The Phantom Mania

You have said I’m posting propoganda. Now you can point out where exactly the propoganda lays. Otherwise you ought to spend some time in front of a mirror and argue with the Constitution all you want.
I’m surprised that Ralph Nader and a Constitutional scholar (and no liberal) discussing the crimes of the current POTUS is being ignored by this cohort, substituted by attacks on my sharing the information. Yeah, mirrors all around.
But thanks for the attention.

I didn’t say you posted propaganda. I called your posts an “analysis-free bot-like propaganda stream.” Those two things aren’t the same. At least a propaganda artist uses some personal creativity. Not you. You just regurgitate.
You never summarize the articles. You never include content of your own. You could easily be replaced by a 40-line python script. Maybe I exaggerate. It would probably be fewer lines than that.
In my book, that’s just cut & paste spam. At this point, you’re a spammer, no more, no less. It woud be awesome if you either went away, or showed some personal creativity.
Hope that helps clarify.
[Just to be clear: I do not speak for the site. I’m just one voice among many.]

Most of my posts ARE analysis or opinion pieces for your viewing if you so choose Re Sandpuppy. Do your own due diligence. Where is it written that this website is for “Original” analysis in the comments section? Who the F are you to be setting the rules. Your posts are just you vomiting out the contents of your thoughts and repeating what you’ve read or heard. How is that not a complete waste of our time? Your analysis in only worthwhile in a comments section of a blog. If your so good at critical thinking where’s your website. Can’t you write your own original code? Stop using Chris and Dave as your wagon to hitch to.

Glad to see you posting some original thoughts and engaging with the rest of us.


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