The War Machine Springs To Life Over Syria

Does any country in the world believe that this was anything but a face-saving exercise by a coalition of the culpable?
Over 100 missiles used to ‘destroy’ three empty buildings/facilities, in a ‘one time’ attack. Syria and Russia weren’t told in advance that the attack was coming but the targets were announced days ago. Now Syria claims to have shot down 71 missiles (probably an exaggeration) with 30 year old equipment while the US claims that they hit nothing (surely an underestimation). Since the US announced they would hit 8 locations and wound up with three, who will win the propaganda wars now, especially given the transparent lying the US, UK and France have engaged in leading up to this farce?
Russia now has reason to give Syria advanced weapons, Israel will scream. China now will openly oppose the US in Syria. Who wants to buy US missiles now? everyone is queuing up for Russian antimissile systems.
Good thing that the Deep State makes it’s own reality because they are quickly becoming the only ones living in it.

Anyone here proud to be an Amerikan today?
Anyone think we are making Amerika great?

This is how new “terrorists” are created.
If someone kept dropping bombs in my neighborhood, I’d react somewhat negatively.

“Anyone here proud to be an American today?”
“Anyone think we are making America great?”
Your attempts to “SHAME” us - I am NOT biting. My Father fought in WWII, I knew people who died in Vietnam and people who are serving in our armed forces today and they deserve our respect and support. There is a HUGE difference between those who arrogantly wield power and those who bleed and die for the people they love.
Generalizations and contempt are NOT helpful. Shame on you for lumping good people, people who are hardworking and our service personnel who are dying for our country with those who are corrupt and indifferent. It’s all a matter of perspective!
May Our Men and Women who serve our country come home alive.

“Raytheon predicts increased 2nd quarter profits. Assures Pentagon replacement Tomahawk missiles can be delivered in 30 days.” I’m not sure if the previous is true, I just made it up…Aloha, Steve

Ours But To Do Or Die (The Automatic Earth)

You see Reagan didn’t want to WIN the Cold War. He wanted to END it. The Cheney-Rumsfeld-Dr. Strangelove wing could never forgive that. His body wasn’t cold before they were back, this time behind Clinton, to finish the occupation of Russia as the last step to world domination. This is why the crazies back in the PNAC days were desperate to nuke the helpless Russia even then. They were right. If you didn’t nuke them, openly attack them, they would survive and escape, which would ultimamtely thwart the Neocon/Deep State plans to take over the world. And so they have. But as we see today, they never give up. They’re still aching to start a world-wide nuclear exchange and openly agitating 24/7 on CNN to do so. No amount of bombing is enough, no number of bankrupted, shattered cities are too many just to get Russia out of the way, whose historic job, sadly but heroically, is to crush and utterly destroy the idiotic plans of meglomaniac warmongers from the West like Hitler and Napoleon, and dash them to pieces on the rocks of reality. Because the West never restrains its maniacs, it empowers them.

I wonder if somebody thought this also required some distraction…

according to the independent Swiss state Spiez lab, the substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, which was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states. Link
Curiouser and curiouser.

This attack is against Russia, which is replacing the US Dollar as its reserve currency and for settlement of international trade. Same as Iraq, Lybia, Iran, and China. That’s why these countries are on our shitlist and subject to sanctions, invasions, attacks, trade wars, and regime change.

Mohammed Mast wrote:
Anyone here proud to be an Amerikan today? Anyone think we are making Amerika great?
Dude, this country was essentially over with the 2010 coup d'etat of Citizens United. Everything from there until whatever near-or-distant-term point at which it is replaced by whatever comes next is just a ragged epilogue. I say this not to be edgy or gloomy, but because I find it a useful filter/frame to interpret the current situation, current events, and future events. I can't change the wave, but if I can see/predict it with any clarity, I can ride it and survive instead of getting tumbled by it. The US had a decent run. Turns out it wasn't immune to history/hadn't broken the wheel of history. VIVA -- Sager
AKGrannyWGrit wrote:
"Anyone here proud to be an American today?" "Anyone think we are making America great?" Your attempts to "SHAME" us - I am NOT biting. My Father fought in WWII, I knew people who died in Vietnam and people who are serving in our armed forces today and they deserve our respect and support. There is a HUGE difference between those who arrogantly wield power and those who bleed and die for the people they love. Generalizations and contempt are NOT helpful. Shame on you for lumping good people, people who are hardworking and our service personnel who are dying for our country with those who are corrupt and indifferent. It's all a matter of perspective! May Our Men and Women who serve our country come home alive. AKGrannyWGrit
If I was a bumper sticker kind of guy, which I'm not, I'd get one in response to the tacky "Support our Troops" ribbon stickers that says, "I appreciate the sacrifice, but I do not support our troops."
AKGrannyWGrit wrote:
"Anyone here proud to be an American today?" "Anyone think we are making America great?" Your attempts to "SHAME" us - I am NOT biting. My Father fought in WWII, I knew people who died in Vietnam and people who are serving in our armed forces today and they deserve our respect and support. There is a HUGE difference between those who arrogantly wield power and those who bleed and die for the people they love. Generalizations and contempt are NOT helpful. Shame on you for lumping good people, people who are hardworking and our service personnel who are dying for our country with those who are corrupt and indifferent. It's all a matter of perspective! May Our Men and Women who serve our country come home alive. AKGrannyWGrit
I made no attempt to shame anyone, the corporate state has done a much better job than I ever could. By the way you did bite and you used it to go off on a rant which for the most part does not address the current situation, but does perfectly express the Amerikan mythology that is the reason we find ourselves where we are today Strawman arguments have little weight behind them. I asked a simple question. I can only assume you are proud of our actions and support bombing Syria. I am not about to get into a silly flame war about Amerikan history so I will leave you with a video fo someone who knew very well what our men and women are actually serving. (hint it aint "their" country)
joeschreiber wrote:
This attack is against Russia, which is replacing the US Dollar as its reserve currency and for settlement of international trade. Same as Iraq, Lybia, Iran, and China. That’s why these countries are on our shitlist and subject to sanctions, invasions, attacks, trade wars, and regime change.
I don't believe any of those countries are part of the international banking cartel.

