Straight Talk with Catherine Austin Fitts: We Are Victims of A Financial Coup D'Etat

+100% !

 Forget envy, fear, defeatism… do what you can… bottom up!

 First improve yourself, your family, your neighbourhood… done that properly ?

 Nope me neither… let’s check back when that’s sorted mkay!



It's hard to believe that such an economically profound article followed by four pages of enlightened opinion on the subject of economic imperialism hasn't once mentioned the basic building block of the entire pyramidal structure – the corporation. Corporations come in all shapes and sizes with varying effects on the over-all system but they all have one thing in common: they're state-chartered entities with the legal attributes of a real person but the moral attributes of a financial predator.


The only incorporated entity that the people of the USA ever voted into existence was the Republic (and, of course, the several States) we know and love. Allegiance to any another incorporated entity, such as commercial ventures, political parties, special interest groups, BANKS, etc) is therefore a conflict of interest in our primary social contract – the Constitution. So, if our incorporated financial institutions fail to meet the needs of society-as-a-whole, it's because they're allegiance is not to the embodiment of our primary social contract (the Constitution), but to a second, mythical class of citizens - the stockholders. Nobody's guilty of anything in this system; we're just not sharing the same allegiances. It's the system that needs beheading.


If we can euphemistically describe the insolvency of our current economic system to “mis-allocation of resources” it's likely due to the subtle but devastating divergence of motivation and goals between real people and fictitious persons. People are OK, for the most part, as individuals; but when they form a mob – watch out ! Mobs get ugly. Corporations are OK, for the most part, as individual institutions; but when they form a mob – watch out: they'll usurp your government. Revolutions are ugly. Global banks are OK, for the most part, as bureaucracies; but when they form a mob – watch out: they'll enslave us all. That would be hopelessly ugly.


I think we're having a RICO moment in world history. In our past, when the Law had no provisions for guys like Al Capone, the solution was found in tax evasion. That might work again were it not for the cleverness of accountants nowadays, but there is another equally effective way to bring runaway corporate entities under control and that would be attacking the linchpin of corporate power -personhood.


Fictitious persons have no claim to Constitutional rights. They exist only as chartered entities and the only entity with the authority to issue charters is the government. It's a yo-de-ho relationship wherein the only party AUTHORIZED to write such charters is The Man. Us. We, the People. The electorate. No exceptions. Representatives of the peaceful sovereign peoples of the democratic states, duly anointed to preserve life, liberty, etc.


I know we've all been brainwashed , but c'mon! Fictitious persons ruling the world?! What have we become? As an Art.5 Amendment, this one issue is a no-brainer that could be ratified in record time if economists could get their heads out of “theory” and concentrate on the basics. We already see what the internet can accomplish in weeks to affect change in demographic perspectives so isn't it at least worth a try. We could at least talk about it.


28th Amendment: Any group seeking to incorporate under charter of the US Government shall first jump through the following hoops:.........


Part 2; Any foreign corporation seeking to conduct business in the USA shall jump through the following hoops:.......................................................


Problem solved?

The problem likely goes beyond the mortgage crisis, as seen in total U.S. debt:

and the components making up total money supply: (see the liquidity chart)

In short, we are looking at increasing debt among greater numbers of people who are part of or are joining the middle class purchasing more goods and services produced. Credit bubbles popping is inevitable, esp. if more move from manufacturing to finance and service industries.


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