The Coronavirus Is "This Generation's Polio"

Hi all,
The response in Australia has been like NZ because our government swiftly enacted social distancing and selective shutdown of the the most risky parts of the economy. While we have had closed restaurants, gyms, no mass gatherings and travel restrictions like closed state borders and regional travel bans (complete with quarantines and checkpoints), I have not felt that this impinged severely on my personal freedom. This was echoed by almost every person in the country by their diligent adherence to the recommendations.
Many parts of the economy continued essentially uninterrupted if they were deemed low risk, such as construction. We worked from home for several weeks and schools were largely shut, offering distance education and limited services for critical workers’ children.
Nationally, the toll would have been a lot lower, had the New South Wales government not mishandled the Ruby Princess cruise ship so completely, disembarking all of the passengers into the community with no quarantine or monitoring.
The government also provided good support to the people through increased unemployment benefits (job seeker allowance) and employers payments (the Job keeper allowance) to ensure that the workforce stayed connected to businesses and the businesses didn’t fail. There was also support to (mainly) small businesses to help them manage their outgoings.
Most people in the country were never at great risk because the controls worked and the people themselves remained engaged with the task at hand.
I live in Western Australia and we have now moved our last Covid-19 ICU patient to a recovery ward and have been mostly posting days with no new infections state-wide for weeks now. Nationally, a single new case is newsworthy.
We are now re-opening the national economy with limitations, such as a maximum of 10 patrons in bars and low numbers of diners in restaurants. Major gatherings still banned and gyms are still closed. Impatient and bad drivers have returned to the freeways. Also, face masks are commonly seen, but not mandated.
We will see how this goes, but the population has been primed to respond as necessary.
Throughout the course of the disease, I have been astonished at the differences between countries that mounted appropriate controls and whose leadership stepped up to the challenge early and listened to good advice and those that did not.

I think the responses need to be regional. The population density of Alaska and a lot of mid western states is much less than NY metro area or Boston; masks and social distancing may help in both situations but lockdown definitely seemed important in NY. When you see multiple coworkers, neighbors and friends die it sinks in that there is a problem of some urgency but I speak only for those I know. I think the risk is considerably less in day to day work, transit and other activities in those less densely populated areas-there are just fewer people in a given area to get you sick in those states. This is rarely discussed it seems.

I can’t help but think the weak ozone layer layer down under has helped well. If vitamin D is as critical as some are saying, would the excess UVB have something to do with it in Aus/NZ? And if we are dealing with something that has been circulating globally since November and responses were only put into place in Feb onward in most places, are we missing some underlying genetic and environmental factors that are tipping the scales for different regions?

There is a solution to every problem.

JWhite, great find re Pool noodle hats for distancing. Elementary students in China have been designing their own based on this idea.
The idea is originally from ancient China, where hats with long feelers were mandated by emperors to prevent gathered officials from whispering to each other during meetings. (I watch a lot of Chinese TV historical drama ?? )

