The art of deception: Hank Paulson speaks

gregroberts don’t tell damthematrix of he will probably get quite excited. Thats at least three references to the Matrix now and they are only the ones I’ve seen.

I describe the phenomonen in your link as faxsimarlies (spelling ?) of reality. Like what I am doing now "speaking to you". We are continually accepting less and less quality faxs as maps or versions of reality. Almost all adds now use computer generated graphics and the plethora of cartoon programmes both demonstrate this phenomena.

In my opinion we can only arrest this trend by reclaiming our attention and bringing it to bear on our own immediate environment and that seems very unlikely to happen unless forced by such attention grabbing circumstances as electronic money stopping, carbon extraction stopping, weather bombs, lack of shelter (cold) or hunger.


faxsimarlies is actually spelled facsimiles. It is in fact where the word fax came from.

Not having a go at anyone in particular, because it is in fact widespread, but I find the standard of spelling on American sites considerably lower than that on Australian ones, and I find this most puzzling as I always thought American education standards were among the highest in the world… maybe you don’t edit before sending, I don’t know.

I have noticed the many references to the Matrix on this site. It is possibly because the Matrix is such an excellent analogy for ‘the system’. I will never forget the excitement I felt when, at the cinema, the movie’s heroes pass through the wobbly air screen special effects creators are so good at, into the streets of Sydney (where the Matrix was shot)… it became so obvious to me then, all the people walking around, seemingly aimlessly, carrying laptop cases, shopping bags, going about their every day chores in oblivion of what was going on around them… It hit me like a lightining bolt! We ARE in the Matrix.

Re " how about some constructive suggestions on what they should do?"

The problems are so HUGE (like the $648 T derivatives) that I don’t think anyone has any idea of what to do next.

The only solution, to stop EVERYTHING we are doing, is so left field, so against everything TPTB believe in, that they cannot even think about it. To them it would be even worse than finding out there was no God…

Oh and Hank? He should be sent to jail… with Bernanke, Paulson, and Greenspan. Oh and Bush, our ex Prime-Miniscule little Johnny Howard, Rumsfeld, Cheney… gosh the list is sooooo long!


Thanks for that link: I no longer feel bad about throwing vegetables at my television whenever Paulson comes on…

Have you seen the latest bumper sticker?

"Save America, Kill a Lobbyist!"


ummm ok so if the problems are so HUGE that no one has any idea of what to do next then how can we criticize those who are trying to solve the problems. Wrong or right… they are trying. For those fancy pants out there who think they’re so smart, come up with solutions and suggest it to the powers that be. If your only solution is to stop everything then think of your neighbour, your kids, your neighbour’s kids and tell them, to their eyes that they might as well shoot themselves because they have no future. It’s not a solution.


i dont think china would be a big supporter of a jubilee. they would see no jubilation in us saying "ah so sorry we start new game now."

i for one since i live here where "their" assets are to be liquidated would be even less happy.

as chris points out the other option to default is inflate and payoff with seriously devalued currency. china would not be happy with that but might make do with concessions

the scenario i see in this marble game is china will be behind the scenes as usual calling the shots. we will be providing them with more of our technology probably more of our food. we will not compete with them for oil or other strategic minerals.

we will eventually be told by them when and where to deploy our military. we will probably be their blackwater. this will all be done very discretely. there will be a quiet transfer of taiwan. then the rest of asia (excluding india for now)then south to the land of oz. i think you do have a nice highway running from north to south to speed the china express. seato will by this time be dismantled.

in return they will give us our allowance of marbles so we can continue to play.

but hey i am no gerald celente

Hi Mike

I’m actually across the ditch from you (Kiwi not American) but was schooled in Aus. I believe in meaning is use. So if you understand me thats all thats needed for me. I know my spelling in atroshus.

I guess you have read posted by Greg Roberts.

I read it for the first time today and although I dissagree with his heavy use of imprecise terms (with which I have trouble) a lot of it makes sense. If you accept his argument then getting any leader to do something different is not going to make one bit of difference.

The only constructive suggestion I can make is that we form small groups with our neighbours (where we can) and work only with concensus - but I don’t think most people are ready for that yet; we need a more tangible crisis before that can happen. Most seem too bound to the leader paradigm. If the only fix is a big fix then theres no fix.


Good point Brian,

The different tools that I’ve identified so far are things like: small diversified sustainable farming, biodiesel projects, complementary currencies, renewable energy, retrofitting existing houses for energy efficiency… All of these things can be achieved at the grassroots level but they do take time, research, and experience. It would be great if the people that are so good at making money could divert their skills into these areas and take society in the direction it needs to go for our long-term health and happiness but also the direction that is vitally needed now through the transition.

All the best,



by Rusty

I have had it!! Done!! Finished!! Over!!

What does it take for a species, such as ours, with all our newest technological advances in science, medicine, astronomy and humanity, to finally come full circle and realize we are never going to progress any further than we are right now, unless we come to grips with the one and only “standard” that holds its’ own thru every single civilization that has ever lived on this planet?

