The Importance Of A Resilient Life

So your preparations should already be in place for the weather and eco-environment that already was; and as you see changes, you should prepare for the future in case the changes got more extreme.
Actually, I'm experimenting with both sorghum (warming) and caterpillar tunnels (cooling), although I don't like using plastic for tunnels. I'm trying to envision using scrap windows to build a more permanent structure but I'm not very handy as a carpenter.

greetings steve
Also in Georgia - have like minded , conscious, friends with cabin in Elijay- PM - love to connect

Meh. I’m bored with all the preaching. I leave the field to you.
“We should do what China does.”

I totally agree. When SHTF homesteading on the low my be a requirement.
Some ideas:
Stop mowing the grass an extra year in advance
Keep your compost or manure piles in the open
Let the trees and bushes grow in
Keep a dog that barks
Hide any working vehicles, don’t use them.
Don’t shoot guns or other things that make lots of noise
Let the garden get overgrown, that’s actually healthier for it
Keep your livestock out of sight from the road
Don’t post pictures online
Don’t share unnecessary info with your neighbors
Leave junk laying around outside
Stop using visible lights and or block up windows at night
Put up a few simple signs that says “We will shoot”, “No begging, we are desperate too”
Always spend a few minutes looking outside before you go outside.
Provide visibility cover at your home exits
Don’t start visible fires or leave a smoke trail
Use decoys where you can, even a decoy house, and a decoy in your bed
Don’t sleep where anyone would expect you to sleep
The other option here is you have a functioning community. If you have a functioning community then a security team will be a must have. The security team will have to be large enough to deter all aggressors and steer away any refugees. I think turning away refugees will be the hard part. When the refugees leave they will talk to others about what they have seen. And many in the community will have a hard time turning away women and children. Thus, they will need turned away far from the community. In other words, you will need to control all roads into the community.
Just some thoughts…

If we’re going to have a discussion regarding cannibalism, as Crapper suggests, I have some ethical stipulations–the principal being that I will only eat people who have been vegan for at least 18 months.

This has nothing to do with the climate emergency humanity faces. Unless, like most paid deniers, it’s your way of saying we should ignore the heating?
Actually, I think the cyclical nature of things has a lot to do with what you describe as a "climate emergency" since the likelihood of this being a purely linear event is slim. If the science is settled on this matter, what is the exact time frame for this emergency, what is the exact nature of the emergency, and precisely what has to be done in what period of time to mitigate this emergency? I'd really like to know because I have been unable to find this information precisely and succinctly stated. After all, in areas where the science is settled, one can provide precise numbers to quantitatively define the parameters of a situation. I just get the sense that a lot of people crying, "climate change" and "climate emergency" are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's not that they're necessarily wrong but it's the past flip-flopping from global cooling to global warming, the blanket ascription of ANY weather event of any consequence being blamed on climate change (as if there were never any adverse weather events prior to industrialization), the overly emotional religious fervor related to this issue, the intolerance of any questioning of any facet of this issue to any degree, the hatred and vitriol directed towards any who do question, the demand that we do SOMETHING (even though the unintended consequences of doing "something" are largely unknown at present), the hypocrisy of the elite with regards to this issue, the demands for large sums of the masses' money related to this issue, the encouragement to restrict our civil rights related to this issue, etc., that cause me to pause and wonder, "Is there something going on here other than what the government, media, and the left, who've always been completely trustworthy and reliable in the past <sarcasm> claim?".
Nope, just things like science denial, racism and hate speech. The big issues. If these don’t upset you, perhaps you need to re-examine your intellectual position?
DaveF is dead on right here. Whether you realize it or not, you do seem to get offended at literally everything. Let's go down your list of stated "crimes": Science denial Questioning does not equal denial but if questioning goes so far as to deny, so what? As far as I know, science should always question. New facts come to light and cause us to change our knowledge and understanding of a subject. And often the change is 180 deg. in opposition to what we knew previously. What is so horrible about people questioning this issue? It doesn't prevent those who are fervent believers from taking their own personal steps to mitigate the issue. And if it comes to a point of voting on the issue, well that's where the democratic process comes in (right or wrong). Racism This accusation has become so overused and has been weaponized to such a degree that virtually everyone can be accused of it except for the accusers who, according to them, are immune from being accused of such (which makes no sense at all to me). How about ageism? That is much more prevalent in the media and the common culture than racism? Or prejudice against obese people? But the charge of racism (and a number of related accusatory -isms) is now being leveled so frequently and to such extremes that it seems that the only way a white straight middle aged male can do proper penance is to give away all his earthly possessions as reparations and either castrate himself to avoid reproduction or commit suicide to remove himself from the planet. The situation is just becoming ridiculous. And truth be told, if the standards of racism are going to be raised that high, I doubt if anyone would be completely innocent of them. It becomes akin to the Judeo-Christian concept of sin. EVERYONE is guilty, including you. Hate speech Again, virtually anything voiced in disagreement has been transmuted into hate speech. That's certainly an effective way of shutting down any debate but it also makes no sense at all. You know what bothers me more than (true) hate speech though? Hate action! It amazes me that those who often scream the loudest about hate speech have absolutely no problem with the hate action of killing the most vulnerable and innocent members of our society, the unborn babies. Perfectly fine to pith an about to be born baby or physically tear it limb from limb or painfully poison it but don't you dare say a nasty word to me. It's just insanity. Personally, I'm much more concerned with pollution (a specific, clearly definable, and eminently measurable phenomenon) as compared to the vague and all encompassing "climate change". Chemical pollution concerns me most with radioactive contamination right up there but electromagnetic radio frequency, light, and sound pollution concern me as well. I'm also personally concerned with bias of any group of people against any other group of people for any reason and unfair advantage given to any group of people, regardless of their color, race, ethnicity, religion, what have you. True racism, to me, is a little too narrow when only being applied to white people against people of color (another vague, almost meaningless term). And I'm far more concerned about unaddressed hate actions (be it abortions or the genocide starting in South Africa) than I am about hate speech. I rather like the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. I may not like what you say but I will defend your right to say it. As soon as someone wants to squelch that right, it's the start of a slippery slope downward. Furthermore, your intimation of me being a paid denier is offensive in addition to being ludicrous. Are you a paid confirmer?  