I face a little dilemma as the information is from a source most people have been (quite a reasonable response) the however is you have to be able to open your critical facilities find a chain of evidence and make an actionable conclusion. It would please me a great deal as the information disturbs me.
I have to throw out a lot of comfortable beliefs. not easy if the belief is from that happy place we all have been taught awaited us be it Jesus curing the Faithfull (send cheque or CC ).Or the mmillion$ House flip.
There is a big difference between Belief, require only faith (and a larger donation) or that other method of drawing a conclusion we call logic, Scientific analysis, and test leading to a factual conclusion. It also helps to experiment such as we did for Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. T the transit of Mercury, Speed of Light travel, and Time Dilation.
We have developed scientific inquiry to aa standard where givenTESTABLE" theory, reproducible experiment your Mobile Phone can do amazing things, the phone would not be much use if the worker who made it just threw the parts into s rectangular box and belied it would work. Easier still if you had a manual that categorically stated it would work and a 5-year prison sentence if you had the audacity to question the statement, its the reason some groups, nations; have been persecuting even killing each other.
A lot of Wars get started over one group believing that killing each other is a logical way to resolve a dispute. Galileo kept his conclusions to himself till he was too old or dead rather than face the Inquisition for his theory, a theory he tested with a Telescope some Math and application of logic and the work of others who paid a high price for fact, reason and seeing with his own eyes
The group gathered each day to hear Dr. Martinson want reasoned commentary you can plan when you have fact, grow a garden a great way to apply a little of the information that PP gives us to analyze or why bother if its your conclusion the info is flawed or polluted with bad data and impractical advice.
So to present some date and hope you will take the time to reason it out based on the evidence linked, this will be hard 50% will not even bother, 49% will get angry a symptom of denial. A tiny 1% will come to the same conclusion I did.
If the evidence is clear, the conclusions proved we must act upon it as we are able, In prior post I stated that Children were carriers of Covid 19, putting them into a schoolroom and playground would see infections skyrocket, the disease already mutated to enable its ‘gain of function’. Pets can easily transmit it. I want the kids to be able to visit Grandparents, give them a hug.
I have been in isolation for 9 weeks, lately when I do Mask up, Glasses on, frequently I am the only one in the store, today the Govt relaxed the lockdown opened schools, the roads clogged with traffic.
will see children suffering and bring home the Virus, a virus designed to a perfected evil. Evil as “it didn’t have to be this way” to quote a factual source. This time period is precious, every day denial & ignorance will increase the infections the curve bending up in its exponential potential.
Americans are buying Guns hitting a nano meter target its as stupid as it sounds, the wakeup call is ringing people! Don’t waste what work has been done the time already lost (Virus escaped in June 2019 and could have been stopped) a crime against Humanity including the Chinese Government who kept a media blockade for 6 months the Government did not know what the lab was up too, the Military had Deep Blacked the whole project started in the 70’s with an Americans help. Just as so many Military secrets are kept today.
This is a long post and we need to get our act together or 3 million Americans will die, as many more left permanently damaged age no protection, get your kids home. Excuse errors my eyes are not 20 20.

Now for the hard news…please prove me wrong, find a lie, find fake evidence I don’t want to believe it.

I face a little dilemma as the information is from a source most people have been (quite a reasonable response) the however is you have to be able to open your critical facilities find a chain of evidence and make an actionable conclusion. It would please me a great deal as the information disturbs me.
There is a big difference between Belief, require only faith (and a larger donation) or that other method of drawing a conclusion we call logic, Scientific analysis, and test leading to a factual conclusion. It also helps to experiment such as we did for Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. T the transit of Mercury, Speed of Light travel, and Time Dilation.
We have developed scientific inquiry to aa standard where givenTESTABLE" theory, reproducible experiment your Mobile Phone can do amazing things, the phone would not be much use if the worker who made it just threw the parts into s rectangular box and belied it would work. Easier still if you had a manual that categorically stated it would work and a 5-year prison sentence if you had the audacity to question the statement, its the reason some groups, nations; have been persecuting even killing each other.
A lot of Wars get started over one group believing that killing each other is a logical way to resolve a dispute. Galileo kept his conclusions to himself till he was too old or dead rather than face the Inquisition for his theory, a theory he tested with a Telescope some Math and application of logic and the work of others who paid a high price for fact, reason and seeing with his own eyes
The group gathered each day to hear Dr. Martinson want to have reasoned commentary you can plan when you have fact, grow a garden a great way to apply a little of the information that PP gives us to analyze or why bother if it’s your conclusion the info is flawed or polluted with bad data and impractical advice.
So to present some data and hope you will take the time to reason it out based on the evidence linked, this will be hard 50% will not even bother, 49% will get angry a symptom of denial. A tiny 1% will come to the same conclusion I did.
If the evidence is clear, the conclusions proved we must act upon it as we are able, In a prior post I stated that Children were carriers of COVID 19, putting them into a schoolroom and playground would see infections skyrocket, the disease already mutated to enable its ‘gain of function’. Pets can easily transmit it. I want the kids to be able to visit Grandparents, give them a hug. Can anybody really expect children can maintain rigid Social Distance? Mum or Dad picks them up or leave them at Granma’s place while they go back to work? COVID might not be an ELE Extinction Level Event, its side effects could take us to a stone age. Generations before mine faced Bombed out cities WW1 & 2 we allow the corrupted fools to play with there toys and Extinction is quite possible. Have we forgotten about Climate Change? Yes the Economy is shot, Banks have a very short lifespan ahead.
I have been in isolation for 9 weeks, lately when I do Mask up, Glasses on, frequently I am the only one in the store, today the Govt relaxed the lockdown opened schools, the roads clogged with traffic.
will see children suffering and bring home the Virus, a virus designed to a perfected evil.Evil as “it didn’t have to be this way” to quote a factual source. This time period is precious, every day denial & ignorance will increase the infections the curve bending up in its exponential potential.
Americans are buying Guns hitting a nano meter target its as stupid as it sounds, the wakeup call is ringing people! Don’t waste what work has been done the time already lost (Virus escaped in June 2019 and could have been stopped) a crime against Humanity including the Chinese Government who kept a media blockade for 6 months the Government did not know what the lab was up too, the Military had Deep Blacked the whole project started in the 70’s with an Americans help. Just as so many Military secrets are kept today.
This is a long post and we need to get our act together or 3 million Americans will die, as many more left permanently damaged age no protection, get your kids home.
Now for the hard news…please prove me wrong, find a lie, find fake evidence I don’t want to believe it.

