Stunned Icelanders Struggle - A parable for Americans?


Yeah. I know some folks who over a lifetime saved and made it to 8 figures. They think the same. I’m almost through Soros book, I like the way he says that the market is wrong becuase of this. You can’t fool gravity, and once that law kicks in…man this will be UGLY.

Barrt: I shouldn’t be surprised. I was told we were going to war for WMD. When there were none it changed to we need to democroatize them. When that didn’t work it was and I suppose is now to fight terrorism. Don’t get me wrong, I support our troops, I just suspect we are there for oil and cash.

Too bad we’re not getting the oil and are just spending the cash. Ten billion per month, plus dead American soldiers and Iraqi civilians.

There’s a hot place in hell for Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.



And the ten or 12 others that wrote Clinton and got their panties in a knot when he didn’t go in. Don’t forget Paul W.

var articleheadline = "MPs seek to censor the media";

MPs seek to censor the media

security agencies and police would be given unprecedented and legally
binding powers to ban the media from reporting matters of national
security, under proposals being discussed in Whitehall.


UK's Brown: Now is the time to build global society

Sun Nov 9, 2008 7:03pm EST
LONDON (Reuters) - The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown will say in a keynote foreign policy speech on Monday.

According to a summary of the speech released by his office, Brown will set out five great challenges the world faces.

These are: terrorism and extremism and the need to reassert faith in
democracy; the global economy; climate change; conflict
and mechanisms
for rebuilding states after conflict; and meeting goals on tackling
poverty and disease.

They are meeting in DC next week…

Seems to me that more people die choking on jello then being terrorized. I’m not saying the 3000 people who perished in 9/11 were insignifigant, I’m saying statistically speaking. Faith in Democracy? Is this a democracy, they told the reporter who wrote the fired treasuries book it is an empire. Climate change is an issue I feel but I don’t think we need a new world order to fix that.

Personally, every fix they do makes sh*$ worse.




Okay, just email me when its time to get chipped…

all so insane, no wonder that whenever i try to explain any of this to friends or relatives, i dont get very far before the wry smiles and rolling eyes comes out and the subject is changed. I mean where do you start;

Me - "well, the thing is, the american politicians are paid bribes by rich men and big companies to make laws that suit them, not the people. And everyone knows about it!"

Friends and relatives - "shut up bart you’re loosing it, no way would that happen, the media would have a field day"

Me - "No they wont as the big boys own and control the media and what they tell us"

Friends - "Errrrm, ok, lets all go to the pub and look at girls"

So what chance have you got with the other 250 "way out there" subjects? - the petro dollar scam, the iminent collapse of the dollar, peak this, peak that, the States magically creating squillions out of thin air, theft by inflation, deflation, hyper inflation, the comex fraud, the Fed fraud, the new world order, the US army brought home to control the people, martial law, insolvent US govt. war with Iran, invading countries to take their resources, the baby boomer problem, the JPmorgan crimes, Bush & Ceneys crimes, Ron Pauls truths, the money masters, russo, the illegal income tax scam, the ID Chip plan, climate change, rising seas… i could go on all day

ignorance is bliss isntit? as long as the sh*t doesnt hit the fan



Fine plan to get out of city and get in contact with neighbours, intent a community for survival and do what is needed to have food, water and shelter.

Yes, it is hard to go nature and get by without lighter, rifle and backpack…but a possibility when you have to flee your home, if you have the skills and body capable, no panic and first issue to stay warm, alive. You think you can match the firepower of looting militia’s? The elite will install green zones and fortresses with food, shelter and slaves to do the dirty work…The FEMA camps already built. You will be worked to death, maybe gassed and cremated in the ovens.

The great fortune and future of America is the wild North and some places west where there is place to make a stand. A lot of people will run for the hills unprepaired and die. Staying in gohst towns with people eating people…28 days, the days are numbered…movie on anger virus set loose on people.

So why not do both? Pay taxes, rent and do your best with place you live right now, get a bit closer to nature. And prepare for leaving civilazation in a few hours when the net breaks down. If you are rural maybe stay home a bit longer and see if you can defend property and get by with what you have.

After some years quiet on the southern front and ready to make it work again, be civil and start with clean sheet.