The Fed May Be Worse Than Covid-19

The original observation made by rtson1 did not dispute the notion that the Fed’s actions have been detrimental to savers and the lower classes. The objection was to your conclusion that these actions are inherently racist and meant to specifically affect the Black segment of the U.S. population. As Sofistek also observed from the chart you showed us, Asians have significantly higher median net worth and stock investments than Whites.
A quick check on the U.S. Census website, where the Wealth and Asset Ownership chart came from which supported your conclusion, gives us the following additional information:
As of 2018, population (one race) as a percentage of total population:
White – 236.173,020 = 72.19 %
Black or African American – 41,617,764 = 12.72 %
American Indian and Alaska Native – 2,801,587 = 0.86 %
Asian alone – 18,415,198 = 5.63 %
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander – 626,054 = 0.19 %
Some other race – 16,253,785 = 4.97 %
Note – Mixed race population (those having 2 or more races), comprises 3.45 % of the population and was not included in this part of the chart.
As of 2019:

Race and Hispanic origin: Non-Hispanic white and Asian householders had more household wealth than black and Hispanic householders. Non-Hispanic whites had a median household wealth of $139,300, compared with $12,780 for black householders and $19,990 for Hispanic householders. Asians had a median household wealth of $156,300, which is not statistically different from the estimate for non-Hispanic whites. Observations: Both White and Asian households have the highest household wealth (from the chart in the video and from the Census article above). Asians comprise a smaller percentage of the total population than either Whites or Blacks, and although it is not known what percentage of these households are in the top 10% (or 1%), it can be assumed that at least some are. However, for the sake of argument, let us assume the entire top 10% of wealth is comprised only of White households and that 0% are Asian, Black, or other races. Using simple math, we can calculate that at least 62.19% of individuals being negatively impacted by the Fed’s actions are White, and approximately 12.72% are Black. If we choose to look only at the top 1% on the wealth continuum, then the percentages above remain largely unchanged, so I have taken a more conservative view. Looking at raw numbers, since there are over 236 million White people and 41.6 million Black people, we can conclude that the majority of people affected by the Fed’s actions are White individuals, of which a subset may be as poor as the Black population. It is of course possible that every Black individual is poorer than any White person, however, the point is that White people are also being affected in large numbers. Since Asians are among those with the highest Net Worth and Stock ownership, and a huge number of Whites are negatively affected by the Fed’s actions in addition to other races, it does not seem reasonable to conclude that these actions are racist and specifically targeted at Blacks. It may be more accurate to conclude that the lower classes are particularly affected.

Chris concluded that Fed actions are racist,

I'm willing to be argued off of that question, but I'm putting it out there harshly in the hopes that somehow the Fed will at least have to respond.
Chris has noticed, along with the rest of us, that EVERYTHING is racist in the summer of 2020. As Dave wrote, all the air has been sucked out of the room to discuss anything else. So I think Chris (and Adam) are just trying to get “someone” to pay attention to how Fed villainy is really our biggest and most foundational problem (by saying it is also racist). Chris is an optimist in that he firmly believes we can still at this late date alter our course and not hurtle off the cliff into an unmitigated disaster. I’d be glad to pay for his tattoo or epitaph if it reads, “It didn’t have to be this way.” He keeps trying and trying and trying to reverse the tide, and for that I applaud him. However, I’m not that kind of optimist. I’m sure we’re going off the cliff into disaster but I’m optimistic enough to think I’m going to survive and have a positive influence on rebuilding on better foundations (even if most of that influence comes after I’m gone). I’ve said before that Chris is a prophet to The Remnant, and that the great majority of people are NOT going to listen. They aren’t! They aren’t! I’ve made my peace with that fact and it’s implications, but Chris hasn’t completely. There are so many new people here on that I’m going to link to the article that summed it all up for me. I strongly encourage readers to read this whole article, doing your best to tolerate the mid 1930’s writing style and Biblical content to get to the essential meaning. We are in perilous times, but The People refuse to listen to the prophetic warnings that would save them. They won’t listen, so the looming disaster will be the outcome. The optimistic fact is that there is a VERY small group of people who will listen to the prophets and survive. It is this Remnant that will rebuild after the disaster.

Thanks thc – yes, I get that.
I just can’t help thinking that semantics matters, and that it’s enough that the lower and middle classes are experiencing profound pain at the moment, regardless of colour. Some are members of this site and have posted about their anxieties. And apparently Central Banks in other countries are taking similar actions. But I totally understand what you’re saying with respect to this angle. People do what they need to do to be heard…
A Canadian friend wrote to me last week and included a note about her two children, who she adopted from Haiti years ago and who are now teenagers. The girl participated in a BLM protest in which 10,000 people marched. But the boy would not engage, and told his mother he refuses to be defined by his skin colour. He’s only 14! I can’t see him ever feeling victimized by his race (he also has a Black Belt, in Karate I think, but it’s his attitude that I’m impressed with). I can’t help thinking how great it would be if all young people held this view.
I saw your passage about The Remnant in another thread and thought it was quite profound - thanks for sharing that lovely and hopeful outlook.