I laugh every time a so-called educated person uses the word “denier”. People who are confident in their beliefs and put truth above all else will welcome scientific inquiry. Those who are uncertain of their positions will refuse to engage in dialogue. To call someone a “denier” and refuse to allow them to state their position is nothing more than suppression of free speech and fear of change.

I couldn’t help but notice that Jane Fonda was arrested today at a climate change protest in Washington, D.C.
My sympathies to the climate change movement. Having her on board won’t do wonders for their credibility, especially considering her checkered track record for getting things right.
I will give Jane this though. She is resilient. Highly questionable father, mother who committed suicide when Jane was 12, victim of childhood sexual abuse, victim of rape, bulimia survivor, multiple total joints from beating the crap out of them with over-exercise, vilified for her stint as Hanoi Jane (and rightfully so in my book), marriages to 3 domineering and controlling (at best) husbands, etc., and yet she’s always bounced back. Really quite incredible when you think of it.
I heard her speak at an anti-Vietnam war rally at Rutgers University when I was around 18. I was quite naive back then but even at that age, I easily recognized that she was not the brightest bulb in the box. Passionate, yes, but very easily influenced and controlled. Her choice in lovers/husbands was evidence of that.
The equation I use to understand Jane is: Passion - Discernment = Uh, oh

Getting back to central ideas in this post, your access to enough water also depends on the state water laws. Riparian states tend toward more similarity and less strictures on your access of groundwater or surface water, but Prior Appropriation states can vary between them but generally have very significant roadblocks to how much groundwater you can pump and hugely significant roadblocks to accessing surface water, digging your own pond, or any other kind of landscaping that captures and holds/slows water for you. Hybrid states which use a bit of both water laws are even more complex. So whatever area looks good to you on the surface, you still have to check (if in a Prior Appropriation or Hybrid state) how much and what kind of water the state will allow you to use. Water use in these states is highly measured and monitored, so totally unlike eastern Riparian states. Just a heads-up.