Why I’m not worried - perhaps it’s time to unplug:

“Worry is wasting today’s time to clutter up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s troubles.”

And now Israel attacks to provoke the Iranians. Coincidence? No. They are hoping that the Iranians will attack Israel while we have an armada steaming into the Med. just in time to attack those pesky Iranians and make Bolton happy.

Mark Cochrane wrote:
I wonder if somebody thought this also required some distraction.....
according to the independent Swiss state Spiez lab, the substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, which was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states. Link
Curiouser and curiouser.
OPCW is unfortunately subject to politicization and undue influence most famously evident during the Cheney Administration by the US led ouster of it's first director Jose Bustani who was attempting to bring Iraq and Libya into the OPCW treaty regime and wanting inspectors on the ground in Iraq and was therefore deemed a hindrance to the already decided on war plans. Designated point demon on that was our good friend John Bolton.
The OPCW report on Skripal samples certainly appears to have selectively presented the availible facts from the Swiss lab results so as to narrowly support the plausibility of UK's bogus story. However even that selective reporting includes the fact that the samples of the nerve agent were of high purity. This implies all sorts of derivative inconsistencies with the official story regarding it's provenance and application with regard to observable facts. Not the least of which is that a pure version of a Novichok 'type' agent would have quickly killed any victims. It will be interesting to see the results of OPCW's findings in Douma ( Now that Trump and May's brave and decisive missile strikes have forced the Russians and Syrians to consent to allow them access) It is of note that the current head of OPCW is a Turkish diplomat who is a former ambassador to Israel. Regardless of his personal integrity, if there is leverage avail, we will know it and it will be used. Hopefully he does not have children in New York or London that John Bolton can threaten like in the case of former OPCW director Jose Bustani In any case I suspect even with an unambiguous OPCW finding that there was no chemical attack in Syria, our side will simply result in obfuscation and propaganda, You can see that Mattis engaged in some preemptive ass covering by foreshadowing an excuse that evidence of these chemical agents degrade quickly with time. Between that and the Syrian /Russian control of the site prior to OPCW arrival should be enough to blunt any unfortunate revelations.


“I can only assume you are proud of our actions and support bombing Syria.”
Oh for Pete’s Sake, another snarky comment. Really???
I get your point - my point is that I am old enough to remember the return of our Vietnam Vets and it WASN’T a hero’s welcome for many! We got it then we get it now, somehow our troops deserve better! Your post can be interpreted as contemptuous. Our Service members deserve better.
Annoyed Granny

So far at least, it looks like an attack similar to the one that happened last time. Nobody died, some buildings got blown up, the foaming-at-the-mouth war-cheerleaders in the media got some shots of missiles being launched (war being an immediate ratings boost), and Trump gets to say “Mission Accomplished.”
My guess: Trump has learned that its cheaper (in terms of his political capital) to appease the media-attack-poodles with a $100 million dollar symbolic act rather than to try and stand on principle.
But he can’t really come out and tell us this, except obliquely.
I wonder if he learned from this event: perhaps next time he’ll just quietly order the troops home rather than advertising it in advance.

There are few things we can learn

  1. Trump is smart enough to avoid provoking a nuclear war
  2. Putin is smart enough to avoid reacting to provocations and therefore avoid a nuclear war
  3. the war hawks will be encouraged by the lack of retaliation by Russia, so i still expect an escalation / false flag in the future.
    Right now, this is great news, two smart people who sure may preen like a pair of peacocks but are both wise enough to fear a conflict between two nuclear powers. I am going to go have a beer and rest easy for a while, then go back to making the garden bigger.