the below picture with a length of 503 feet: Would we completely be off if we estimated the gravity drop of the bullet to be 6 Inches?

Hi BigTim,

Thank you for your answer. Yes, it makes sense. Of course, if you are sitting in the dark you don’t want to be visible by your own equipment. How about when the night vision is in the position like below picture. You can even see a small dot of light which looks like the ones in the windows? I would like to put out a hypothesis as follows: I would distinguish two different lights in the windows, one to be the night vision camera in the position like in the below picture and that one aggressive light we see (see animated gif) to be a head flashlight?

Screenshot 2024-08-04 080029



or he could just use like a $400 LPVO lol

also that is just the reflection of the sky/sun on the window come on man lol

idk how to do the fancy zoom-in thing, but open full screen here

this is just one of many examples we have from the bodycams that are in the DropBox account where that is clearly just the reflection of the sun/sky on the windows of the building, there are no flashlights lol

Dude, stop being so dismissive of everyone. That’s a south facing window, at 6 pm in the summer the sun is setting quite a bit north of west, so there’s no chance its a reflection of the sun. If you think it’s a reflection of something in the “sky,” get specific. Otherwise there’s a good chance its not a reflection at all but rather a “flash” of something from within the building.


it’s seen throughout multiple bodycams, not my fault you don’t want to look or download the HD versions lol

Of all the theories I’ve considered, I believe it’s the headlights of the car opposite the window behind the guy doing the video. In one of the videos, maybe the Stewart video, there is a car parked close and facing the AGR6 south windows that is almost surely causing these reflections with its headlights.

Alternately, it’s someone inside that room quickly shining a flashlight in the dark room.

No other theory makes sense to me, it’s moments (minutes?) after the shooting. I do not think any IR headgear is going to cause that white light reflection, I cannot come up with any reason it would. And do we even seen anyone wearing IR headgear? An assassin looking outside would definitely not be using it.

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it’s literally the sun/sky in the reflection, have none of you gone outside??? lol