The Day(s) America Died

So on the one side, we have the Bad Orange Man’s policies, which included: a southern border, bringing jobs back to the US, tariffs on Chinese goods, no additional stupid wars (Unlike Bush/Clinton/Bush II/Obama from “the good old days”; full disclosure: I was an Obama voter), $2 gas, and a desire not to make “the cure worse than the disease.”
On the other side, we have “defund local police”, 87,000 armed IRS agents, a disasterous withdrawal from Afghanistan, $5 gas, a half-drained SPR with the oil shipped off to China, a mandated, deadly vaccine which has probably killed half a million, and injured another 3 million, an open southern border with a few million military-aged men appearing from heaven only knows where, a deadly No Treatments For You policy for COVID (including monoclonal antibodies that we paid for!), an attempt to form a “disinformation bureau”, actual free speech suppression by ordering TWTR to remove people they didn’t like, and a group of defense-industrial-neocons in power who seem very eager to get into a shooting war with nuclear-armed Russia, plus sending $70 billion to the Ukranian Oligarchy! Lastly, a bunch of Young Global Leaders in government (“Build Back Better!”) - which deserves an entire paragraph by itself - as well as clear indications of corruption via the CCP (10 held by H for The Big Guy!).
But I know. He’s Bad. And he’s Orange.

He didn’t say it

Most people that voted for Trump didn’t vote for him out of fear. That is a MSM assumption. Many people that voted for Trump, myself and my husband included, voted for him because of his proposed economic policies and because Hilary was a complete witch. Let’s be honest most middle class Americans don’t give a shit about someone’s views on religion as long as they don’t interfere with anyone else.


Evidence, please.
You’re building your whole argument of Trump running on religious persecution based on ONE quote.
Pretty big straw man you’re building here.
And for the record: Trump said many stupid things. He might (probably has) said something about Muslims that will be interpreted as religious persecution.
But the fact is, in his administration, there were no policies and laws passed to implement religious persecution.


Trump Derangement Syndrome

My 2 cents worth. DJT is a conman, a shyster and a narcissist.
His run for the presidency was simply an attempt at brand promotion. He never intended to win and the fact he did shocked him to his core.
On the other hand he is a brilliant media savant and was astute enough to figure out the policies that the average American was craving. Disentangling from foreign interventions, illegal immigration, more manufacturing at home and draining that poisonous swamp that is DC. I strongly believe he doesn’t really care deeply about any of the above policies however give him his cred, no new wars in his 4 years is a singular achievement worth noting!
If I were an American citizen and the choice was between Hillary and Donny in 2016 I would have taken George Carlin’s advice and simply not voted. It boggles my mind that a country with intellects and integrity the likes of Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, Robert Malone, Peter Boghossian and many more you get a Hobson’s choice for the most important job in the world.
The deep state absolutely lost their mind as Trump was a dog off the leash. The most dangerous President since JFK, he simply had to go. They would stop at nothing including the totally fabricated Russiagate fiasco.
Since the Dems have totally destroyed any credibility they may have had via Covid, inflation, energy and the Ukraine DJT has intimated he’s a serious candidate for 2024, thus Jan 6th hearings, Mar-a-lago raid and many more delicious subversions on the Deep State depth chart still to come.

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So his great failing was figuring out what the people wanted, and then giving it to them? And that you fault him for not believing in these things quite enough?
Do you think that President Grandpa has delivered to the voters that which the average American was craving? If not - why not? Do you think Horrible Hillary would have done so?
Last item: I’m shocked, simply shocked to hear that a politician might have narcissistic tendencies.


I don’t think you interpreted my thoughts accurately.
I did give credit for Trump identifying what Americans wanted and for avoiding wars.
On the other he not only did not drain the swamp he added to it, John Bolton being exhibit one. Didn’t see those jobs pouring back from overseas. Let’s call illegal immigration a saw off as he did try to build the wall but surely a country as great as the US can find a more suitable solution to immigration than walling themselves off from the world.
With all the lunacy here in Canada you may have to start a northern wall soon.
As for Joe Biden he is a corrupt demented sock puppet and at no point did I indicate Joe or Hillary was remotely fit to lead the country.
My question to you and all Americans, where are the real leaders the world so desperately needs?


