The looting operation (con't)

There is some good stuff on the Daily Paul today, The Election in Mouseland is pretty good, enjoy.

I’d highly reccomend Soros’s new book!!!

They could schedule the vote just before the next pay raise they vote in for themselves. Oh, forget that, lunch would have to get moved up too to close to the dinner break, and we wouldn’t want any of our electorate to suffer indigestion.
If this was a book, nobody would read it because the story is such a BS farce! Truth is truly stranger than fiction!

i can see your confusion steve

but i can clear it all up for you

the bailout was the PROFIT

To quote the Matrix Movie…"we need guns…lots of guns" What will these idiots listen to? I cannot imagine that they are getting bonuses when I am struggling to find a job. I cannot find work in my profession so I am working as a painter painting homes that people are trying to sell. I am having to under bid just to ensure I get the work. It is coming down to who will work for the least. I need to eat and pay my bills and these a’holes are lining up waiting to take delivery of their Ferraris? Bring on the socialism or at least another way of doing things. Our greedy nature got us here. I am guilty of this too, I want nice things because I watched my world scurry around to get the best and the newest. I no longer need those things. I need relationships and community. Not shiny suits or fancy watches.


I agree with one post…let the things fail that will fail regardless of a bailout. We will struggle but this has to stop. This unmonitored spending of OUR money. I hate to quote the fact that we need guns but what will it come to if our society continues to give the finger to the family struggling to make it while all this unchecked spending goes on. Lets equal the playing field and be "Equal" as beings, not seperate as stockholders.


I have been a have not most of my life and make due with what I have and work for. I believe we need to see our system fail. Reset…then figure out how to live with each other and work together for what matters. Being alive.


My humble opinion

let them eat cake…


in all honesty the banks are doing exactly what you would expect of them when a windfall falls in their lap, they disburse it among themselves in the form of bonuses. it’s actually quite smart if you ask me (to rid themselves of the bailout cash) when you consider the situation, the fed will do all that is possible to keep these banks in business and are even more motivated after having dumped billions in their pockets. and the quicker they blow through the money the faster they can line up for another hand out. profits on loans and investments take too long to come to fruition and in short time the cash window (paulson’s purse) may close, don’t be the dope who invested wisely.


it’s not the ethical business behavior you would want of the banks we poured our savings accounts into but it’s the behavior i think we should expect. with the handouts and more stimulus packages on the horizon, the risk of failure is removed, so to, it seems is the shame of greed.



bob, i don;t think of this as sci-fi, or science fiction, i think of this as fi-sci, or finance science fiction.



Maybe I’m old fashion but what about public hangings right on Wall St. . The networks want higher ratings ,this would do it.

This has been done to those guilty of crimes against humanity, what do you call this "looting" thing, shoplifting.


nodebthere for president!

That is very interesting about Taiwan’s government structure. Certainly the soil is fertile to plant such an idea here but I am not hopeful that it would get very far. Maybe if we all started putting pressure on our politicians from the outset of Obama’s administration something could happen but I hear the "purists" screaming about tinkering with the founding fathers creation. Reality is everyone in government is corrupt to some degree and no one wants a watchdog group with real power. That is why it is exactly what is needed. Remember Napolean’s comment about democracy being an excellent system but you need a revolution every couple hundred years to clean out the system.

On a positive note regarding the TARP program. Maybe this bonus thing will piss off enough people so that there is pressure not to release the other 450billion. Maybe the "let them fail" sentiment will pick up energy as people lose their jobs, get awakened from their personal slumbers, and face the cliff on their own. People tend to be more afraid before something happens and not while it is happening. Since our crisis is really accelerating now maybe a little morre collective courage will emerge from the masses and they will move away from this magnetic pull toward "getting things BACK TO NORMAL" as they will realize there is no NORMAL anymore.

Thanks for listening.




That is very interesting about Taiwan’s government structure. Certainly the soil is fertile to plant such an idea here but I am not hopeful that it would get very far. Maybe if we all started putting pressure on our politicians from the outset of Obama’s administration something could happen but I hear the "purists" screaming about tinkering with the founding fathers creation. Reality is everyone in government is corrupt to some degree and no one wants a watchdog group with real power. That is why it is exactly what is needed. Remember Napolean’s comment about democracy being an excellent system but you need a revolution every couple hundred years to clean out the system.

On a positive note regarding the TARP program. Maybe this bonus thing will piss off enough people so that there is pressure not to release the other 450billion. Maybe the "let them fail" sentiment will pick up energy as people lose their jobs, get awakened from their personal slumbers, and face the cliff on their own. People tend to be more afraid before something happens and not while it is happening. Since our crisis is really accelerating now maybe a little morre collective courage will emerge from the masses and they will move away from this magnetic pull toward "getting things BACK TO NORMAL" as they will realize there is no NORMAL anymore.

Thanks for listening.




I watched, with dismay, as the voters threw away the only tool we have at our end of this game; The right to vote OUT ALL INCUMBENTS. So let’s all bend over, and take it in the shorts.
Shame on all of us, the simple, uneducated voter, for going right out and voting those stupid party lines, and giving congress the clear message, "Go ahead and do whatever you feel like, we don’t care."
It really should have been, "Go ahead, make my day." But it is, and will continue to be business as usual.

i hear you bro

it is called the screwing of the average man.

it just may come to guns but they have bigger ones.

just remember they can take everything but your soul.

never let the bastards see you sweat.

