The Vertical Government, is the political system that we know.
This video, give a very good understanding of the way of work of this vertical systems:
The relationship of political power to money is rule #2 “Control the Treasury” minute 2:12
The bitcoin, cryptocurrency ideology is to bypass central systems, central banks, by giving the power of money creation and administration to the people. this can be checked when you read the text of genesis block that satoshi nakamoto put there “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.
If government can not control the money, they are powerless.
Flat Government systems, is direct democracy, where the power is not delegated. You can see the status of this systems here:
Flat Government systems, have two problems to be practical:
1- The current vertical systems (the Government) dont want to give the power.
2- The citizen are not educated, prepare to work in this new type of human relationships.
DLT and Cryptocurrencies are a tool that help to solve problem 1.
Summary: we are in a point in history where we are moving from vertical to flat systems.
PoW like Erik and Chris Write, is part of the consensus mechanism. The problem is how to work with anonymous people whitout need thrust. Because Satoshi Nakamoto dont know that BFT algorithms exist. He decided to implement his own algorithm. The Satoshi solution was include a PoW (proof of work) to slow the the amount of people (miners) that can give good solutions to a determinate mathematical problem, if few miners can give good solutions, then few miners can cheating. This solution was very good when few transactions where processed, but now is a bad solution because slow the bitcoin network. bitcoin maximum transaction per second are 7, systems like paypal make hundreds and visa make thousands.
The second evolution in cryptocurrencies is the store in the blockchain of rules instead of fixed values, this rules was given the name of “smart contracts”. with this “smart contracts” any crypto can implement a settlement channel, think of this like visa and mastercard, off chain payments, this is the return of privacy, low fees and super fast payment processing. the original idea was named “lighting network”.
The third evolution in cryptocurrencies is the implementation of BFT algorithms, this will speed up the blockchain, and in the process will eliminate the need of miners and the high electric power use. But all it not so rosy, many proposed BFT algorithms are sacrificing anonymity and creating new central powers, the coin hoarders. (this is contrary to the original ideology of crypto).
UnityCoin is my design of a crypto, with the best features, that really put the money creation and control in the hands of organized citizens, (not miners, not hoarders, no central government, no central team), with full transparency, in a flat open government, where if I (the founder) fail to my duties the community can replace me any time and put another more capable citizen in place.
Note 1: We also agree that Ripple is a scam of the big banks and corporations, which does not mean you can not make money speculating with ripple.
Note 2: We believe that Chris really understand bitcoin, but the subject is so complex, extensive and new, that need some additional explanation like the write of Erik.
Note 3: We agree with Erik, Bitcoin is a very successful experiment, just that. is not a fully developed alternative economic system. Also Agree DLT is a very great Thing.
Note 4: Erik, need to fix the writing in his article about the “lighting network”, because give the impression that the lighting network will replace some part of the bitcoin protocol. This is a addition to bitcoin (or any crypto) that just need a very small changes in the code to support it, to support off chain settlement.
Note 5: Erik, correctly see the Orwel, as the cryptocurrency that all the governments of the world want and will create. I would add that, in addition, a new type of government will be developed, something totally new, that will accompany a new well developed crypto currency, (UnityCoin). I already have a first design of this government (e-nation), and I hope to present it to this great group.