Standing Rock Protest is Powerful

Look at the pictures of the militarized response to peaceful demonstrators.  Think this is an isolated incident?  No way.  Here is the color-by-numbers;
1)  The ‘Citizens United’ decision and why it matters – Center for Public Integrity

2)  Crushing the Occupy Movement - How Wall Street Used Government Forces to Suppress Political Dissent

3)  This chart of Corp. profits going exponential presented by CHS;  Of Two Minds - What If We're in a Depression But Don't Know It?

Who's the boss?  The people?  Not any more....

4)  This chart, from the same CHS post, of worker's share of GDP… notice the trend is opposite of above;

Yes Jim H., That has been the pattern. But the harder the oligarchy clamps down on the people, the more awareness there will be of what is going on.  One aspect of this is that the oligarchy will spend more and more money hiring "goons" to do their dirty work eventually the goons will eventually side with the people, knowing they are more like us than the 0.1%.
Things can change pretty quickly.  

Most of my writing is geared toward those who still need a nudge to awaken …  the movement can still succeed.  We have to though be prepared for the Oligarchy to continue lashing out;

Not extinct yet.
But they are working on it. 

Worthy of twitter.
I shall change my opinion when Bob Mugabe sends humanitarian aid to Germany. 

Radio broadcast interview with Dr Ray Peat discussing authoritarianism and current political mindsets.

As a young exploration geologist, 2 1/2 decades ago, I worked at a gold mine that was
"carved out" of the Fort Belknap reservation in Montana.  The nick carved out of the reservation boundary fit the mine permit boundary.  That was the first time I realized "how things work".  Although the property was "purchased" from the Fort Belknap reservation in 1895, one wonders whether it was a "good faith" purchase between willing parties, or the re-write of a treaty boundary with money changing hands.  

Would I go back and re-write my own life and career?  Would I tell my 25-year old self not to work at that property?  Perhaps not.  I worked hard, learned a lot, earned money to pay off student loans, made friendships and professional connections…  

Would I tell my 50-year old self not to work at that property?  Yes, I have.  I'm not taking on any new mining clients.  I'm spending more time tending chickens, selling eggs, and building soil than practicing my (former?) profession.

Was the mine I worked at bad or good?  It's complicated.  From 1979 - 1996 this mine produced 2.5 million ounces of gold and over 20 million ounces of silver.  Some of those PMs could be in PPer's stockpiles.   The operation provided a good standard of living for over 300 employees, in a state that needs 300 acres just to feed one cow.

We cannot go back and change the past.  We can only go forward.  As I move forward today, I am standing with the Sioux people of Standing Rock.

Seems OTT for a peaceful protest…


So people think the police are militarized now?  I read in the current issue of " Flight International" that the next version of the Predator drone is being designed for, the phrase was something like, " in state operations" if I remember!
Jim H.  Thanks for that stgreport which is shocking. I see something small but hopeful in Nexus Magazine's plans to create a first alternative News Agency to rival Reuters, AP, etc. The editor says " Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, are now using their powers to …reduce our access our " controversial information".


There's not a lot of positive developments to report from the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests.  
The authorities are behaving exactly as you would expect; remorselessly, and with a heavy hand.

The media is responding with a near total blackout.

Because the hard truths are sometimes best shared with humor, I'll post this:


So Chris, you're essentially telling us that The Powers That Be (TPTB) are more concerned with extending Business As Usual (BAU) than they are with passing on an inhabitable world to future generations.
(Forget about the climate change issue, they're saying, let's keep the economy going in the short-term.)

That's what we call a BFD where I come from.

Ever think the heavy handed escalation here is conveniently timed to provide distraction from the ongoing election shenanigans?
Wonder how many of the "local" PD shown would be recognized by the locals.