The Pursuit of Happiness"
Then John it took me here:

"The more dominant core values of the Piscean Age of money, power and control must go to make room for the Aquarian Age values of love, unity, brotherhood and integrity."

Which came from here:

I have read that over time we have lost our connection to the natural world. That we still have imprinted in our DNA. So I just go with wherever the messenger sends me, that inner voice, and just trust that if I listen, share, that I am doing what is asked of me. I do this without question.

I have no idea if I'm silly about this or not but no harm, no foul. I know this, I dream and everything that I dreamt came true in a Deja Vu event at some later time. That is still an amazing wonder to me.

John, that was a cool song and meant something to you, and me too, I just wanted you to know that you are acknowledge, and thank you for this, and your efforts.

Gooo Tigers


Thanks for making it easy to review them!
Goooo Tigers


Thanks Bob. I think that hives will fit into my survival plan very nicely, thankyou.There is a lot of uninhabited land on the Bight. I could drop off hives in all sorts of inaccessible places. I think that thieves will need a sailboat too in order to get my honey.
I love it when a plan comes together.

be beat for enthusiasm and loyalty!And for something completely different, here's a favorite track from my neck of the woods.
Don't be alarmed by the fact that you can buy it-you can also simply hit "play" and listen.
Cheers -

Susan, your song reminded me of this:

So this morning will be songs. Thank you

Goooo Tigers


Nice thread, nice music. The music brought back some good memories.  What ever did happen to the age of Aquarius?
I remember watching music awards as a kid and it came down to "Bridge over Troubled Waters" and "Let it Be".  I don't remember who won (winning a music award, what a bizzare concept!).  They're both beautiful songs!

I have been lucky,  because I have only been half here, my twin died when I was two years old.  I have always felt connected to the broader universe.  I have always known that this crisis would come, things unfold that way they have to, if things could have happened any other way, they would have.  I have always felt that this world is a craziness of our own making, I have been waiting for the change that is finally happening.  Talk about not buying into consumer culture!

Personally I have had to discover the value and meaning of suffering, I have a tendency to avoid those things that are too intense.  This is hard to describe and my words will not do it justice, but I am finally starting to understand the enormous beauty in suffering because of the intensity of awareness and compasion that it invokes.  It also destroys the false values and road blocks that we construct in our lives.  Not that I go looking for the stuff, but am more likely to conciously participate in events around me that I used to avoid.

So for me happiness is about being alive and experiencing life fully, both the good and the bad.  While being aware of the darkness, not engaging with it, seeing the beauty in all things.  Enjoying an orange or the deisre for an orange.  Being a friend, being with a friend or feeling the poignancy of a friend who is out of reach. Listening and reading all  of your comments, seeing new things and perspectives. Being introduced to Bruce Cockburn and Colin Linden.  Remembering the Age of Aquarius.

Brother treebeard, for you my Man that was as sweet a thread I have read.

Respetfully Given


Thanks Bob, love Let It Be, still after all these years.

Treebeard, you bet, and we may just have to get involved as the kids back in the  day did. Without the drugs of course and finish what they started. What are we prepared to do?






I'm the marketing assistant for Robert Scheinfeld, a NY Times bestselling author who just wrote a new book on how to be happy.  It's called "The Ultimate Key To Happiness."  It offers a v-e-r-y different approach to defining what happiness really is, and a very different step-by-step path to experience it all the time, no matter what's going on around you.  The Internet has gotten so complex.  So many options.  Can anyone here share ideas for how to get the word out there about this important new book?  I'd love to hear your ideas.  I'm sure there are tons of ideas I've never thought of before. 

Lets roll… see my post to in response to Chris's latest blog post and call to action!