The S&P 500 Is Now a Gambler's Paradise With 76.9% Up Days in May So Far

…cancel your cable TV subscription and disconnect the broadcast antenna.  Listen closely to the deafening sound of…hey, birds are still around.  Pay a visit to your local second-hand book store once or twice a month. I've yet to have an "old school" paper book crash on me.  And consider limiting your time on the web, the less dependent you are on it…the better. 
We're headed back…to the future!

All major econ indices are pointing down (except for rigged GDP and Employment).  National Activity Index clocked in today at -0.53 and market goes up!  And this is after last month's reasing of -0.23.

How much money is ECB printing to GDP?  China?  Japan?  Mexico?

Erik Townshend (FSO) does a nice job of encapsulating the list of concerns we all have.  Looking at the hard data (and not how we feel) brings us to a much different investment mindset.

Thank you gillbilly and others for your thoughtful and well-reasoned comments. I don't doubt the system is crumbling.  I'm becoming even more convinced, however, that a precipitous market drop is not in the cards for this year. There's simply too much money to be made before scaring the public to the sidelines again. It's clear to me that a select few are now deciding who makes or loses money in the market. To wit:

In The Past, I Even Sold All My Things To Buy Something New

In the past, I even sold all my things to buy something new. Friend, don’t sell, better look for ways to make money. I understand that you have the main job. And it doesn’t pay that much money. But try to learn how to play on this resource, I served there for two years. It’s better than selling your stuff. Have a nice day.


What do you think of gambling addiction?