Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere


It amazes me how the same factual event can be portrayed in polar opposite frames. I think honest people on both sides of the aisle are being lied to By the media and that We are probably less divided than we think.
I agree. And that's probably why we are being deliberately divided and lied to. Otherwise, we might notice how much we agree, get together, and put an end to the harvesting, the endless war, and the constant surveillance, and that just wouldn't do. So all the media lets us talk about is "Defund the Police" and whether or not looting and burning is considered "mostly peaceful", instead of, say, national healthcare.

Agitated, it’s you that has been whipped into a frenzy of fear and loathing. It reminds me of that piece I read in 2016, where shortly after the election, a left wing man expressed fear that the plumber he had hired would attack him physically. It was appalling. But you can’t seem to acknowledge that the ACTUAL violence is coming from the left. I’m sorry to say this but you are the fascists you fear. You are the ones shutting down any speech you find doesn’t suit you. You justify this by claiming “error has no rights”. This is a totalitarian principle. You think nothing of destroying people’s livelihoods and promise more of the same after the election. In many areas, to wear a particular red hat is to invite assault and injury. Is this the kind of society you want? If anyone is in danger of being targeted these days, it’s not the Jews. It will be those who refuse to fall in with this destructive groupthink, critical race theory, phony oppression narratives and other non-reality-based dogmas. I’m sad for my country and I dread what I see coming. But this is the time to gather and strengthen what remains, to encourage all people of goodwill of whatever race or economic background to resist these totalitarian impulses from either camp.

Author Vicky Osterwell writes a book, “In Defense of Looting” and NPR interviews her as if she has just written a trendy new cookbook.
It reminds me of Jonathan Swift’s satire, A Modest Proposal, in which he proposes preventing the children of poor people from being a burden to their parents or country and for making them beneficial to the public … by eating them!
The sad thing is Swift’s book was satire but this young woman actually believes what she has written! What I’ve noted is that when you dig into the background of most people of this ilk, one very often finds deep dysfunction. Unfortunately, this dysfunction is rarely addressed and resolved but finds expression in adulthood in perverse and/or distorted behavior. We are collectively reaping what we as a society have sown.

Adam began his post by reporting how readers are significantly concerned about social unrest breaking out in their local community. Estimating the odds requires understanding the root cause of social unrest.
The general concern has to do with unrest arising from extreme economic hardship brought about by unjust policies, e.g., government choosing to reward its cronyist patrons at the expense of unconnected citizens, or Federal Reserve policies punishing savers at the expense of debtors, or bailouts of the well-connected following massive losses of risky investments.
I’m not seeing that anywhere, and I’ve been looking for it since March.
The well-covered “protests” since George Floyd’s death have a different character. Groups like BLM and Antifa are prominent; police are often directed by politicians (mayors, governors) to not interfere or are at least restrained from shutting them down; etc.
These latter events are not random. They occur, and persist, in locations where there is some level of political support for them. The rioters moving into rural or suburban areas which do not support them are quickly challenged by local residents, or shut down by police.
Are there examples of these riots taking place in Republican-majority towns and cities, and persisting? I don’t know of any, but I welcome correction if I am wrong here.
The importance here is understanding what these current riots are and are not, and what larger meaning they have. They may be the start of a SHTF, TEOTWAWKI social collapse - or (as I see it) they are a milder social upheaval than was seen in the 60s, but deliberately co-opted by political groups for political ends, with media and government providing cover.
Understanding the difference is key to seeing what one’s personal level of risk is. If I lived near downtown Seattle, I’d be far more concerned than if I lived in, say, an upscale suburb in TX.
At least for now, I don’t see this escalating further, and I don’t see this as an immediate threat to most of the country.

Efficiency and progress is ours once more Now that we have the Neutron bomb It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done Away with excess enemy But no less value to property No sense in war but perfect sense at home The sun beams down on a brand new day No more welfare tax to pay Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light Jobless millions whisked away At last we have more room to play All systems go to kill the poor tonight Kill the Poor - by Dead Kennedys

Well Susan7, I was perfectly calm when I wrote that and most of your criticisms don’t apply to me. So let’s keep this civil, shall we? Propaganda is an emotional exercise and I simply don’t care to indulge.

I think from the comments above, many of us are seeing the same thing - neither party has escaped the depths of corruption. We really can’t again hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. When IS the last time you voted FOR someone running for national office instead of voting against the biggest jerk on the ticket.
Bret Weinstein thinks he’s going to put a shot across the bows of the corrupt washington duo-opoly. I’m not at all sure he’s not a day late and a dollar short – OK a year late and a billion $ short, but perhaps we need to look at every organized attempt to reject candidates we can’t support from obviously corrupt primary processes. I mean really, the computer system the DNC installed to record Iowa caucuses (grass roots democracy in action) just happened to not work and now the DNC says no more caucuses. Ad-nauseum.
Take a look at what they’re doing. If the fuss gets big enough and broadly based, perhaps the 60-70% of Americans that don’t agree with either extreme nutcases might have an influence on politics again. Somebody above calculated 300,000 terrorists causing the leftist anarchy and violent right isn’t any bigger. You know, we could all just say H*** NO!
A short summary of what they’re trying to do now.

