So It's Back To First Principles

I asked you before…
if you do not explicitly state what “my hypothesis” is, people speculate about what “your hypothesis” is.

so, I am asking you again: what is your hypothesis?

two weeks ago, I had “my hypothesis” and since then it has been finetuned given the additional trustworthy details that have been made available, so, even if the core of “my hypothesis” is unchanged, it is no longer something I would refer people to to go look for because it is no longer consistent with the current version…

this is why I explain it from time to time…

yes, after the rally most of the people left and the people that were inquisitive and lingered around a little were handcuffed, and even put in a police car for quite some time…

Given it is now history and clearly crime interference before the event to cremation:

  1. US & World political discourse: who is in control of what, when, where, why, how
  2. wider crowd behaviours, moving closer in: who, what, when, where, why, how of behaviours can be observed, who is observing, etc.
  3. still shots of bld 6 facing POTUS to be analysed inside and out
  4. the youth: ask the obvious BUT timeline it ON THAT Day, then go back to 3Ms, the bs re DNA processing, payments, associations, networks, possible cons/p: 1st eg: the two look alikes and ages, height, hair, source of pictures then the 6 wise men? How tall? Appearances? Why one in obs of other? Where did the obs go/was he during the firing? and after? Was the alleged agile to climb, not forgetting only ignorant would throw a rifle… I doubt that the look alike was accident, wore like but different t shirt, was seen 40+ at fair ground to be v tall, somewhat buffed in chest alone indicating special focus (not body builder etc, a wig?, meant to be seen? being led? confident, relaxed-prepared, a look alike body double, but??? photo search, plane or travel tickets: scandanavian?, etc.

5. ballistic trajectories, and evidence of clusters (you know holes) etc - interfered with? possible difference in shot-echo - could rattling of enclosed space be detected? ques re no evident shoulder recoil?
6. behaviour of LEO driving with phone on display, parking to catch evidence - was it the only car with video; following behaviour
7. the swat in bld above: and assoc behaviour to misdirect or not
8. ETC - includes site selection and prep, obvious negligence, legal, liabilities, selection, possible cloaking, possible patsy, why make self target at end when…? recruitment? likelihood that knew re poor selection of weapon? will that one be selected as a compromise re legislation? was he given a badge to play FBI: NO Ques off the table: who stands to gain? No suggestion of a Pres T set up. An ear shot not hard for snipper, but not a moving ear, he wants to live, to fight for family and country: which he unquestionably loves - his profile is a love of contact sport, therefore gets up to say fight - a word he has always used thru his whole Political history
9. Either political point of view leads to a surveillance state because it now has to deal with chaos on the streets. This projects to Perestroika doctrine, etc, and frankly unavoidable future that all we can do is know the God we pray to, and pray… Ps 96.

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Do those studies presume that a bullet passed sufficiently close to Trump’s right ear to nick it?

I am not aware of any evidence, in the first few seconds between the first shot and when Trump stood back up again, supporting that assumption.

We saw a reflex-like movement of Trump’s right hand to his right ear, and perhaps a bit of reddish tint on his fingers where they would have touched his ear.

My hypothesis is

  • Trump learned of the planned assassination operation ahead of time. Trump made a “deal” with the designated real sniper “You miss me, you live. You kill me, you die.

  • When the “real” sniper saw that the patsy (Crooks?) was almost ready to shoot, the “real” sniper first shot three shots into the upper corner of the furthest (from him) southern bleacher, carefully missing Trump, but close enough for Trump to hear and get down.

  • When Trump heard the first shot, he acted out the hand to ear motion, and perhaps put a little stage blood that was hidden behind his ear onto his fingers.

  • Trump had his closest Secret Service agent then nick his ear while Trump was on the bottom of the initial Secret Service dog pile.

Thus over two centuries of driving the most powerful American opponents of the Deep State from office, using bullets, poisons (e.g. FDR), or other felonious or fraudulent means (e.g. Nixon) was thwarted by a simple, safe and reliable “Judo” move, turning the energy of Deep State agents engaged in yet another assassination against themselves.


One specific consequence of my above observations, that is very relevant to this specific PeakProsperity thread, is that we don’t know if one of the first three bullets passed close enough to Trump’s ear to nick it.

That critical assumption of those “3 independent studies”, that a bullet nicked Trump’s ear, lacks conclusive supporting evidence.

Even if you don’t like my Trump “Judo” hypothesis, we should not be relying on a critical assumption that lacks conclusive supporting evidence. That’s not how sound investigations work.


Such a dramatic “Bigger Than Life Judo” move is exactly what one might expect of a man like Trump, who has known for a long time, from his close association with the Kennedy sons and Nixon, of the dangers a powerful opponent of the Deep State faces in the United States.

Trump is a long time fan of professional wrestling, which is rich with such staged drama. Trump has been living this role for real as a President and President candidate, and acted this role for television as the lead on the show “The Apprentice”.

