The Big Takeover - Looting Continued, Part CXLIVXX


You took the words right out of my mouth! I’m still in shock!

A few comments.

Psychologically it seems we’re experiencing more of a depression than a recession. It’s the pervasive media and internet coverage spreading the doom and gloom - foreclosure dogs for God’s sake was on the news this evening. Yet I naively thought that the government throwing money at the recession could bring about an improvement in the short term for a little while. But if all this money is being spent to make sure wealthy people stay weatlhy then things are going to stay bad.

I don’t know if there is anything like an imminent TSHTF but historians may well look back at the events over the past 6 months and say that is when TS began HTF.

All this money owed is a loss of political power because creditors can make demands that the military cannot stop. The US is not going to be a major world power.

Of course there can’t be a separation between money and Government – the Government prints the money – but I’m also convinced that the it is not right that the Fed is not accountable to Congress. This must be fixed.



Thanks Pinecarr

Before church separated from state the church controlled the state. This is the same with banks now controlling the state. It is the direction of control and the separation of the institutions that is important. Money does not necessitate banks and certainly not Credit Default Swaps and other instruments of greed. Money could be tied to a gold standard and not controlled to government. A good part of how banks have come to control government is that money is no longer tied to gold or any other commodity.


So few then with so many ways, so many now with so few ways.

United States President Barack Obama has reiterated his support for the embattled treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, saying he would not be allowed to resign.

Mr Geithner is the key member of Barack Obama’s team dealing with the financial crisis.

There was opposition to his appointment because of questions about his payment of taxes.

Now there are calls for his resignation over his failure to prevent insurance giant AIG paying millions of dollars in bonuses.

In an interview with CBS television, Mr Obama said Mr Geithner’s job
was secure, and that he would not accept Mr Geithner’s resignation even
if it was offered.



I just joined. To my surprise, Chris is still accepting dollar-denominated credit cards! I’m enjoying the posts and comments. Thanks for a clearly stated resource.


My view is that it is Congress that should end control of the Fed by Goldman Sachs et. al. by replealing the 1950’s legislation and re-writing Fed’s charter. End the Fed as a secretive independent agency. The Glass-Steagall
Act eviscerated by Sen. Gramm should be put back – responsible Senators and Representatives should also be held accountable by being voted out.

If the Democrats or Republicans refuse to listen a 3rd party like the Populist party of the late 1890’s could be created with fixing the Fed as part of its platform. It was the Populist party that first came up with the idea of a graduated income tax - so good ideas do eventually get adopted.

I realize this is both idealistic and daunting.

Ironically while the Populist party called for the abolition of national banks it was also against the Gold standard, from Wikipedia:

"Opposition to the gold standard was especially strong among western farmers, who viewed the inherent scarcity of gold (and its slow movement through the banking system) as an instrument of Eastern banking interests who could force mass bankruptcies among farmers in the west by instigating "credit crunches". Many western farmers rallied around the Populist banner in the belief that greenbacks not backed by a hard mineral standard would allow credit to flow more freely through rural regions. "

Tuchman’s Law: The fact of being reported multipliies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold.



I agree with your take on the approach.


Just wanted to be sure you were not snoozing under the tree. I thought I heard a buck snort! And yes, doing something about it is why I am a part of this community. Glad to be here with the likes of you all!

Preparedness and enlightening others as regards the great swindle is the best course of action. The actions of the greedy will shine a bright light on themselves soon enough.



Ellen Hodgson Brown in her book "Web of Debt" has done IMHO an excellent job of not only identifying the problems we have but also in putting forth a solution (chapter 46, "Building a Bridge" ) where she discusses a system that avoids currency speculation and supports a "basket of commodities" approach as a basis of valuation or a "consumer price index" basis.The fundamentals of either approach would keep private interests from control or manipulation of the money supplies.

Too long to post here but it is a good read and speaks to the points you all make in a very illuminating way.



Numerous experiences with elected officials ranging from Congressional briefings…to campaign trails in Iowa, ignorant and easily ideologically manipulated. This could be described as incompetent.

Believe our government has operated in the "Dark Ages" and described it that way for years. It’s within our control to stay there…or move forward and fulfill our human potential as described in our Constitution. Possible example: please consider my VEGA post today.



I’m not concerned about the next world. If there is one, there’s no way of knowing whether there is a cut and/or who makes it. And, I’m not particularly interested in revenge. I just want the SOB’s out of power. There have to be some grownups somewhere in this country.


I’m looking over it now - I’ll be taking my time with it.



Coop, Aaron, Joe, et al…I appreciate each and everyone one of your comments, insight, etc. I believe we, as a country, have lost the ability to bring about change via the political process. Writing to our politicians is futile at this point, IMHO, and we must ALL band together and show our anger at the beast. I will be attending the Tea Party Tax Day demonstrations in my community, hopefully interfacing with like-minded people, hopefully meeting people who see the light and are also planning appropriately, a la CM, so we can actually DO something. It’s like sitting on the beach, knowing a class 5 hurricaine is coming. We can’t stop it from hitting us, but we CAN prepare as best as possible, so that once the storm has passed, we will be better prepared to pick ourselves up and carry on. Again, I truly appreciate everyone on this site and the comments you all bring. Thanks, Jim