An interesting discussion of why we trust some people, while we find other abrasive people not useful. This is the best place to start your thinking on the topic of civil discourse in the search for the truth. This is where they are in Aug. Here’s the Unity website.

I agree about media. I must say that I rarely read any mainstream media. Lately, I’ve been in communication with people from both sides of the divide and am trying to read whatever they present to me.

I don’t get why the democrats would tacitly support the violence. Don’t they know that the law and order backlash from it, easily exploited by the Trump campaign, is a powerful tool for the Republicans to gain in the polls?
Possible explanations:

  1. They've lost touch with reality.
  2. They can't bring themselves to come down hard on it or can't find a way to oppose the violence without losing vote.
  3. They intend to instigate a fascist coup.
  4. There's some bigger agenda than getting a democrat in the White House.
What do you think Dave?  
  1. They've lost touch with reality.
  2. They can't bring themselves to come down hard on it or can't find a way to oppose the violence without losing vote.
  3. They intend to instigate a fascist coup.
  4. There's some bigger agenda than getting a democrat in the White House.
Four out of four. Home run. Glad you get it.

I started the HCQ treatment because of sore throat I couldn’t shake and dramatic drop in my coordination which may have been attributed to COVID damaging my nerve cells that produce dopamine as related to my Parkinsons. The article you provided us discusses this:

Other scientific findings suggest the virus may disrupt the production of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.
One problem with deciding to start treatment is that by the time symptoms are severe enough to confirm COVID you may already have permanent damage. Thank you to the absolutely brilliant Dr. Mayer for being on top of the many ways COVID can accomplish infection.


  1. They've lost touch with reality.
  2. They can't bring themselves to come down hard on it or can't find a way to oppose the violence without losing vote.
  3. They intend to instigate a fascist coup.
  4. There's some bigger agenda than getting a democrat in the White House.
When the violence first started, I suspected that these violent Antifa people might just be undercover Team Red operatives, because I thought it was just that stupid of an idea for exactly the reason you mention. But - I tell you - my friends on facebook really do wink at the violence. Some initially supported it, to my shock. The unspoken conclusion is that people who support Trump and wear that Red Hat are so horrible, they deserve whatever happens to them, and Antifa is a sort of one-degree-separated karma. And as Chris points out, it just requires a single degree of separation for normal people to be ok with something happening that they wouldn't do themselves - poisoning groundwater, smashing Jewish businesses, etc. Again, my observation is that Team Blue "normals" have been deliberately whipped into a frenzy of hatred by a "Mockingbird" operation from the controlled media. If your information source is poisoned ("HCQ doesn't work - IT WILL KILL YOU"), then you don't act rationally. So #1: yes, for the normals. But why? That's the part I don't know. Some group (the leadership?) is desperate to regain power. Its as if there were a ticking clock. Maybe if Trump is in there too long, he'll find out some secret that will blow the place up, and they need him removed before he can discover it. I'm making stuff up because - while I don't have evidence for what it might be, the sense of urgency is palpable. Someone needs Trump gone now. They just can't wait 4 years. They've bent the entire media to that end. Fair and balanced is just gone. Fox is still annoying, but in just four years, CNN has become unwatchable. Was there this level of urgency with Reagan? No. Clinton? A little bit. The horrible Bush II (and the actual president, Cheney)? No. But Trump is allegedly just that awful. Watching him govern, and having studied both history and political science, I really don't see any reason for the urgency. His nuttier things are corralled by the courts, and some of his stuff is actually pretty reasonable. Watching him in office, it appears as though our system of government, with its checks and balances, really does seem to work. So I don't get the urgency. He's certainly no worse than Bush II - arguably better, actually. He didn't destroy any new countries - contrast vs Obama, whom I voted for - and who destroyed three, who got that peace prize for not-being-Bush II, and let every banker go free. So there is something seriously afoot re 4), but I can't tell you what it is, or why. So that's 1) yes, normals have been brainwashed by the CNN/mockingbird op, and 2) leadership appears to be desperate, and is facing a ticking clock of some sort, so they feel they have no choice, and 3) HRC: "don't concede", and my guess is, Antifa/BLM will go nuts on Nov 4th if Biden doesn't win outright, and 4) most definitely, yes. The big mystery is the ticking clock. Someone appears to be under some serious time pressure. What the pressure is, I can't say. But there is a ticking clock at work here. If Trump isn't escorted out of the Oval soon, "something" will come to an end, so leadership in my old party is now acting irrationally. One possible example: Fauci is an operative, been in place for decades, and he is working overtime making sure we have no "standard of care" that really works for our current virus. I can't say why he is doing this. But that's what is happening. Until very recently, I didn't realize how badly he behaved during the AIDS crisis in the 80s. He's been an evil operator for a very long time. To my shame, I didn't notice, because it wasn't affecting me. How many other treatments has he torpedoed that we don't know about? HCQ, perhaps artemisia, and maybe ivermectin could be generic anti-viral medications. Clioquinol + zinc might just be a universal cancer treatment. Yet no studies get funded. Why do we think that is? In early 2000s, there were more-than-hints that HCQ could be an HIV medication. It worked in vitro, as it did with SC2. So - any Fauci-funded studies on that? I encourage you to go and look. There was a Gates-funded study too, on CQ with HIV, in Africa. Go look and see how that one went - although that one is a bit harder to find - Gates removed his name from it ex post facto. There are a lot of bodies that have been buried over the years. Fauci is very charming - and an example of Team Blue leadership that just needs to be swapped out for someone less sociopathic. I expect Trump will do just that, if re-elected. Perhaps this prospect, among others, is the reason for the urgency.