The following is written by Michael Horn for public use …
I recently sent this email to 30 childcare facilities in Arizona, many of which are already open:
“Dear Childcare Professional,
While it’s understandable that we all want this pandemic to end and be able to return to normal business, there are some facts that need to be known.
First, this is an Ebola level, ever-mutating pathogen. It doesn’t operate in accordance with our preferences. The lockdown needs to be months longer…because the actual incubation period is up to three months. And it’s largely spread by asymptomatic carriers. Further, most of our medical facilities are inadequate to control, contain and stop the spread of this pathogen and, in fact, can inadvertently spread the disease to the community.
Of huge concern is the potentially very deadly toll that will be taken on our children, as they are now not only spreaders of the disease but becoming victims themselves:
5-year-old is first child death from COVID-19-related inflammatory syndrome reported in U.S
Rare syndrome tied to COVID-19 kills three children in New York, Cuomo says
It is unconscionable to gamble with our children’s lives. Whatever information “official sources” may provide, it is still up to each and everyone of us to…think for ourselves. And to do so keeping our children’s health and well-being in mind.
It’s a matter of record that I’ve been informing officials, hospitals, media, educators, etc., in AZ since March 5th, regarding the actual facts about this disease. All of the information I’ve sent has subsequently been corroborated. Had it been investigated, let alone heeded, many lives wouldn’t have already been lost in our state.
This communication too is now a matter of record. Hopefully, history will show that it was important enough for you to discuss, pose questions, challenge, etc., in pursuit of the truth, good health and safety of all concerned.
I am calling for childcare facilities to remain closed until this pandemic is verifiably under control and no longer a threat to our children’s health, which is interconnected to the health of our families and communities.
Michael Horn”
I received one reply so far, from the Director of the Goddard School, in Buckeye, AZ, an apparent supporter of prematurely ending the lockdown:
“The school follows the CDC as well as AZDHS guidelines and recommendations. You are stepping way out of your scope of practice and professionalism contacting childcare facilities with this information with the understanding we are not under your medical care or seeking your advice. I will be reporting you to the appropriate contacts including the Arizona medical board as this is harassment. Please do not contact us again at this school.”
To which I also replied:
“Thank you for your response.
Since you obviously don’t have sufficient thinking capacity – or the natural protective instincts – to prioritize the safety of the children, I will be publishing your response broadly as well.
Of course, if you know that this isn’t a highly contagious, Ebola level disease, also spread by children as per the articles below, please feel free to provide…substantiated evidence in rebuttal.”
The Eyes Have It
Here is yet another “new” scientific finding:
Coronavirus CAN enter the body through the eyes: Scientists find eye cells are a prime target for the deadly virus to attach to
However, on March 16, nearly two months earlier, we published the following information, already warning about contamination via the eyes. Additionally, transmission through “other body excretions” is also corroborated in this new article about sexual transmission:
9. Ninethly: An infectious contact can also occur via infected persons that are coughing and sneezing, or by dogs and cats, because also pets can be carriers of the coronavirus. Also, the indirect way of contact infection or smear infection with the virus from items, body surfaces or food on which the infectious air borne droplets have settled, leads to contamination if they subsequently get into the body via the mucous membranes, for example, the mouth, nose or eyes. A transmission via the faecal-oral way and other body excretions is also possible, as is a transmission via infected animals, creatures and house beetles, such as cockroaches and so forth.
Not So Fast
We’ve also learned German Towns To Reimpose Shutdowns Over Virus Clusters as people are slowly beginning to realize that it ain’t over till it’s over, a lesson that our beloved country of complainers should heed, lest our impatience leads to this plague exploding and leading to even greater numbers of casualties.
UPDATE thanks to John Bryant.
Coming Attractions:
The Predicted Worldwide Volcanic Eruptions Begin
See also, for all FIGU-related Corona-Virus warnings:
!! FIGU Corona-Virus Warning Service !!

