Tensions Between US/NATO & Russia Are Flaring Dangerously

You said,

The same crowd here at PP who has spent a lot of time decrying Israel & the Jews has shown a remarkable tolerance, sometimes even affinity, for Putin.  Why do you think that is?
Ummm.. because Putin has not captured the machinery of my government and Corp. mass media, and the Zionist/Neocon arm of Israel has?  Could it be that?  Possibly?    

And, BTW… I don't, "decry" Israel or Jews in general… and I don't think anyone else from the, "crowd" here at PP.com does either.  Those are your words, meant to create the impression of something that isn't.   

as far as I am aware there is no evidence that Putin was involved in the take down of the twin towers. Putin or Russians do not own the vast majority of the us media. I think the fact that Israel has footprints all over this justifies Americans' inquiring minds. It took me a long time to be able to begin looking at the Israeli connections without the anti-Semitic stigma.

For $2.99, anyone can download the Kindle version of "Understanding Jewish Influence" and spend a few hours perusing the small book.  (Down load the free Kindle reader for you computer if you don't have one.)

Only 0.5% of the world population is Jewish and only 3% of the US.  Yet this group holds 40% of the Forbes Fortune 400 list and is far disproportionately represented in banking, science, politics, university affiliation and media.

The explanation that this is coincidental (they "just happen to be Jewish") seems far fetched to me.

It is OK to want to understand the dynamics of this remarkable group.

God (He exists) through His sovereign will and plan has chosen this group of people.  They have been blessed more than any other people and in response they have rebelled against Him.  He describes the situation in Deuteronomy.

“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; but because the Lord loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; 10 and He repays those who hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack with him who hates Him; He will repay him to his face. 11 Therefore you shall keep the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which I command you today, to observe them.


I’ve been talking with some about a superstitious factoring of sevens into the reporting of events.
But there’s an even wilder coincidence, if you will, relating to Leviticus 26.
Basically, from the time of the fall of Jerusalem to the reestablishment of Israel as a kingdom by international acclaim in May 1948, is the length of time proclaimed in Leviticus 26.
It took a heretic Jehovah’s Witness to notice this, and you may think what you will about it. But if this IS true, then … messing with Israel, you mess with their Dad.


Hi Mark,

Yes, I agree that it's totally legit. to look at the trail of evidence of 9/11.  My point there was that Israel is not the only country that violates human rights in a big way and was in specific response to the videos about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.  China, Russia, and the US all do so as well, in different ways.  It also seems fair to ask why the focus here on the Deep State 9/11 for the last six months or so trail has been almost solely on Israel and the Jewish people, and not on other aspects of the American Deep State.  

Also, while it it true that 9/11 was a harm against American, and Chechnya was not, if we at PP care about human rights in general, then it's pretty surprising that many of the same people who are currently focused on the Jews and/or Israel have been so quick to overlook Putin's war crimes and be supportive of the Russian state's position.

My view is that any government, once it becomes big enough, abuses its power and that currently we have a lot of governments that are bad actors in the world.  The best response to this, in my view, is to focus on the three E's and resilient responses, because if you try to identify which government is causing the worst problem here or there, you're going to be very very busy and distracted from what matters.

I have yet to hear anyone name a work on the Deep State that doesn't blame Israel and the Jews, yet they are out there.  I am not sure of the reason why no one is interested in looking at these other theories, readily available.  Like I said earlier, it seems to me that a group of people decided to go down the Rabbit Hole, but then fixated at only one door in the Hall of Doors, when there are many others.  It is worth contemplating why this is.

Finally, Israel does not control the US media.  There are certainly a disproportionate number of Jews in the American news media, but when you say "vast majority" what do you mean? 55%?  80%  95%  I have yet to see data on this.  

Assuming that they all work together to forward the same agenda, or that Israel controls the US media because there are a lot of American Jews there, seems to me to be an example of assuming that almost Jews do the same thing and that they are all working for the Israelis government.  If you're going to make that claim, then it would be good to supply some evidence, as assuming that a certain group of people almost all act the same way seems to me to be bigotry.

