Tensions Between US/NATO & Russia Are Flaring Dangerously

So, The deep state wins again. Hillary or Trump, we get war.

yes it is surprising and disappointing how quickly trump went from “useful idiot” of russia, to going to war with them.
syria is all about the gas, but not the chemical gas weapons that the MSM wants you to believe the story is about.
if usa can take syria, maybe the petrodollar lives a little longer.

Did Russia shoot down any of our cruise missiles? If not, why not? And what does that mean?
I had been hoping we’d take a couple of days to at least verify what happened and who did the chemical attack. So now we’re fighting on ISIS’s side?!
Oh well, at least we now have a suitable distraction from Trump’s faltering domestic agenda.
Rah, rah, rah! USA! USA! USA!