Thank you for your work, I live in victoria Au I see the grinding conditions and sincerely hope we have a cap on this thing, you and your colleges must be drained to the bone working the hours, seeing the multi-facets of grief and the thought of another wave just when we have begun to imagine a time when this is history. It will one day be over but life will never be as it was.  Davidgry

Hi Veronica, Thank you for your kind words. PPS has been in the back of my mind for a long time. A few moments in life I thought it was biting me but the symptoms went away soon after. The only reminder I get now is having to be EXTREMELY careful going down stairs due to encroaching balance issues. Also the knee on the “good” leg has taken a disproportionate beating trying to make up for the other side, so now I can’t decide which leg to limp on, they both want to be favored. But at least still off crutches or canes!

Many of us in the tech industry know how lucky we are. We have stable, high paying jobs we can do at home. We are on videoconference hours per day and so are not as isolated. Those on my team who live alone tell me getting in early for the morning check in is the high point of their day as I always ask about well-being. We share strategies on safe shopping (many of my team live in a high per capita hot spot (meat packing) and we worry about each other.
We also know from friends and family members not so lucky what it’s like to see an entire life devastated economically and we are sad that the divides widen. We’re only middle class and it’s just weird to think of ourselves as economically lucky. And of course when we look at what’s going on with the Fed and wall street, we know it’s only a matter of time before they discover a way to take us out too.
Here’s the latest from Microsoft

Microsoft is not our friend and for a few crumbs they get peoples blood so they can further experiment! To create something that will help US or further hone the next bio-weapon?
People forget that it was not that long ago that slavery was practiced on our Home soil and WWII saw mass exterminations. What will be next - hate for those who don’t wear masks, hide at home or test positive? Who we are told to hate changes regularly.
During bad times people follow strong leaders who promise solutions - even bad solutions.
Thanks for sharing that - even during Lockdown it is still connections that are the highlight of a persons day!

Microsoft. Oh that’s the company that many years ago installed a function in their corporate computer systems that enabled your boss and executives above your boss to spy on anything you happened to be doing on your work computer. A big plus in marketing their corporate software.

Had seen a piece that said that visiting researchers to the Wuhan lab found them using pigs as the “vivo” player. Pigs are often used for medical research as their bodies function very closely to ours. Has anyone put the pig DNA profile up versus the pangolin, to compare to other options? Pigs are used as a surrogate for people in research sometimes.
The other “pig angle” is a possible way that the virus got out of the lab. It has been reported that some pigs were sold to the public after use in the lab. They could have been very infectious. And Lord knows China has had more than its share of pig virus outbreak issues. Wondering.
The reporting I saw on the pig thing was from other commenters to PP. Did not go back to specifically reference that.