The current conception here of the 9/11 attacks and the Deep State has become very narrowly focused.  It would be great to see the crowd that casts blame for this on the Jews, the Zionists, Israel, or the Neocons - and all of these groups have been blamed in different ways in different posts - to at least acknowledge that there are other aspects to the Deep State, and maybe even to contemplate their role.  Again, it would be instructional to understand why this hasn't happened yet.



Hi SP,

OK, so, first, you admit that you are making generalizations about Jews as a whole, not just red and blue meme Jews. 

Second, you haven't explained why you trust MacDonald to make the qualitative judgment calls that he makes in Understanding Jewish Influence, when he is has openly advocated for white supremacy in a number of ways.

And I read the book, just as I read Guyenot's book that you cited.



duplicate post

I'm a little slow, but I finally figured it out.

The neocons don't have a central motivating myth about the one-world rule from Jerusalem.

Instead, it is YOU that have this myth.  This is YOUR central motivating myth, your lens through which you view the world, and this myth of yours is shared by others here, as well as (now I'm guessing) the writers that you rely upon for your information.  You project this myth of yours onto your target group, and all facts and events in the world are filtered through the myth of yours.

I'm happy to discuss the outsized influence of the neocons on US foreign policy and whether or not this is something we would like to continue.  There is good solid evidence for the strength of this influence (they clearly write policy docs for Sec State!), and the path they seem to be taking us down does not appear to be one with a happy ending - not for us, and not for Israel too.  It appears to be a stupid, short-sighted policy with no winners, and a lot of losers.

As for your your larger conspiracy ("they" want to rule us all from Jerusalem), I find this to be an evidence-free claim - it is just your own myth, no more and no less.

Saying "some Jews have a lot of money" is not evidence that "Jews want to rule us all from Jerusalem."  It does prove that some Jews are rich, and if you link donations they make to particular politicians, then that makes a good case that these rich people have influence over policy - and likely that's the source of neocon influence.

That still doesn't prove that "they" want to rule us all from Jerusalem.

Are there more rich Jews than rich other-people?  I don't know, I haven't looked into it.  Let's assume it is true - it STILL doesn't prove that "they" want to rule us all from Jerusalem.

In short, if we stick to the subject of neocons and their effect on US policy, you'll have my attention.  If you wander off into the various myths you have about one-world governments, Jews, and Jerusalem, you'll lose me.

Why if what is happening is much simpler than the idea that Jews wants a world government from Jerusalem? if that was the case, I agree with Dave that this goal would be written on every wall AND at the same time the Jews would be the target of every non-jew on this planet. Given their very little number, I won't bet a penny on their success… whatever armed they are. People die for their religion or against the other.
What makes sense to me is the combination of several things that combines to give the situation where we are. 

  1. The pie is shrinking. So, the different groups that used to take their part, are now not only fighting to keep it, but also doing all what they could to kick-out their opponents. By groups i mean the usual powers behind curtains that vacuum financial wealth.

  2. These same financial powers, wants control of the entire planet (if fact, the resources, and the money), but they want to stay in their secretive shadow. They will continue to use governments as proxies. When things get sour then the "guilty" government is wiped out and replaced by a fresh scapegoat and the cycle repeats.

  3. WW2 was a real trauma for the Jews. They decided that they won't be caught a second time at any cost. The Rothschild family helped a lot in the creation of Israel by taking advantage of the sentiment of guilt that was prevalent after WW2. The issue with Israel is that this is a war government. For half the world this is Israel's fault, and for the other half this is arab's fault. And because religions are implicated, the fighting sides won't back-up. Things will stop once one of the sides is annihilated.

4)-a) The church did not promote the idea to be rich. People were in general kept poor and the wealth was reserved for a very tiny elite (kings, church, mainly).

4)-b) The Islam religion do not promote interests (lending).