…why jump right into taking costly action when we don’t know precisely how climate change will impact the planet or the lives of our children? We don’t know precisely the time frame or the exact nature of a supposed climate emergency. And, we don’t know what needs to be done, precisely, to mitigate these things. We have plenty of time to debate these things for a while longer before taking action. Its not an emergency in the US yet. All we know is that greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels and from conventional agriculture are heating the planet and setting records each year, but its not too hot yet. We know ice sheets and glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates, but they’re not gone yet. And, it is possible this supposed “science” is just being fed to us to scare us into agreeing to more government control. I’m not falling for that old trick. NASA and NOAA could just be facilitating that bad science. If you go to the NASA website on climate change there’s all kinds of statements to be suspicious of. Just take a look (…very suspicious, and even if true, it doesn’t provide anything compelling that tells us to take action, right? Very bland information. Its almost as if someone demanded that nothing useful should be posted there. WE NEED MORE PROOF! My apologies for all the sarcasm, I understand its a poor technique, but did it anyway…sorry.

Thanks for posting that link. This appears at first glance to be a very interesting piece of technology, which would allow the uninitiated among us to access another communications option.

Just wondering how some comments are marked as being created in September when this Blog Post was created October 9th.

Whether it’s man-made, as in the cast of California’s PGE shutting down all power to some communities for days on end, or it’s brought by nature, the case for resilience continues to stack up.
Here’s some wildly compelling video of the massive typhoon hitting Tokyo:
Trucks being tipped over, even when not moving, pieces of buildings coming off, and some of the most massive waves hitting shore that I’ve ever seen.
Typhoon Hagibis set records for intensification, and just narrowly missed out on setting the record for the highest sustained winds - ever - as far as I know.
It will be the first typhoon categorized as “very strong” to make landfall on the main island of Japan.
Lots of firsts and records being set these days…

The video compilation from your link is NOT only from Tokyo (if any) but also from 2018 typhoon events. Examples: ~ 0.36 this is Osaka harbor (I vividly remember this footage , since I was there about 2 months before the typhoon hit). Also ~1:30 into video the footage depicts the Kyoto train station (from 2018). So the drama is high , but a lot of footage (I assume) comes from 2018 July(? ) events around Osaka. I guess this is to enhance drama effect - but it’s totally redundant and misleading if the claim is made that these are Tokyo typhoon 2019 events ONLY.

Chris, many sites have been targeted by public relation companies that work for a wide range of people with vested interests in the continued use of fossil fuels: oil, gas and coal miners, energy utilities, even car companies. They pay the PR companies to make thousands of posts at sites that reflect community thinking on topics connected in any way to climate or fossil fuels … which puts your site solidly in the focus.
Some of the comments above, I believe, reflect this. It may serve you well to police the comments much more carefully and be far less tolerant of people who are essentially saying the equivalent of “the Earth is flat” or “evolution did not happen”. Either do that, or your site will lack credibility and drive away intelligent, genuine readers.
“Dark Money” Funds Climate Change Denial Effort
To learn more about the organized science denial campaign — what it is and who is behind it — google the following articles:
Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years
Paid Commenters Hired By Fox News To Spread Right Wing Talking Points Across The Net
Climate Deniers Taking a Page Out of Big Tobacco Playbook
Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed
Astroturfing the climate wars: five ways to spot a troll
Astroturfing works, and it’s a major challenge to climate change

“It may serve you well to police the comments much more carefully”
We have ENOUGH police in our society today,
thank you very much.
We DO NOT need more policing just to suit your inclinations.
If you don’t like the kind of responses here,
I’d suggest you take yourself elsewhere.

Regarding video/news of the recent extreme weather outlier that hit Tokyo this weekend, a good/accurate link to that information is (click on the Typhoon news on upper left side of page)
That typhoon is a complete outlier and represents the initial phase of the “new normal” (I wonder what more extreme events will be “normal” after more ocean warming that is already baked into the cake). Extreme Tokyo rainfall records were set this weekend. That typhoon is noteworthy as being similar to if a big category 5 typhoon completely avoided Florida/Carolinas, entered (and weakened in) the cooler waters off New England and then slammed head on into NY City. This comes one and a half years after another storm of the millennia (never before recorded rainfall in Japanese history) hit my area as a mere normal rainstorm (not even a typhoon) dropped so much rain in one day that the shore lines were completely redone (landslides everywhere) and no public water for weeks afterwards. And the separate typhoon that hit Osaka (with those videos of a ship taking out the bridge to the airport) happened a few weeks AFTER our simple storm of the millennia last year and before Tokyo’s typhoon of the century this weekend. I can see how someone making a video can get these all mixed up. These “extreme” things are happening at least once per year over here. … Welcome to the new weather games, may the odds be ever in your favor!

