At some point in the not-too-far-distant future, the wheels are going to fly off and the world is going to be fucked. All signs are pointing to an economic calamity and no amount of money printing is going to bail out the economy. If the WEF and ESG crowd continue their hatred of all fossil fuels there is going to be little to no incentive for Oil and energy companies to look for new sources of oil and gas.
Ya know, maybe if the entire planet started inhaling helium at least we could all laugh together in a funny way because things are starting to get serious in the Russian region. Martin Armstrong is reporting that Poland is readying a massive troop of 250,000 soldiers to possibly invade Russia. I personally would take Martin Armstrong very seriously because he has a proven track record of being right many times over.
So it appears the Joe Bidet Administration is prodding Poland to do their bidding. As Armstrong has been saying, they need war because the monetary system is collapsing.
So we have to ask the question. Is that there intent, which is to shut things down on purpose to bring about their utopia at the risk of depopulation? If anyone reads the WEF Manifesto on their website, you can’t help to come to that conclusion.
You can’t stop using fertilizer and expect to feed 8 billion people. Doing that is only possible with industrial farming and industrial farming NEEDS fertilizer.
A Little Bit Of Oil History Oh And Spirituality Too
inayat khan brought sufism to the west in the early 1900’s he brought it to the u.s. in 1918. one of his earliest disciples was a woman named rabia martin. when inayat khan died he left the sufi order to rabia.
rabia did not feel worthy and she searched for a master to guide the sufi order. okay the oil part is coming up. in the early 40’s she met princess norina matchibelli (some may be old enough to remember princess matchibelli perfume) and elizabeth patterson whose father simeon chapin along with his partners developed myrtle beach.
elizabeth and norina were disciple of the avatar of the age meher baba. when rabia heard about meher baba she felt she had found her master. she carried on a correspondence with him but was too ill to travel to india. when she died she left the sufi order to ivy duce who traveled to india in 1949 to meet meher baba and turn the sufi order over to him.
here’s the oil part. ivy’s husband was a vice president of saudi aramco. yep that saudi aramco. meher baba instructed terry duce to make sure saudi oil was secured for america. cold war was just getting into full swing and the u.s. and britain hatched a plan to make sure the soviets did not get m.e. oil. i guess it is true the lord works in mysterious ways.
here is a pretty good article on what went on.
From what I hear the three Baltic State peoples are of the opinion that Russia will be back someday (as per history’s cycles) and they are screwed when that happens.
Poland on the other hand is a large enough country that there are people who view a conflict with Russia as a chance to settle some old scores.
Anyway Poland may be a more willing participant than we think.
Would be cool to see anyone from the area weigh in
I wish to offer some comments on fusion.
Of course there are the foundational basics here on Earth, that in order to generate a self sustaining fusion reaction several times hotter than the sun, requires some mechanism to prevent the plasma from contacting the containment vessel and breaching it. Powerful magnetic fields are generally chosen as the solution.
In 1972, when I was finishing as an undergraduate at Princeton University, the graduate physics scientists were able to sustain the fusion reaction for perhaps only hundredths of a second.
Earlier this year, the Chinese state that they managed an amazing 17 minutes! From what I read, research performed by Western countries has managed only seconds of sustained fusion. This has only been accomplished after 50 years! The recent balyhooing of the western accomplishment as the most successful anywhere in the world, would seem misplaced if the Chinese are to be believed.
In simple terms, deuterium is smashed into tritium, accomplishing fusion [into atoms of Helium], ejecting a neutron and releasing energy.
The Hydrogen atom has 3 isotopes. The nucleus of “Normal” [Protium] Hydrogen consists of 1 proton.
Deuterium is a stable isotope of Hydrogen. The nucleus of Deuterium consists of 1 proton and 1 neutron.
Deuterium has a natural abundance in the Earth’s oceans of about one atom in 6420 of hydrogen.
Tritium is the third isotope of Hydrogen. It is rare, unstable and radioactive. The nucleus of Tritium consists of 1 proton and 2 neutrons. Tritium can be extracted or produced by a method involving liquid lithium.
Here is a couple or articles and a video you might enjoy looking at.
China’s Artificial Sun Just Broke a Record for Longest Sustained Nuclear Fusion January 10, 2022
Superheated plasma reached 126 million degrees Fahrenheit for 17 minutes
Fusion energy is one step closer thanks to developments in China, according to Chinese state media Nov 25, 2022 There is an embedded video further down in the article
Note: I can’t help playing the Devil’s Advocate.
The one atom of Deuterium naturally present in the Earth’s oceans for every 6420 atoms of “Normal” Protium Hydrogen don’t exist as single atoms, otherwise they would float away at the surface. They are bound in good old fashioned H2O water. To be made available to fusion, energy would first be required for electrolysis to access the Deuterium.
Then, of course, energy is required to create Tritium via the liquid Lithium process.
I can’t see how the Fusion process would ever become self sustaining: i.e, taking in sea water continuously, performing the above two processes continuously, and feeding the outputs into the fusion process. There would certainly be breakdowns in the process along the way, either though input or need for repair.
Restarting the fusion process, would require a source of traditional supply of electricity such as some combination of large batteries loaded by consumption of fossil fuels, nuclear power generation, or [dear God] wind turbines and solar panels.
I will just end with this look at batteries.
You may remember that Michael Moore [whom I alternately like and despise depending on the subject] produced a movie in 2019 called “Planet of The Humans”. He was pilloried for making the movie, that demonstrated all the corporate “greenwashing” of renewable energy that unequivocably relies on fossil fuels for its production and maintenance.
This underlines the points that Chris was making in this PP video.