What you post is true. As has been stated here for over a decade is, there is a difference between a predicament and a problem. The problem has a solution. The predicament has a coping mechanism.
It appears to me that a big problem for most Amerikaans is “normalcy bias”. The main premise of the Crash Course is the next 20 years will be nothing like the last 20 years. That is the most actionable information any here can receive. If one understands that then the level of awareness is raised and people awaken to the fact that “normal” is an illusion. I got that actionable information in 1968 and started preparing. I am not in any way shape or form patting myself on the back. There were many people of my generation who got the same info and acted on it.
We are all “in this together”. It is a predicament. We all have our unique coping mechanisms. We all have our own rate of adjustment to new information and situations. We are all somewhere on Maslow’s pyramid of the hierarchy of needs. Just because it is affecting people differently does not mean we are not being affected. Are some people being affected more than others? Sure. That is life.
People are wanting things to be the way they were. That is never going to happen. The quicker people adjust to that the better off they will be. There is very little if any sense of community. People asserting their precious rights not to wear a mask, to gather in large groups etc reminds me of the redneck joke. " What were the redneck’s last words? Hey man watch this" The problem now is the redneck’s last words just might be mine because of his rights. If it was just going to affect the person not wearing the mask I am absolutely cool with that. That is not the case. It nothing more than selfishness, ignorance and an emotional attachment to a belief system. Do I like the lockdowns? No. I do realize however that left to their own devices a large number of people would not social distance, not wear masks etc. That endangers me and my family. I still encounter people who say “it’s no worse than the flu”. I make no apologies for not feeling sorry for them. But if they don’t like wearing a mask they are really going to hate wearing a ventilator.
Chris Martenson started on this journey over 12 years ago. I have no idea how many people he has reached but it probably numbers in the millions. I can say that the info i have gotten here has been invaluable financially. It has helped my entire family. If Chris and Adam focus on economics beyond the income of the average Amerikaan then fine. Those subscribers are the ones footing the bill for an enormous amount of actionable information. They have said it numerous times “you are on your own” That means all they can do is provide the information and it is up to you to act on it. We are all in unique places with unique circumstances. It is never too late to wake up. You just have to start from where you are. Can we all have a garden? No. Do we all have stocks ? No. Do we all have insurance? No. But instead of looking at what you don’t have you can look at what you do have and build on that. Building community is a great place to start because we are all in this together.
So my question is what are your suggestions? Do you have suggestions for Adam and Chris? Do you have suggestions for solutions for particular problems? Do you have suggestions for coping mechanisms?
The following clip is from one of my all time favorite movies “Where the Buffalo Roam”. It is based on Hunter thompson’s “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail.” It is a scene with Hunter and Nixon in a public bathroom. Things have not changed much if at all. There are the “screw heads” and the “doomed”

I wish I had a suggestion.
My coping mechanism is working at my warehouse (electrician) and raising chickens now. I find watching the news to stressful. I do listen to BBC and listen to Chris after work while playing a fashion game, lol. And Cities Skylines. Great sim game that plagues are not a part of.

Granny, thanks for your comments. It seems to me that a good part of this predicament (as MM has defined it) is that we have suddenly been tipped out of our abnormally comfortable world back into the uncertainty and fragility that has been “normal” for most of humanity’s history. And I don’t mean it’s been comfortable for everyone, but since WW2 the world has steadily improved for the vast majority, albeit at different rates and from different starting points.
Unfortunately we gradually borrowed more and more from an imaginary bank account. That worked for awhile, like the story of “Mama’s Bank Account”, if anyone remembers that book from the 40’s. The family prospered because everyone believed that, if push came to shove, Mama had a bank account that could be drawn on. But no-one wanted to use it up, so they worked hard instead and didn’t break into it. Only later in life did the daughter discover that there never was a bank account, her mother just wanted the kids to feel secure.
If we had operated with that kind of fantasy we’d be in good shape, but instead we extended the fantasy and borrowed, not just money, but resources. Confidence lost doesn’t come back easily. Anger about the unfair losses suffered by small businesses and individuals, and the crazy “wealth” of the few, is absolutely understandable, but I don’t think dividing the world into arbitrary “castes” is helpful - it’s a mental construct, and a choice.
People can be very unexpected if given a chance. We have everyone from extremely wealthy shipping magnates and retired financial types, to “dock rats” and campers in the woods, and everything in between, on our island. Some of the wealthy are acting pretty much to type, but others have been amazingly forthcoming and generous. As usual, most of what it takes to keep things going has come from the ones in the middle. But some of the guys living on their boats and warming up at the pub, are also in the fire department and helping to build community infrastructure. The incredibly wealthy ones have bought up big chunks of gorgeous untouched land and donated it to the community. The key is and I think will continue to be, a small enough community where people can get to know each other, and get past the surface categories.
An island is obviously a postcard situation for doing this, but neighbourhoods, apartment buildings, church congregations or biker clubs - anything that gives people a unit within which to cooperate, has the potential to break down the mental caste system. It also has the potential to turn anger into a self-feeding frenzy, unfortunately, so this is where the kind of scenarios painted within PP can be a real help. Individuals with a vision of how something can work, can make a real difference.
But another comfortable illusion that will have to go is the idea that a community is made up of like-minded people (and I love the diversity in the PP group). This is only in the unrealistic world we’ve come to regard as normal. Actually, a community is the people you live physically near, and the biggest challenge is to learn to respect, include, even love, all of them. Communities are created by our own capacity to listen to and be generous-minded to all, not by our ability to hand-pick the people we choose to spend time with.
I hope this doesn’t sound preachy, because it really comes from my heart. My ability to contribute physically is limited, but my work for the community is to edit and publish a quarterly magazine, an island directory, and a couple of the community websites. In every project, the ideal I’m reaching for is service, and to keep on introducing us to each other. Life stories, bits and pieces about what’s being done in the community, lots of island history, but it’s “just about us” - not because we’re turning our backs on the world, but because the world is frankly too much with us, and if there’s going to be an “us” we need to know who we all are.
We have vivid examples in how our indigenous tribes embrace their own, no matter what they’ve done, and help them through their problems - because they “belong”. I think we need to fight these signs of separation and “caste” and fight for “belonging” as hard as we can. Done right, this gives a solid base for being a healthy presence in the world. Done with anger, you have a fort, spiky with guns, keeping everyone else out, and eventually killing each other.
In the end, it’s a mental construct, and a choice. Seems to me you’re acting on that choice in a way that works for you and yours, as I am, and all the others here. It’s why we’re here. Back to the predicament again - we probably can’t halt the outbreaks of anger and destruction that generally come with societal breakdown, but we can create islands, however small, of community. At least I hope so - working for that is my “coping mechanism”.

