So It's Back To First Principles

This is interesting. Nice work.

So why was a state officer hovering around the AGR?

I didn’t see any state police assignments posted there.

Do we know what time he showed up to the party? Did he have gear in the AGR? Where did his holster and vest come from?

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Is this the same guy with a police backpack?

State troopers accounted for 8 of the 21 LEOs who entered AGR 6 during the first 7 minutes of entry. I don’t recall the number of personnel they had at the rally, but I remember it seeming like a lot.

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That is a guy who is being detained and the officer is bent over behind him adjusting his zipties or handcuffs.

I’m not seeing it, man… plotted the elevations (green) and bullet drop for 5,56 62grains (blue) all in ft, and then angled it (in red, needs checking), but even still, if I got the elevations correctly for RS, C, T and DD, I can’t see it happening from up there, either 5.56 or a larger caliber… need sleep now.


thanks for having checked it out!

you need to consider other types of calibers and rifles than AR-15 style guns…
it is perfectly possible that the man on that higher roof was using

  • a hunting rifle, sniper rifle, automatic rifle, etc
  • with or without a suppressor
  • with subsonic or hypersonic ammunition

all these options and combinations should be considered!

could you share that spreadsheet with me?
I can easily automate the generation of spreadsheets like this for the various combinations I mentioned…

many thanks!

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Not just one – it really seems like he had a partner. I think Chris has been referring to him as Camo Shorts Guy. Camo Shorts Guy seems to have a similar badge to Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy. You can see them near each other at 18:26 in this video: Dropbox

Pretty early. At about 18:17:30 in this video, we see a guy do sort of a ninja move to open the door, and Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy is one of the people who goes in. Dropbox

It’s just odd to me that he seemed to have gear in the AGR that he put on before he left.

One, it’s weird that he’s clearly trying to hide his face.

Two, it’s weird that he seems to leave with more gear than he seemed to arrive with.

No state police were supposed to be assigned to that building per the pre-planning, so it could make sense to watch for what he is doing prior to and after the attempt.

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If he really is with state police, his beard seems against the regs. I mean, I don’t care about the rules, but does that mean he’s a special detective or something?

Beards and Mustaches: Members shall be clean shaven.
Beards and/or mustaches shall be permitted for members only
when required by duty assignment.

Blaze TV (Steve Baker) got their copy of the bodycam videos through Judicial Watch FOIA and their copy, the badge was digitally altered. I’m at the point I’m questioning anything the Government has touched.


I’m sorry I missed seeing this thread until a few hours ago. I was wondering why no one here was looking at the Copenhaver video and adjusting the viewpoint to David Dutch, or otherwise taking advantage of the two points the first bullet contacted.

Now I know there was a big thread!

Your results are pretty close to what I came up with from staring at photos and google earth, and discussions with people on other threads here. I was leaning toward the little hole to the left of the center window, but the vent to the right of the center window was a close second.

Can you show us a little more documentation on how you got to that spot on the side of the building as far as left-right position? Or maybe I just can’t figure out what you have in your illustration.

I guess the second thing would be to figure out where shots 4-8 came from, and where they ended up. I suppose it’s possible “Crooks” shot them if he had really slow ammo, with a muzzle velocity of around 2550 fps if I’m calculating it right.

I pray Mr. Trump is still alive when congress gets back in session and is able to put the various mix of traitors and fools under oath to testify. I trust a few of them, but mostly the guys on the senate side who have been digging up the dirt.

From Daniel 59: “Trump’s fresh ear injury could have been photographed. Why has no photo been released to date?”

Here you go, 19:00 minute mark:

not high enough resolution to see anything in detail, but it IS a video showing his right ear while being shot. Wait, you expected professional videographers behind the stage?

Of course. I’ll send it later tonight, it’s on my home desktop. Sorry, I should have already uploaded it, but it was late… Right now it’s one of those ‘draft’ spreadsheets we use to study a concept and build formulas before making an organized pretty version with proper labels and verified logic

Well, we are looking for a trajectory for shot #1 that hits both T and DD, yes? With those target elevations from the KML, considering DD is at a higher elevation than T, and that the bullet is coming from a downward angle, I don’t see how any projectile from any type of rifle could make such a vertical course correction and fly upwards after passing T. When you plot DD on the KML, is it the rail hit, his head, arm, feet,…?

hunting/sniper in semi-auto yes, automatic I don’t think so… and bolt action…hmm 3 shots in 1.5 sec with a bolt action? not so sure…
About subsonic or hypersonic: from that distance, I don’t believe the velocities would match the available sound.

I can run this down today. I know a PSP undercover guy.


no worries. thanks in advance!

I will copy the formulas from your spreadsheet and integrate them in my kml generator… that will be really cool :slight_smile:

I plan to add for each “shooter at Trump” to add a 3d bullet trajectory path starting from the muzzle to the point of interest and follow through to see where that bullet would end up if there was no trajectory distortion by the bullet impact.

example: an iteration of several reasonable parameters (grains, ballistic coefficient, muzzle velocity and wind speed) and plot this data starting from the muzzle to the point of interest for that trajectory (ear of Trump, corner of the bleachers, JCB hydraulic lift and the different victims and casualties).

that will learn us the angle at which Trump’s head must have been to have his ear grazed, and we can immediately exclude the shooter positions for which that angle would not match the video footage…

the shooter positions I am considering are every vent, window and door facing the rally area, the casing above the roof of building 6 and the two roofs that are to be considered…

as the stuff is generated automatically, I do not really care about how many options and combinations are tested…

also for the muzzle velocity, it can easily go from handgun speed to whatever multiple of thousands…

He just sent me his badge. I’ve altered the numbers. He also stated that PSP undercover does not carry out badges on their person, and the only undercover officers with facial hair are drug law and they wouldn’t be at a Trump rally.

PSP Badge (Small)


In another report the badge was digitally altered so we wouldn’t know who he worked for. I guess they could have photo-shopped a PSP badge in this pic, too.

Thanks very much for getting that. But I don’t feel cunning enough to know what this means. If he was undercover, he wouldn’t have a badge at all, right? For safety. If he’s not undercover, it seems odd he has a beard. He was walking around plainclothes with his partner who seems to be the same kind of cop, carrying a badge but not showing it. Why did he feel like he needed to get involved with something where there were already 10 pseudo-military guys ready to go through the door? Why did he cover his face? I just don’t get it.

Yeah, I have no idea what the guy’s doing or who he works with. I’m just reporting what my buddy said…they don’t carry badges or have facial hair unless they’re doing undercover drug-related stuff.

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