Such a “Bigger Than Life” public persona is who Trump has been for a long time, and one reason that some people can’t stand him.

Trump’s inside intelligence into his Deep State opponents is clearly damn good … he’d already be a fading footnote of history otherwise. Such sting operations, run in Trump’s casinos, were part of how Rudy Giuliani became “America’s Mayor”, putting some New York City Mafia in prison.

This is how Trump works. This was a challenge he has known for a long, long time he would face.

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Years ago I red a book on JFK authored by an american lower court judge of which I thought much in these days, but I don’t remember its name nor its title.

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Here’s my first rough draft of an infographic. Please give me feedback, i.e., let me know what you’d add or remove, rephrase, etc. Thanks.


Private party transfer of a rifle between between a parent & child in PA does not require a background check and there is no long gun registry in PA.


yes, I am working on that.
I am taking ballistic trajectories including wind drift into account in my analysis

That’s a good start for sure it would be a helpful research tool given the number of different agencies involved. It could be arranged alphabetically, but the unknowns would get lost in the shuffle. Listing them alphabetically under an agency heading with serve the unknowns better I think, if you can tie them to an agency.

I have a few questions for you. You mentioned Nicols and Woods sharing the same sniper room. Have both the south windows been confirmed as being in the same room. Is the west window in that same room? If so I missed that confirmation.

jerome corsi published a book recently on this case: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear: 9798888451557: Mantik M.D., Ph.D., David W., Corsi Ph.D., Jerome R., Horne, Douglas P., Viganò, Carlo Maria: Books

he analyzes the skull x-rays and it turned out there are 3 bullet trajectories in that single skull…

the deadly shot was fired by the driver (blue arrow in the image of the front cover) which caused JFK (and his skull/brains) to fall backwards

3 different trajectories. the order is not known to me, but the driver’s shot is what killed him…

and if you watch the footage starting 20 seconds before the shot, you will see that the secret service that was surrounding the car until then, backed away to clear the target and make the assassination happen…


I would really be surprised if these studies do exist, let alone be independent…

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you’re truly a taxonomist. I have only a small critic: a wider two column format would be easier to read, to stick as a placard or to place it on a rack in the streets and directly speak with pedestrians there.


Will you be assuming that one of the first three bullets nicked Trump’s ear?

I hope not.

so this is the background of “legally sold”!

I am writing an application that iterates over the following:

  • wind speeds from 5-8 mph, cf. the flag that was almost horizontal, which means there was heavy wind
  • bullet weights from 50-180gr
  • muzzle velocities from 1600-3100 fps
  • shooting angles from 0-5 degrees
  • shooting locations from every vent, window, door and roof facing the rally area
  • targets: every victim, dead or alive, including hardware

from that data we will be able to deduce which combinations match certain criteria, e.g., the infamous 220ms at Trump’s microphone

so, that would be quite hintfull (not to use the term conclusive :wink: ) about what locations are more or less likely…

so, I do not make any assumptions and wait what the data tells us…

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A refinement to my hypothesis:

It is important to my hypothetical scenario that:

  1. media photographers on the ground right behind Trump, in front of the middle bleacher, were chased off, just before the shooting, so they couldn’t get a clean shot of Trump’s “unshot” ear, right after the first shot, and

  2. Trump was looking to his right at the big screen behind the northern bleacher when the shooting happened, so that the pre-planned apparent near miss would not actually and immediately be widely verifiable and visible (or NOT) on live broadcast video.


  1. it was communicated to a key Secret Service agent close to Trump that the patsy (Crooks?) was up on the AGR roofs moving into position, so that he could chase off those photographers, and

  2. it was communicated to Trump when the patsy (Crooks?) got on the Bldg #6 roof, so that Trump could go “off teleprompter” and switch to the immigration graphic on the screen to his right.

That both these events happened, both apparently “off script”, provides a bit more circumstantial evidence that my hypothesis has merit.

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Will you be assuming that Trump’s right ear was one of those “victims” ?

I think you are here referring to the footage where the suited SS (no german puns intended :wink: ) guy who was sitting right behind Trump stood up and started chasing away the people on the grass, right?

so far, I have seen this as an intervention from the SS to clear that area such that an emergency exit vehicle would be able to get easier access to that area, but it is indeed a remarkable thing that has happened.

let’s assume for a second that Trump got injured by a bullet grazed his ear and that caused a burn wound or a cut or something similar. given that the wind speed was above 5 mph blowing bullets away from his face, it should be noted that Trump was very lucky with such a heavy wind, as anything less would have done him in…

I didn’t hear that, but take it as a crack within the lone gunmen hypothesis and as an angle of attack to ask him about that splinter in court.

If you know Newton-Rapson iterations, it can be cyclycally extended to several variables.
The big question is, what the error squared criteria should be.