The Fatal Flaw Of Centrally-Issued Money

Until then, continued cognitive dissonance (insanity) between what is said (the narrative) and what is real!

I suspect that corruption is easier when you have a single central government.  So regardless whether it is Captol Hill or the Eccles Building.  Corruption by highly centralised power is inevitable.  Every dictatorship falls eventually, perhaps demonstrating the failure of centralised thinking.
It is very human to be corrupted by power or just lack of common sense.  Maybe if we ever manage to shrug off the repression of 500 years of centralized establishment-based governance (in various forms) we should consider a democratic structure where the shire or borough is your government and central bank, completely independent and autonomous from any other.  Think community network, just bigger…

Thus a decentralised political system that a single group of plutocrats can't easily control.    The kind of system we had before the aristocrats decided to form a central government and give the vote only to landholders and democracy became a farce.


Over at ZH the finger of suspicion is being pointed at the Bank of International Settlements.

But wait. There is more. 

Another finger is being pointed at the IMF and the AIIB.

It is my contention that we are watching a supranational economy emerging as a consequence of the Net by default,  not by design. 
Our attitude towards these entities should be to insist that they give us a reliable, foolproof and simple method of keeping score.
A request backed by appropriate approbation and castigation, naturally. 
I sense an element of jealousy in the ZH articles. 

( I chose to assume that we will have agency in the future, T2H.)

Amazing portrayal and vision of the body of light Treebeard. I love it…except this quotation keeps bugging me:  
"This unseemly rush to resurrection prevents the breakdown which must prelude the breakthrough"  Karl Rathner ?

I find the logic of this article to be incorrect.

"The value of each slip has now detached from the underlying value of the shell. It’s not the scarcity of the shell that is creating the paper’s value—it’s the scarcity of paper money itself which is creating the paper money’s store of value."

No, it's not the scarcity of the paper that is creating lower prices, it is the increase in production that is making products & services cheaper. This is a GOOD thing. It increases living standards for everyone. Prices should fall as production increases.


"The problem isn’t fiat money—currency that isn’t backed by scarce commodities; it’s centrally issued money that is distributed to the few at the expense of the many."

Aren't the sea shell slips in the kingdom being centrally issued? When it is decided that it is time to increase the money supply do they go to every citizen and increase it equally? For example, if they want to double the money supply do they go to the fisherman that has 10 sea shell slips and give him 10 more, then go to the teacher that has 5 slips and give her 5 more? NO! The crony's at the top get to spend it first to their advantage, not the people's advantage.

And Third

"The kingdom’s slips of paper fulfill all the requirements of money."

Except the most important one. Store of Value. The article states that the people's over production caused the prices that the people pay to be cut in half so instead of letting their standard of living double we are going to increase the money supply to keep prices stable, thus wiping out the increase in living standard for the people.

No matter how hard you try to "fix" paper money it will always basically be a form of slavery. Those who do not print the money will work for those that do. Money MUST be an asset in itself and should circulate freely amongst the people. Even if a nation has a "gold backed" currency, the pieces of paper that have a claim on the reserved gold are not money unless you can trade that claim for the actual gold itself. Otherwise it's just a paper promise just like the sea shell slips.

My son and I are watching this definitive history of our times. I Remember this episode well. 
Power, Money, and Wall Street : Documentary on Th…:

Take all the cash out of your wallet (no debt cards either, that’s cheating :wink: and walk to your local shopping center.  How do you feel?
Now place $1000 in crisp twenties in your wallet, and repeat the process.  Now how do you feel?

Your bank account balance at $123,212.32?  How about $6.42?  

How does it make you feel?

What can these feelings make you do?  Better question, what are you capable of doing in response to these feelings?

Are you ethical?  Oh dear, worst yet, you have morals.  An honest living and debt slavery for you then.

Willing to bend the rules a bit?  Make some “tough calls” as it were?  A back room deal or two for the greater good? Leadership, that’s what we’ll call it.  Upper management, or perhaps, Executive for those adept.

Are you ruthless, sly and smart?  Do you lack enough empathy? Well, well, there may be a better position for you.  Politics…High Finance…Hmmm

Did you really just crush Grandma without as much as a flinch? Wow, perhaps a seat among the Gods. 

When the rules were made, did you really (be honest) have any say?

What is "money"?

Well said and I agree 100%.  The decay and death we see before us is the necessary prelude to what will follow.  There are no shortcuts.  Fear and resistance to what is, is the problem.  We must let go of the anger around the fact that "they" are not doing it "right" and creating this "unnecessary" suffering.  If things could happen any other way, they would.  The lack of balance and unconscious self destructive actions must be fully lived to the full extent of their consequences to be processed and integrated.
If we have the vision to see, then we must then also develop the patience and compassion to play the vital and important role that we must in this transition.

Riotous indignation? If you want to test a man's character and all.  

I intend to keep my agency and Pre-TSD'ed soul as well.

I believe we need to take our destiny into our own hands, especially about economics and monetary policy.
I prefer a revolving quasi board of people from all walks of life to fund .gov at NO Interest, transparent to all on the net.
Regarding a political direction, this article I came across yesterday from 1999 seems to be prescient.