Why is it so hard for this wonderful species of ours to just take a deep breath and say, “Enough is Enough”, and succumb to the “one and only axiom” that has held sway from the very beginning?

How can we continue to watch, in horror, lives snuffed out in front of our eyes for unknown transgressions and how is it even possible that we can look, unconscionably, upon the daily killing of 1000’s of lives that crossed an “imaginary” boundary that was laid down in the sand by unknowing, unfeeling, unintelligent beings that have only ONE agenda in mind?

Where are all those “tuff patriots”, that so endlessly spit out their meaningless diatribe on endless forums, telling us all how, “I think…” and “I would do…”, and acting as if they actually KNOW something about fighting for their freedom from an aspect other than their keyboard or game controller?

When do the ‘REAL AMERICANS’ stand up and say, “This is NOT what I put my life on the line for and THIS is NOT what I worked so hard for all my life, dammit! I will NOT let a bunch of impromptu politicians walk in and take away my very existence. Regardless of what everyone thinks, this is NOT a DEMOCRACY and I will not stand by and let the democratic majority take away my rights! I will do my “CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY” and my DUTY, not JOB, but DUTY, and I will stand up and OVERTHROW this government that has gotten out of control and is only in office for the single purpose of self preservation and personal profit”!

How can a man of widely unknown origins circumvent the system and end up running for President of the U.S., without having to answer to ANY of the many requests for his live birth records, college records, etc., while at the same time, I will go to jail, for 8 hours in my county, if I cannot provide proof of a drivers license “on my person”?. How is it this man is so well versed when on a teleprompter and can’t hold a tune with answering unrehearsed questions? Exactly, when did the United States let people “just running for office” go over to other countries (Israel) and dictate foreign policy? Since when, did a man that has not even made it through the Electoral College process, start dictating Executive Orders and picking his cabinet members?

I keep hearing the words “Unprecedented Times” over and over as people talk about today’s lifestyle and the “changes” this new President is going to bring. Well, I have news for all you folks that have not done your homework or have not read any news other than Yahoo and MSNBC.

YOU are about to experience the biggest change you have ever seen in your life.

I don’t care if you lived thru Katrina AND a tsunami AND a tornado. You are going to be so overwhelmed in 1 year you won’t even know what hit you. You don’t chop down a huge tree with one big chop. You cut it down with a bunch of little cuts. Most people cannot see the “little cuts” that have been occurring over the last 10-15 years. They were all so gradual that we never felt their effects until now. They are now culminating at such an exponential pace that it’s almost frightening. We are literally going to go to bed on a Friday night feeling a little trepidation and wake up on Monday morn saying, “WTF just happened”? It will be THAT quick.

It is wild to think that only a mere 15 years ago, the stock market started rising at such an incredible pace that you were a fool NOT to get into it. Every Monday morning, someone else was introduced that would tell us how “this market is different”. They would be an “expert” by that Friday, because the market went up just like they said. To make it look and sound good, they would throw in numbers and P/E ratios and a pretty chart of the projections that their “supersoftware” had made for them. Ahhhh, the days of trading AMZN and YHOO options everyday. Sometimes making 30k before 10:30 and celebrating at the golf course with martinis by 11:30. If a stock DIDN’T split every couple of months, something was wrong. It was considered a laggard!! Imagine telling someone back then that we would be seeing the banks getting bailed out and they would have had you committed! Everyone was a lush with their $20.00 cigars and their pearl inlaid cigar cutters and their $200.00 bottles of Pinot Noir at dinner.

Cars couldn’t get big enough to haul all our “stuff” around in. But then came a threat that was laughed at by some and dreaded by others. The threat of Y2K. What a wonderful time to be alive. The speculation that went on for that New Years’ was just shy of “Unprecedented”. Most of us remember where we were on that New Years’ cause we thought it might be our last.

We had just gotten over the hangover of that event, when all of a sudden…BAAAMMMM!..We have the WTC’s fiasco. I call this a fiasco because we have come to realize that it “most likely” wasn’t perpetrated by a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan. I think it is safe to say that 911 was easily the “beginning of the end”.

Now here we are on the cusp of the most volatile time in our countrys’ history and we can’t, or won’t, face the inevitable facts before us. Somehow though, this we must do. We have no other choice. We can bury our heads in the sand and pretend that there is nothing wrong, or we can stand up as one nation and say, “I want to hear the truth. I want to LIVE the TRUTH”!!!

Why is it so hard for us to just present the truth? Mr. Obama…excuse me…Barrack, or Barry or whatever name you go by, We the people have the right for you to answer our questions “truthfully” and in full. For you to hide behind injunctions and delay tactics is probably a very noble thing to do in the corporate/legal/political world that YOU live in, but, guess what, THAT is NOT the world that the majority of people in the U.S.A. live in. Most of us don’t make it a common occurrence to lie and cover up everything we do. Some decent Americans are still of the belief that it is WRONG to lie about taxes and marriages and affairs and even their upbringing. We all know the values that you talked about on the campaign trail and we have already seen that those are NOT, in fact, what you are doing as of yet.