I’m going to go out on a limb here, but it kinda feels like you really know your stuff when it comes to astroturfing. I mean, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were coming to the site with the goal of policing it for us - making sure all the “hate speechers”, “racists”, and “climate deniers” were driven away.

Astroturfing the climate wars: five ways to spot a troll Astroturfing works, and it’s a major challenge to climate change ASTROTURFING, WHAT IS IT AND WHY IT MATTERS
I notice further than "real" participants here at the site tend to have a broad range of things they are interested in. Paid (or even "volunteer") trolls, on the other hand, tend to focus on one thing only. Sound familar?

Lets keep the debate alive:
And I am highly allergic to being bullied, whether by thugs on the street, the occasional global warming fanatics, governments that would compel me with the threat of violence to pay for their pet climate projects, and sneaky globalists who might like to use fear of global warming to set themselves up as the ultimate elite in a one-world government, economy and monetary system.
I am stubbornly agnostic about the science, and efforts to shame me or control my mind from either side cause me to dig in my heels even more. This shows in my lifestyle choices in which I am trying to be prepared for catastrophic global warming AND for the fluctuations in weather that might come in a future without catastrophic man-made global warming.
My problem with the IPCC and those who preach catastrophic man-made global warming are the political solutions they all seem to gravitate toward: dramatic increases in centralized government control of economies, business, and the minute details of the average person’s daily lives all over the world. The usually hidden assumption behind these “solutions” is people will not voluntarily do enough of what the high priests of global warming insist MUST be done to save the world so that the people have to be forced by an immensely powerful government (most likely global) to do what they are told. The sacrifices and wholesale death that would accompany these “solutions” is almost always glossed over.
I’m most interested in hearing from the advocates of the man-made global warming theory not more of the science but more explicit discussion about the “solutions” you believe are essential to save the world and humanity from itself.

  1. Do you expect that people around the world will ever voluntarily do what must be done to save the world from man-made global warming? Will they do it voluntarily in time to make a difference?
  2. If you answered “no” to the above, what is your solution to people not voluntarily in large enough numbers, fast enough doing what must be done? Do you believe government should incentivize and/or force people to change? What would that look like? Would non-violent incentives be enough or will force/threat of force ultimately be required?
  3. If you believe people won’t voluntarily act fast enough and coercive government control (backed up by violence) must be used, what form of government would most effectively accomplish the saving of the Earth? I ask because if the people won’t voluntarily change enough to save the Earth, giving those same people the power to vote against policies and politicians that would FORCE them to comply with the proper policies does not seem like a logical idea. If they won’t voluntarily do the right things, then why let them vote against the right things? So, what kind of government structure do you think WOULD work? Would today’s national governments be up to the tasks, or would a global government be required? It seems to me there would be huge resistance in the population to the draconian measures necessary to save the Earth. If so, how much violence perpetrated by government against resisters do you believe would be justified in saving the Earth?
Lets keep the debate alive:
Why on Earth would anyone quote Mr Armstrong on anything at all? The man is a master conman. As wikipedia says of him:
Martin Armstrong spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators.
So anyone with an ounce of common sense would run a million miles before taking this man's word on any topic, and most especially a complex scientific topic (Armstrong has no tertiary education, in addition to his criminality). All these ideas of "global government" and "high priests of global warming" etc are manufactured memes designed to appeal to conspiracy-minded Libertarians, and you've fallen for it hook, line and sinker. I read the Libertardian blogosphere with all it's guff about "They ain't gonna take away mah freedumbs!" and think: "The plot thickens. 99% of scientists contrive an environmental crisis but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires and oil companies." Too funny, or perhaps too sad.