Indulge me one more time…if this is man made…meant to cause harms to a nation…
Wouldn’t it make sense to make something that breaks down the societal cohesion by frightening people, creating discord, and undermining the fabric of a nation?
Not all wars are fought on the ground. Some are indirect, more subtle. Accident or not, some motives can be determined by the consequences.
The answer to this is to work together despite our differences as much as humanly possible. For the win.

In contemplating the points Granny has raised here and in other posts, I am reminded of an anecdote someone once told me. An aging man (but not old), who was an extreme high net worth individual, was introduced to a young man just starting out in life. The young man proceeded to express his admiration for the fortune amassed by the older man, and said he wanted to emulate him and wondered if the older man would share some insights with him. The older man listened politely and then replied ‘I would trade everything I own, and every penny I have, for your youth’. The person who told me the story added that the wealthy man had lost virtually everyone who was dear to him in his life.
To be sure, life is not fair.
It is not only the ‘have nots’ who must go out to work during these times. A percentage of the ‘haves’, by Granny’s definition, are doing the same. All the dentists who are performing emergency surgeries, particularly those which produce aerosols, are taking a risk, along with their assistants. All the lawyers who must continue to meet their clients in person to witness signatures and hear affidavits, and guide a growing number of clients through the very delicate end-of-life discussions concerning their Medical Power of Attorney wishes and their Wills, are also taking risks, along with their clerks. Some are meeting with clients who are sick with the virus and need to prepare a will for the first time. All the surgeons and other doctors whose specialty has nothing to do with treating the coronavirus, but are rolling up their sleeves to help at overwhelmed hospitals, join those doctors, and other health care professionals who are ‘on the front lines’, which we hear about every day.
Conversely, some of the economic ‘have nots’ are able to stay safely at home during the pandemic because they participate in the country’s welfare system.
We cannot know with certainty that the ‘haves’ who are lucky enough to isolate themselves have no pain in their life. How many have elderly parents in long term care facilities, are not allowed to visit them, and have been told their parent has contracted the virus? Some will never see them alive again. How many were not able to say goodbye before their parent, or other relative, died? And many well-to-do people, like many poor people, have overextended themselves and have not ‘saved for a rainy day’, or will have lost their investments or pensions. There will be plenty of pain to go around.
Life is not always black and white. We can never presume to know about another person’s pain or fortune. And fortune is not determined only by one’s net worth.