You hit the nail squarely on the head. WE are to blame for putting these people in office and then WE exacerbate the situation by re-electing them. The politics of greed and money for nothing will take this great country to the brink.

I told a woman I worked with that if you don’t know anything about economics, politics, and history then you should not vote, how would you know if what you are voting for is good or bad? It seems like this is the case with Obama, I can’t think of one issue that I agree with him on, I was actually shocked to see him elected because his idea’s are so anti-american. I voted for Bob Barr because his idea’s are closer to what america once stood for. I think it’s sad that people would elect someone just because of their skin color or gender and somehow think it’s good, never mind what the person stands for.

I was watching the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" the other day and I felt a strong sense of empathy for the black man accused of raping a white man’s daughter in a southern state. He knew he didn’t have a chance in hell because it was a black mans word against white peoples word. I was trying to think what it would be like to live in that kind of world, where you know that you will be wrong in any situation of this kind. I think it would that you would be afraid in any contact with a white person knowing that one wrong move could put your life in danger, what a horrible way to live your life.

I really can’t imagine the euphoria that many black people are feeling right now because I have never had to live the way they have, they finally have someone on their side in the highest office in the land. I just wish it was Thomas Sowell instead.

"I was actually shocked to see him elected because his idea’s are so anti-american. I voted for Bob Barr because his idea’s are closer to what america once stood for."

My response to this should not be taken in any way as partisan and not as a direct attack on the statement since from the context, I don’t think it was meant spefically in the manner in which I am addressing it It just serves as the vehicle to make this point. T

As I see it, throwing "anti-american" around is highly problematic since all our visions of "what america once stood for" are interpretive. Yes, we all have subjective rationalizations based upon our individual world views, mostly derived from the information we have absorbed through our lifetime. There is no one absolute vision of America (the founders had many disagreements) and this experiment has morphed over the years. So, what previous America do you prefer? Who is American to you? You, my friend, move down that road of totaliarism and possibly fascism when terms like un-American or un-patriotic are thrust upon others.

"I told a woman I worked with that if you don’t know anything about economics, politics, and history then you should not vote, how would you know if what you are voting for is good or bad?"

I would suggest that this mindset is anti-American. We all have our own gripes about how we feel others are ignorant to important societal issues that should be known when exercising one of our more important rights. However, to suggest that someone should not participate in a democracy because the don’t live up to your abitrary standard of knowledge is explicitly anti-democratic and anti-American. Hell lets give poll tests and make it so only those that own property can vote. It is the pluralist nature of our system that should be celebrated; that people may have very different views, whether by ignorance or by education, on what it is to be American or how this should be carried out AND still have the protected right to participate in the systems is an amazing feature. One should not assume that their understanding of the world, no matter how definite in their own mind, is absolute.

In the end, society is a CULTURAL construction with political and economic systems that reflect this. The real foundations of this country is based upon an ACTIVE citizenry and if the greater population becomes passive, then the systems may not represent and be biased towards those that have actively entrenched their own power.

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve is refusing to
identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from
American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting
as collateral.
US Mortgage Giants Crisis

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
said in September they would comply with congressional demands for
transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two
months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue
programs that didn’t require approval by Congress, Americans have no
idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are
pledging in return.


We should be in the streets marching on Washington for this. It’s our responsibility as citizens of a democracy. Obviously the Wall Street cabal is not going to give up power willingly. Did we actually think they would?

Does the average person really even care? They’re so stuck in the consumer trance and survival game that they neither know what’s happening nor believe they can do anything about it. That has to change. We need a revolution.

I’m surprised americans are not in the street lynching bankers… or have you been so used to be abused by your leaders (I won’t give examples)?

We’re going through the same banking tragi-comedy here in switzerland (and man are banks important to us!), with a 6 billion swiss franc (approx 5.1 billion us$) bailout of UBS, equivalent to a 10,000 francs per citizen gift (loan they say) to banks…

But at least, top UBS leaders announced in the press today that they were declining this year’s bonus on their own initiative (the parliament refused to make bonus banning a condition to the bailout…). It’s probably a strategy to reassure the fleeing customers of the bank, but one has to admit it has the minimal decency we can expect after such a rip off.

I hope at least that american bankers will put their bonus in a Swiss bank!


Hello Switters:

Yes. I saw this and said, finally. Then I read the headline.


Thousands protest gay-marriage ban


Okay, so let me get this straight. Many, many conservative churches felt that this was an issue to get their members to get a propisition on, and in protest of prop 8 many people marched.

The stock market looses, what 5 trillion, and the "Fed" hands over 2 trillion of OUR TAX dollars in exchange for toxic waste - that didn’t make money then but will be worth something later, they won’t account for the money, Paulson was the assistant to a guy who got locked up for Watergate, corporate bozos who loose billions get millions in bonuses out of our tax dollars… and no one marches?

Personally, I feel the conservative churches would have been better off protecting their members 401(k)'s. I DON’T believe in gay marriage - but since no one is making mary another man neither me or my wife consider this an issue that is MORE important than something that affects democracy and our kids future. Let me rant here. I think we have many more important issues that precede this, global resources, what we are doing to our planet, democracy vs empires, wars, corruption and so on.

PS I just read Chris’s new post, this sounds more Biblically relivant and important to Churches than prop 8.