Fiscal prudence, economic populism, social investment, campaign reform, shared sacrifice, and environmental conservation—this constellation of beliefs transcends the existing left-right spectrum.

I enjoyed reading the start of the article "Let’s imagine a small mountain kingdom with only ten very scarce and thus highly valued seashells in circulation.  These few shells are certainly valuable in terms of scarcity, but there aren’t enough of them to act as a means of exchange" . These lines forced me to real the blog till end.

Time2Help …
Your analysis is likely accurate. Have you applied any awareness to the notion that it is "encased" within the hierarchical paradigm, the same paradigm that consolidates power for credit creation (debt creation) ?

Yes, we are literally "in bad shape". Debt currency and a focal point for power have a co-dependant relationship given that debt-currency cannot be decentralized since it essentially amounts to a set of books with no "gold-like sovereignty" in the aggregate morsels

Take heart !  Now that gold prices has been freed to float,it's liquidity has been made completely expandable. (weight x trade value/unit weight) —>  (weight x USD/oz)  — > you can now raise either element, weight or price.

Debt-free store properties have been married with instant global liquidity on the basis that we use weight, and not a national fiat currency, as the unit of account.

All brought to you by the information age. You cannot pour new wine into old wineskins

Let's substitute the shells for bullion, which is the real intention of the author, IMO. Bullion could never be properly monetized until such time that fixed price pegs were removed. The obvious feature of scarcity demands this. The trade value should be able to fluctuate as per market law.
Given that bullion's liquidity in terms of "economic coverage" is the product of (weight x trade value/unit weight) which translates for us to :  weight x USD/oz , we see that there are only 2 ways to increase bullion based liquidity.  Create more finished weight … or … allow the trade value of the weight to rise (float).

We're there !  That stage has been set. We simply have to use weight as the digital unit of account. Back weight with weight. Don't back national fiat with weight. Let them do what they already do in the debt paradigm , which is act as currency, but also let them act as real-time measures within the asset currency paradigm where PM's are the currency, denominated by weight, whether its real or digital weight and fully backed, one-to-one.

The age of information is like a new wineskin and God knows you cannot pour new wine into old wineskins.

Good observation.  Our liquidity issues are not about "them" but about us.  As a matter of fact, "they" have set the stage for us to create fully scalable liquidity for the sake of debt-free trading with no new debt creation and no counter party risk.
Bullion is now a real-time , fully sclable form of liquidity (thanks to price floating qualities).

Just add assets and stir into circulation … gently.

Good observation.  Our liquidity issues are not about "them" but about us.  As a matter of fact, "they" have set the stage for us to create fully scalable liquidity for the sake of debt-free trading with no new debt creation and no counter party risk.
Bullion is now a real-time , fully scalable form of liquidity (thanks to price floating qualities).

Just add assets and stir into circulation … gently.

I find myself somewhat confused.  And the Banksters might have a thing or two to say about such a thing.

Back to my regularly scheduled 4D reality simulation. 

The Case for Regional Currencies

The Difference between Debt-Free Money and Interest-Free Credit

The Guernsey Experiment "The Final Crash - Addictive debt and the deformation of the world economy. - 2007."


Both of these authors reside in Europe and would be great as guests on you podcast series.


Bankers are not cut out from a hybrid yin-yang of circulating debts and assets. Fiat currencies act as real-time measures to figure out bullion weight for the sake of a purchase settlement. The USD and the pricing fiat currency (any) are called into the e-commerce algorithm to calculate weight.  You may have overlooked the issue that we price things in fiat currency regardless of how we settle the purchase.

Example :


data :  70 " digital smart TV (top of the line) price is $1150

real-time price of gold is $1195 USD/ oz


A purchaser can trade close to one ounce of gold backed digital currency (fully backed and denominated in weight) for the TV.  The intellectual property of the USD (and the pricing currency if it was non-USD) are entitled to consideration in view of the use as a measure. Transaction fees are always calculated instantly. The trade is the bullion for the TV.  There is no debt created, no use of debt as a currency, no counter-party risk and the trade is fully closed.

I've studied the model.  It does well to manage debt but it is still a centralized model where the issuing of the representative paper has a consolidated "power point" .  The trust on creating a responsible currency supply is still entrusted to the focal point for power rather than the market.
Even very good people in a bad system still makes for a bad system … and the system will outlive the good people.

Better to decentralize the currency and make the actual currency debt-free and sovereign. Use bullion denominated by WEIGHT ! Existing debt is managed (and even purged) while currency supply (denominated in bullion weight) is controlled by the market, not the banking class or political class.

Currency experts refer this as a "yin-yang hybrid" of liquidity, one which uses debt free store of value and marries it to fully scalable liquidity , now that bullion values float.

Assets that enter circulation, assets that are debt-free , such as bullion, allow debt to be safely purged while supporting economic trade.  The challenge is not the design of that model, but only the practical side of marketing and implementation.  It must be market driven and organic, driven from the bottom-up for the sake of rate-of-change.  The elite cannot … CANNOT do this, regardless of what you think the intention is, because the legacy system of the debt based dollar system would be highly vulnerable to a crash.

We must be as wise as serpents, yet as a gentle as doves.