4)-a) and 4)-b) excluded for a very long time Christians and Muslims from the finance world. We know that Jews were the bankers of Christians and Muslims since the middle age. If we see that Jews are disproportionately represented in the financial world today, this could be because they were given this niche market for a very long time. Can we blame them for that?

  1. If some neocons names sound jewish, not all of them are. May be their raison d'etre is to control world resources and as a consequence the money and have power. 

  2. Putin is a serious roadblock straight in the path of the ones that wants the resources for them. He is then a target.

I am sure I am missing a bunch of dots, but these few points tells me that we are in the middle of a multiplayer game for money. I think Jerusalem is not important to them (or not as much as we want to think). May be nothing more than a distraction to help miss the real issues?  Who knows?


Rejecting the Three Semitic Death Cults implies neither hatred nor Atheism.
Death Cults? Christianity was offered to us on the end of a sword by Charlemagne. He forcefully baptised 1000 Saxons 1200  years ago. And then slaughtered them all while they stood naked in the river. The Viking raids were pre-emptive strikes against Charlemagne's obvious insanity.

It was during your watch that the Great War happened. The religion of peace stood by and did Nothing. You have consistently done nothing throughout your hold on my people. Your religion has consistently offered peace and delivered war. 

The time for excuses is over.

It is time to return to the faith of our forefathers, Asatru. Asatru does not Command, it advises. Asatru served us well for 40 000 years. Conflict was in the main, confined to prescribed bloody family feuds, thus releasing tension within the tribe and eliminating the unfit. 

Christianity has failed to preserve the foundation stone of my people,  the sacred family unit. 

And now one Semitic cult is pitting the other two against each other on my sacred land? Using my people as pawns and cannon fodder?

I urge all with ears to hear, consider the ways of your ancestors. You have a lot to re-learn.

I haven't run the numbers on the dates to confirm, so I don't know if what's claimed here is true.  I can (with confidence) say that I wouldn't be surprised.  Truth has a way of self-validating.  One day everyone will be in full agreement as to the facts.  Just wait.

The outright willful blindness of a few here at PP (always the same people), replicates what the masses of western citizens are thinking/doing on a daily basis.  Because of this "Willful Blindness", the Zionists control/grip tightens by the day.  Wake up.
On another note, for anyone that's ever traveled to Russia, or other former communist states, and had discussions with the citizens of them…the idea that the Zionist Israeli Faction is in control of the Western Governments, Media, Financial sector, etc…is not just an "Idea", but the TRUTH to them.  Why is it so easy for them to understand reality, but for 99% of the Western Citizens to not?..

Leading only to the open question of WHO are the people who are so continually willfully blind.
I’d argue that it is definitely the “THEM” group, and not the “US” group.
Fortunately, I have a sense of humor to deal with the vagaries of this universe.


 Why is it so easy for them to understand reality, but for 99% of the Western Citizens to not?..

[/quote]Edward Louis James Bernays and his ilk have succeeded for several generations in spoon feeding the masses their ideas and ieals.

  • Shame.
  • Guilt.
  • Stigma.

Hi Time 2 Help,

There's nothing that I would love more than to establish better practices of communication and moderation here at PP.  It would be good community building practice, and I am more than willing to recognize my own errors and move forward with others willing to do the same and evolve together towards a higher level of interactions, based on open-mindedness, humility, mutual respect, accountability, evenly-applied standards, and a willingness to admit error.

I don't say that in any sort of confrontational way.  It's really what I would love to see and I am more than willing to compromise and to take the time and effort to do that.



You are the most profoundly passive-aggressive being I have ever encountered.

I've been very direct from the beginning here, T2H.  I've said clearly what problems I have had with your posts and others.  There's nothing passive about it.  
However, I am always open to reconciliation and compromise.  Anyone frustrated about the global political order should be able to find common grown and move forward with other limits to growthers, T2H.  It really isn't that hard.

I don't define you by your comments, even though sometimes, like today, your attacks make it tempting to write you off.  But that's not how I work.  I see each person as having potential for evolution and growth.

That's real and it's direct.


My statement was not intended as an attack, but rather as an observation.