When you talk about GDP, there are two components. 1) Actual increase in physical goods and services available. 2) Inflation - this is what’s happening right now - people are paying more for less activity.
So whenever I show GDP I always use inflation adjusted and I say which.
So is this nominal or inflation adjusted GDP.
As to the availability of deuterium, I believe that HOD can be significantly enriched (in the unevaporated fraction) by simple distillation, potentially even using a “free” energy method such as a solar still. The deuterium can hopefully then be liberated without electrolysis if there’s anything to the following, and if it can be scaled:
Tritium, however, is another matter if it would be necessary to use the process you reference to get a sufficient amount.
richcabot you make a valid point.
I suspect if we want to sustain some sort of limited industrial society, it will likely be that the production of commodities will have to be 1. where the power is generated, be that nuclear, hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, tidal, biomass etc., or 2. a new technology for generating energy that is not dependent on location must be developed.
To my mind, the only things I am aware of that might fit this second category other than fossil fuels, is gravity and magnetism.
I would put my money on magnetics as geomagnetics and metals such as neodymium, display the push/pull magnetic energy everywhere on earth. The ability to make this push/pull energy rotate an armature to generate electricity could make it possible.
The cost of fossil fuels will soon preclude their use due to low EROI due to depletion and higher production/distribution cost for most of humanity other than the elite.
So the elite will not develop this new technology but those who need it for their survival. Humanity is highly imaginative and creative and the technology will appear when humanity is ready. Existing examples are the steam engine, electricity, radio, and air travel. Watt, Faraday, Marconi, and the Wright brothers were given credit because they beat their competitors, by weeks or months who were developing the same technology in other pars of the world.
I think 2. Has a chance, otherwise it is 1 producing where the powesource is located.
Many people have this backwards. A massive population reduction in too short of a timeframe would result in the collapse of civilization. Without going into the details, it is because, ultimately, the current system of civilization needs a large number of people to function. This is part of the predicament.
“Humanity is highly imaginative and creative and the technology will appear when humanity is ready…”
This is praying on the alter of the technology god. A good counter-point in history is Nazi Germany during WW-II. Highly capable scientists and engineers were developing cutting-edge technology, leading the way with jet aircraft, cruise missiles (V-1) and ballistic missiles (V-2) which were more effective than the propaganda machine of the Allies would let on (especially the missiles). Among the Germans, many held high hopes that this advanced technology would change the course of the war. However, no amount of ingenuity could solve their resource problems–limited fuel and limited materials in which to make new high-tech weapons. Ultimately, despite a concerted effort and much learning and progress, they lost the war.
The “Story of Progress”, which literally exudes from the media in all directions such that it hard for most of us to fully pull back the curtain and see the reality, is a powerful one. The best way to defeat its lure is to keep in mind the counter point: the Story of Regress. And a good way to do that is keep in mind those lessons from history that show us that progress is imperfect, and like all individual tools cannot be expected to solve all problems.
I did not say that it would happen. I likely should have said when a sufficient number of humanity has a more expansive consciousness, the solution will appear. In the examples I noted, there were others developing the same technology in other parts of the world in the same time lines. You can call it coincidence or what ever term you want. I personally believe that it was about the more expansive consciousness of the developers who were able to think out side of the box of conventional wisdom. I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.
You can dismiss it as praying on the alter of the technology God, as we all are always entitled to limit our thinking to what we believe to be possible.
I may may not be correct, but I personally find my creativity is constrained when my thinking is limited to what has been rather than what can be.
Relating to the brilliant German scientists of WW 2. As brilliant as they were, they were still working within the fossil fuel paradigm for their advanced weaponry. Fortunately for the allied forces, they ran out of fossil and bio fuels before they could be successful.
I certainly agree with you that the media hypes progress. What many of us don’t ask is progress toward what? If we asked that question, and followed the path that the progress will lead to, then we might not be so enamoured with the outcome and shift our belief in progress toward a more desired outcome. I 'm not sure the consciousness of most of humanity is there yet, but for some it certainly is.
Couple of things that jumped out at me watching the video:
First, the charts showing the correlation between energy consumption and GDP are convincing. What’s missing to me is there was a claim that we’re at peak oil but no similar convincing data. In looking at that problem, there are huge known reserves that have not been tapped around the world. The main problem seems to be many are in areas of the world where the countries that have them are less than hospitable to their development. So, in a macro sense, there is no peak oil, it’s just when you get to the practical side of its development where things fall apart from a geopolitical standpoint.
Second, while GDP is certainly correlated to energy (takes x units of energy to create y units of GDP), there are many other elements to GDP. There is raw materials and natural resources, for example. But, most importantly, there is the element of workforce and consumers (ie people). Without considering what workforce is available (who can turn that energy into products and services) and who is consuming (who buys those products and services) then you have a very simple-minded model of GDP as a function of energy alone and that simply isn’t the case. That’s why several economists are looking so carefully at birth rates, or more precisely, the decline thereof in many industrialized countries and how that will eventually line up an economic disaster.
The chart showing all-up debt vs GDP is the real scary chart. It doesn’t take a Nobel Prize economist to understand you can’t expand debt exponentially forever. At some point, the ability of the gooberment to service the debt will stop. If real interest rates were to climb into positive territory (necessary to actually counter inflation), the interest on the national debt would exceed total revenues. At that point, the USA becomes Zimbabwe. Further, corporate and private debt has expanded exponentially because of the artificially low rates masking the real cost of money. There, too, if real rates are reached to combat inflation there will have to be massive debt restructuring.
It’s not a matter of if economic calamity is coming, it’s a matter of when.