I think it could be as easy as: the international statist-leaning cabal of governors - that crowd who believe the underlying theme of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and who meet regularly in Davos to advance it, and who think expert leaders both can run the world better than us ragamuffins who think we should vote on everything affecting our lives, and who think they must run the world better, at a lower standard of living for the hoi polloi, because resources are running out - want to reset the global economy.
This pandemic (whether intentional or not is functionally irrelevant) is, for that crowd, the perfect opportunity that must not be wasted, as WEF founder Klaus has said (see link, and rummage around the site a bit). HRC was already bought and would have cooperated. Trump - clearly to all of us, of whatever political persuasion - doesn’t cooperate; it’s not in his genes and he can’t be bullied, blackmailed, or bought. But as US president he is the one force, really the one man, capable of frustrating the opportunity.
We know he is perfectly willing to stand against the world’s current level of good order; he is surely prepared to frustrate plans for advanced harmonization of world governments and economies for the good of the planet…and of those who want to manage both. Get rid of Trump and the opportunity can be realized - next year’s economic reset would then face no effective opposition. So: all stops out; multi-pronged attack engaged.
It could be that simple.

New gun buyers? Gee wonder who would be buying guns for the first time. History tells us that we should fear the Left. They were the power behind the French Revolution. When they got done with the aristocracy they went at each other. They are slow to rouse, and hell to stop. The protesters in Kenosha would have killed boy Hitler, if hadn’t fired his weapon into a crowd. The police should have disarmed him for his own safety. Self Defense, get it? Here’s your voting choices. Vote Biden and he will paper over all the problems, (circa 2008) including wealth disparity, and corporate control of all aspects of your life, like vaccinations. Status quo. Or you can vote Trump and support the revolution. Trump is a fat lazy foul mouth who can’t hit a golf ball without falling over. It’s a tough choice. No winners. Take care of your own neighborhood, and turn the other cheek, and you will do fine.

I’m not Dave, but let me briefly respond:
“I don’t get why the democrats would tacitly support the violence.”
The fifth option of your possibilities, is that they don’t. Biden/Harris and as far as I’ve seen, the entire Democrat establishment, is vociferously and repeatedly objecting to the violence and urging protesters to rid them from their ranks (to the extent they exist at all in those ranks). I don’t understand why commenters here think otherwise. Perhaps if those commenters paid a little attention to the msm, they would know better.
Another point, as I have pointed out repeatedly in this forum, there is no organization called Antifa. There are no incorporation papers, no command structure, no board meetings, none of the trappings of a real organization. Antifa is an abbreviation for anti-fascist. So, apparently anyone who shares that belief can be thought of as member in good standing. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t share that particular belief.
A third point. I’ve found it curious how little notice has been paid to Trump’s rhetoric. He and his band of warriors, many of whom share his last name, have been loudly proclaiming that the kind of violence we are seeing today will be seen in a Biden administration. They apparently don’t see the irony in the fact that it is already being seen in the Trump administration. A little hard to blame that on Biden as he hasn’t been employed by the government for four years.

The fifth option of your possibilities, is that they don't.
Well this is what I've been waiting for - it is as close to an official denial as we are likely to get. Doug, the representative of the Team Blue inner circle here at PP, has spoken.
Another point, as I have pointed out repeatedly in this forum, there is no organization called Antifa.
Antifa doesn't exist? Those people dressed in black, beating people up? They don't exist? Whoa. I am just so confused. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories.

You know what comes next.
“Normalcy only returns when we have largely vaccinated the entire global population.”
Sounds like a pretty good profit opportunity for someone who develops a vaccine. Or two. 7.5 billion customers. And you’ll need one every year. Maybe even two per year. And they won’t provide immunity, either. They’ll just reduce symptoms. And they largely won’t work for fat people, or old people. So we are told by the Assistant to Mr Vaccine, Anthony Fauci.
When you watch this video, how do you feel?

I’ve been looking for the incorporation papers for the KKK, SDS and the Black Panthers.

Your Prof. Richard Wolff’s video. Wow, that was really good. I’m going to see what else he’s posted.
I’m still reading through all the comments here. But as we watch the fracturing of this country it seems we have a number of distinct paths forming before us.
Did anyone else here watch this video?
It came out on Zerohedge last week. I have watched it twice now. It seems very well put together with an analyst backed by data and scientific methodology. This is kinda scary stuff that’s happening.