Short answer: there aren’t any.


Sorry Mark but I must disagree. I am acquainted with many wise and capable individuals around the world. Any one of which, given adequate protection from the elite internationalist, could solve the problems the planet faces in a single term. That is not going to be possible without cosmic intervention.


I suggest watching Tulsi Gabbard. I may not agree with everything she says, but I agree with her approach to problem solving. She does not appear to be stuck in party affiliations.


Not accurately eh? Let’s review:

My 2 cents worth. DJT is a conman, a shyster and a narcissist.
Not positive. "Conman, shyster, narcissist" (in my world) are all distinctly negative terms. I call that "finding fault."
I strongly believe he doesn’t really care deeply about any of the above policies ...
Not positive either. "He does not really care deeply." Apparently he has to. Finding fault again. At this point, I'm totally happy to find a waiter who will "take my ice cream order", and then - in the due course of time - bring me the freaking ice cream that I ordered. My waiter doesn't need to "care deeply" - they don't need to think the ice cream I ordered is super delicious. Its for me, not them. And if the waiter is a bit of a narc - well, did I mention that I just want my ice cream? It sure beats Horrible Hillary, which was the other choice way back when. You'd order ice cream, and she'd tie you down and force-feed you crickets. I agree about Bolton. I suspect Orange Man was poorly advised. It probably won't happen a second time. But as you say - no new wars, so somehow, the right thing happened in spite of the Mr Mustache error. (Can people make errors? Just curious. No, I wouldn't have made that error either.). Here's an interesting factoid - the southern border entrants always seem to go through the places in The Wall that aren't completed yet. Why is that, do you think?

You are all absolutely correct, and I am embarrassed. Trump didn’t say this, it was someone at a rally that stood up and said it. Trump then avoided any sort of correction, but that doesn’t make it a Trump quote… A dumb error that erodes my credibility…
That said, I do believe that Trump’s overall strategy (championed by Bannon) was to channel our fear and anger towards muslims.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice.”
“I want a database for the refugees that — if they come into the country. We have no idea who these people are. When the Syrian refugees are going to start pouring into this country, we don’t know if they’re ISIS, we don’t know if it’s a Trojan horse. And I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go with watchlists. We want to go with databases. And we have no choice.”
There was also the comments about internment camps… Which was I believe a question about whether he would support them… to which he said that he would have to think about it.

My parents voted for Trump because they hate (are afraid of) Muslims.

You are absolutely correct. This is not a Trump quote. It was said at a rally. He didn’t correct it, but that doesn’t make it his. I was wrong to post it after googling. This is one way that fake news propagates… Intellectual laziness.

Trump Derangement Syndrome ?

It’s amazing how the tired old “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is still trotted out so easily without any reflection on how the MSM created and “enforced” this label.
After we have learned how basically any - and everyone conspired against Trump, and accused him of made up things, I would have expected the usual TDS parrots to at least pause and reflect if they could have possibly been manipulated into their “convictions”.
Alas, the MSM propaganda machine is strong.

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So let’s pull that string a little. If we have a county founded on Christian beliefs what happens when the Muslim population in a community wants to pass/enforce laws based on Muslim beliefs? Should Dearborn Michigan be able to ban girls from attending school or allow honor killings?
What is wrong with controlling the immigration so we don’t end up like London? Or dare I say North America, if you look at it from the Native American’s perspective?
On a separate note, the countries Trump banned entrance too weren’t all Muslim. They were countries that either couldn’t or wouldn’t share their database info with the US. If you want to go to France they are going to run your passport and check your identity to make sure you aren’t a criminal If the US told France they weren’t sharing any information on US citizens they would close the doors to US citizens too.