Yesterday I was working on something unrelated and inadvertently ran across this bit of information which I thought I would share.
“Freedom Advocate Explains How To Say NO If COVID-19 Vaccination Becomes Mandatory”

“In Brief

  • The Facts:
There is a lot of talk in the mainstream that is trying to lead us towards an acceptance of the need for mandatory vaccination for COVID-19.
  • Reflect On:
Can we use these foreboding signs as an opportunity to better understand and even exert, if necessary, our natural sovereignty and inalienable right to self-protection? For those of us who believe vaccines to be unsafe and not properly tested, news coming out that plans are underway to mandate vaccination for COVID-19 is troubling. Bill Gates, a man who everyone knows has the biggest financial stake in all this, has said that we won’t go back to normal until a vaccine has gotten out to the entire world. Many world leaders are ready to follow Gates’ playbook, like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who stated, “Normality as it was before will not come back full-on until we get a vaccine for this.” And now some officials on the ground, those who are directing the logistics of a vaccine rollout, are telling us how imminent these plans may be. Let’s listen to the words of Dr. Allison Arwady, the head of Chicago’s Public Health Department, who tells us “We’ve already bought the syringes, we already know where it’s going to happen…”:

Defying Mandatory Vaccination Plans

In order to understand how you would be able to defy any initiatives that would attempt to force you or any of your family members to take any vaccines, or ingest or have anything injected into your body for that matter, it is important to grasp one of the most basic principles underlying life on Earth: each of us as individuals are free and sovereign beings. The only way someone can have any power over us is by our consent. Mostly without knowing it, we have consented to the entire political and legal structure that we believe has power over us. If you would like to dive more deeply into the broader discussion of this, please take a look at my series of articles on Natural Law here. Keeping it within the context of mandatory vaccination, I would like to introduce you to Jerry Day, whose website FreedomTaker serves as a resource for those who would like to come to a better understanding of their sovereignty as individuals and learn about the practical defense of their innate liberty in our current society. In the video below, Day gives a strong indictment against the Bill Gates/WHO vaccine agenda and its inherent risks to each of us personally, and explains what we need to do if we ever find ourselves being coerced by our government and medical establishment into taking a vaccine: The first thing we must do is state our position clearly and on the record to those people who administer vaccines. We are certainly not protected if we haven’t even stated our position. You will see links to two free download documents at” (My emphasis, and if you want to check out the documents, you’ll see in the center of the web page the two links. One is titled “Vaccine Conditional Acceptance, and the other is titled “Refusal of Vaccines”. Further down the page, I noticed a link for “The Vaccination Notice and Acceptance of Liability” by the vaccination providers, but it appears to be a duplicate.) “The first document is a requirement that all medical service and vaccine providers sign for you, to acknowledge the risks of vaccines, that they are causing that risk by offering vaccines, and that they accept full personal liability to pay for all damage they cause by administering a vaccine. Of course, if vaccines were safe and effective, they would not hesitate to sign a liability agreement… [but] they know they are doing harm, so most likely, they will refuse to sign that document, and refuse to be responsible for the harm they cause. That refusal to sign is evidence that they know that vaccines have risk, and you therefore are fully within your rights to refuse the vaccine regardless of any legal mandates. That type of document is referred to as a ‘Conditional Acceptance.’ You agree to have a vaccine if they agree to pay for all damage you suffer. They will refuse to sign it. And that gives you the right to refuse their vaccine, because they failed to meet your reasonable requirements of safety. Jerry Day helps us here to bring the matter back into the real-world situation: the actual person who is physically administering the vaccine is rightly seen as the one who needs to assume responsibility for any consequences of their actions, rather than simply being a compliant cog of a faceless medical industry. It is not hard to see that, once we all start to make those who are simply ‘doing their job’ carrying out the orders from above personally responsible for their actions, by and large they will not follow through and the whole control mechanism and ability to mandate anything falls apart.

The Takeaway

Perhaps the day will not come when you will be faced with having to refuse mandated vaccines for yourself or your family. However, coming to understand a way in which you can assert your inherent right of self-protection can be very empowering. Not only does it help give you confidence that you can assert your will in such a circumstance, it can broaden your understanding of your inalienable sovereignty. I believe if each of us is able to strengthen our sense of personal sovereignty and see that we are all co-creators of our collective experience, we will be much closer to bringing the world of our dreams into reality.” Trying to find more information, found this: "Chicago and Mass Vaccination", the narrator mentions in the video Gates was kicked out of India because of issues with his vaccines, like people becoming paralyzed... And this: Dr. Arwady took over Chicago’s Public Health Department in January, in this video she said Chicago has already bought the syringes, and it's titled "Chicago is "Deep in the Planning Stages of Mass Vaccinations. Linda

Decide now where your line in the sand is.

…homeschooling for my family…ruby ridge all over again…the mare is settled…