I approached a friend of mine and said, “We need to do something to help set this country back on the straight and narrow. Something that will get not only Washington’s attention, but something that will make every politician in the land remember that THEY work for US”.

We batted the idea around for awhile and came up with this. We call it “One Shot”. The name has a lot of different connotations involved but we will get to that later. On a particular date, at a particular time, an unknown number of law abiding citizens (500k plus) are going to show up in Washington, D.C. with our “legal” weapons, legal handguns, BB guns, Pellet Rifles and slingshots with metal pellets, and we are going to all get hotel/motel rooms within a 1 mile radius of the Whitehouse. At the predesignated time, we are all gonna take our weapons and aim them in the general vicinity of the Whitehouse and when the clock strikes, you are going to hear “The shot heard round the world”. Now I’m not sure where all that lead is going to come down, but I’m sure Dick Cheney could fill you in on that one since you don’t seem to like, or know much about weapons. Oopps!!! I almost forgot. Dick’s not too good with a weapon either.

Did you ever see those propaganda videos,that your cronies in Washington put out,showing Saddam Hussein shooting a pistol or machine gun into the air? How many people do you think he may have hurt because of his stupidity? Think about it.

After a couple of beers, my buddy said that my plan would never work. I asked him why he felt that way and he said the way America is these days, the idiots would close the whole city down for 2 weeks if they thought we were on the way! I have to wonder though, about the resolve of the REAL American in this scenario. I think they would actually show up in bigger numbers with bigger bullets. I heard Joe Biden adamantly saying there was going to be an “EVENT” on Jan. 20 or 21 that was going to test the resolve of Mr. Obamamama. I wonder if it involves slingshots?

Because of you and the forces that have manipulated the road that you came in on, it is not too hard to imagine that your name is going to go down in the history books in one way or another.

I, for one, think that it may not be the legacy that you would have preferred though. You are definitely going to be remembered and it will not be anything racial or hateful, but…

I am of the feeling, no, feeling is not a strong enough word…”premonition”…that sounds good…that the Holiday season of the end of 2008 will forever go down in history as…

“BLACK CHRISTMAS”. In 50 years they will still talk about it just like the “CRASH of 29" and all the other historical events. And YOU will be able to take all the credit for it.

Make us proud Barry!
International Forecaster November 2008 (#6) - Gold, Silver, Economy + More By: Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster

20 November 2008 Source:

The following are some snippets from the most recent issue of the International Forecaster. For the full 32 page issue, please see subscription information below.


What you are now witnessing is the slow motion destruction of the CRIMEX, formerly known as the COMEX, a commodities futures market which is supposed to provide a means for producers to hedge their products, but which has morphed into a rigged casino where commodities that don't exist are traded as if they did for prices that exist only in the fairytales woven by the Illuminati, who control the exchange. This destruction is what happens when the credibility and integrity of the market owners and managers of the CRIMEX, together with the credibility and integrity of the market regulators, the CFTC, move from near zero to negative infinity.


[quote=Xflies]ummm ok so if the problems are so HUGE that no one has any idea of what to do next then how can we criticize those who are trying to solve the problems. Wrong or right… they are trying. For those fancy pants out there who think they’re so smart, come up with solutions and suggest it to the powers that be. If your only solution is to stop everything then think of your neighbour, your kids, your neighbour’s kids and tell them, to their eyes that they might as well shoot themselves because they have no future. It’s not a solution.

Stopping everything does NOT mean having no future…

We all have a future, it’s WHAT we do with it that matters. Sure lots of people will suicide, that is a given, but they are not the people we want left over to crawl out of the other side of this mess. I’m sure not ready to shoot myself… I want to see how this all pans out if nothing else! Don’t they say curiosity killed the cat…? Cool

I’ve given this a lot of thought. The Matrix is STUFFED. Agree? So why try to fix it?

The problem is DEBT. Agree? So let’s get rid of debt.

Pick a date, and stop all payments on your debts. Get all your friends to do it too, and their friends and… In no time, the Matrix would be on its knees. WHY should we put up with this shit? TPTB caused it to happen, they can pay the price… my heart bleeds for them

Then we can take over. I reckon there are enough smaty people on this site who’d be able to take control. Chris for President!!

No… but thanks, that was excellent!

"The plot of the movie is a very complex story of the future. Somewhere during the 21st Century the human mentality was merged with a giant computer/machine complex for service to mankind. People were to live in the real world commanding the abilities of the computer/machine complex. But the resultant system took on human characteristics, and came to think like humans, with eventual independent thought and exclusive concern for its own growth and survival. It took over the human race instead of serving it."

And there you have it, in a nutshell..... the economy has taken over society. We no longer live in a society, we exist in an economy. Well f$%^ the economy I say....

It's time to bring the Matrix to its knees.