Things that make me go especially as it applies to 5th gen warfare
Note the number of likes, bottom left corner.
The Breggins. I remember they were going around in interviews saying that Malone wouldn’t answer their questions. Not that Malone is compelled to answer to anyone, but they were persistent about making that known.
Yep. My response to that is Make George Soros a Nobody Again. He’s the ultimate chaos agent driving the insanity.
Dr. Marteson and Dr. Malone both outsized contributed to my awakening.
I have been following them since very early COVID.
This talk brought greater clarity on why I was ostracized no matter how hard I tried to wake everyone up in my circle.
At 1hr and 13 mins and over the next 5 mins was the single greatest culminating moment for me. I failed epically with sisters and my now separated wife. I could not reach them. And I’m committing to moving on.
Watching this video on Christmas day was a wonderful gift.
I thank you two in opening my eyes from the manipulated world we live in.
Excellent video. Explains in one place what is happening to us and helps me feel less crazy.
My question is: what do we do about it now? How do we find stability and sanity in the middle of all this? How do we prevent “them” from prevailing?
There is a beautiful concept that cartographers use: Ground Truthing. You can use the lidar to collect data from an airplane high up, you can analyze that data and make elegant maps of a place. But you don’t really know a place until you have trudged through the woods and set foot upon that earth. That’s ground truth.
How do we collectiely find our ground truth?
Thought he said "NOT be able to recognize…
deleted by author
Oops. Corrected.
The origin story of “5GW” is from the (supposed) Unrestricted Warfare doctrine published and presented in 1999 by Chinese PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. The story goes that these military officers wargamed this new strategy for defeating the U.S./ West after they determined that kinetic warfare / mil invasion of the U.S. would never end in victory.
The reason I say “supposed”, is because that doctrine was popularized out of the blue and the algos were boosting content on channels that were talking about in early 2020. When I looked into the doctrine early on, I saw that a couple out of the very few historical references that were being cited appeared to have been backdated - making the pages appear to be older than what they were (e.g., Wayback Machine had nothing indexed prior to that date or 2-3 weeks before; Google Trends all the same).
I am almost an hour into the interview and want to comment on a couple of things. During the discussion of the Yale study on vaccine nudging, it was not just one study Dr. Malone alluded to. Chris did a deep dive into this subject matter and it was a minimum of 128 studies on not just vaccine nudging, but the masking, and the social distancing, school/business closures, etc…
I appreciate the discussion of gray versus black propaganda. There are (2) tests I can immediately judge a good report/article/news story on: Does the piece rely on “anonymous sources?” and are there links to the source of the report/article? I cannot accept an anonymous source as the basis for information gathering. Leaned that in law school and as a litigator. Too many unanswered questions.
Did not know this “tactic” had a name; also never considered this information defect as a “tactic.”
And, if I’m going to read an article or opinion piece on, for example Dr. Kory’s Senate testimony, there must be a link to the testimony transcript, or it’s a dogshit article. Learned that in law school and as a litigator, too.
When I attended Toast Masters, I learned to become painfully aware of filler words like “um” “uh” “and” “so” etc. I am noticing Dr. Malone uses a lot of filler words while he’s searching for the right word/phrase. Not sure if this is his speech pattern or if he’s suffering from some memory loss.
“Safe and effective” = neurolinguistic programming. Just. Wow. Of course it does! Repeated use of the term … reminds me of a reporter interviewing Srila Prabhupada asking him to respond to the allegation that the repeated chanting of the Hare Krsna Mahamantra was like brain washing. Srila Prabhupad agreed. He said “Yes, we are washing our brains.”
Which reminds me, as much as I would like to stay and finish this interview and read the comments, it’s time for my daily devotion - before I lose the morning.
This Joe Roagan/Mike Benz interview was from a link in D. Collum’s year in review. It covers the history internet censorship, and narrative control. How the government funds it through NGO’s, etc.
It’s almost 3 hours long. The way he recalls names, dates, amounts of money reminds me of listening to Whitney Webb. I don’t have a summary to give. Just putting in on here because I thought it covers alot on the topic.
Dear Chris,
Thank you for the excellent interview of 12/23/2024 – wherein Dr. Robert Malone discusses his book “Psywar,” exploring fifth-generation warfare”.
I like a lot of Dr. Malones analysis and observations and credit him with helping bring to the fore in the public marketplace of ideas the seminal work by Mathias Desmet regarding the use of “mass formation” (psychosis) in totalitarian systems of hierarchical dominance and control.
However, there are some points in the indicated Malone interview that are NOT well taken (by me). I am only going to list a few – because each could be the focus of a lengthy Substack Article etc. – and therefore I leave it to PP Members to pressure test what Dr. Malone says – and do some of their own research.
- “Safe and Effective” – The nomenclature “safe and effective” are terms of art in U.S. pharmaceutical (and biologic) product development and corresponding as appropriate regulatory approval by the FDA. The “safe and effective” phraseology has very specific technical, regulatory and legal meaning. Dr. Malone’s comment (starting @ minute 52:00) at a minimum completely dropped the ball as far as articulating and explaining the importance and relevance of the meaning of safe-and-effective in the FDA regulations and its egregious improper use by the powers-at-be in connection with the “psywar” aspects of the Covid-plandemic. Dr. Malone from where I sit failed to convey a reasonable understanding of the what, the why and the how - as it relates to the use of the safe-and-effective phraseology in the COVID psywar against the public. Dr. Malone’s comments – just repeated “safe and effective” over and over again linking it to a COVID-psywar – but without ever providing meaningful context for this important nomenclature in the pharmaceutical development space and its misuse in the putative State sponsored psywar!
- Malone core-competency: In view of Dr. Malone’s (self-professed) core-competency (starting @ minute 124:00) – it raises a question (at a minimum) in my mind of his proficiency at his consulting core-competency – when in direct view of my point (1) above, and/or whether there is another perhaps unspoken agenda (I hope not)(that is just push the main psywar thesis in his book?). Note, without going into the specific FDA regs in the CFR – Dr. Malone - having the indicated core-competency could have easily and quickly explained what “safe and effective” means in the context of drug development and regulatory approval – and the corresponding incongruency and blatantly improper use of the same phraseology in the context of the postulated psywar regarding the Covid-shot narrative. Dr. Malone is viewed by many (including me) as a knowledgeable erudite elder statesman that is often a thoughtful influencer – and therefore has a constructive and ethical fiduciary duty of fidelity and rigorousness in ones reporting and analysis (I think). I realize we are all human, make mistakes and have bias – whether we admit it or not – but still this aspect of Dr. Malone’s interview was a huge letdown for me.
- Reference to NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report). Dr. Malone references the National Security Study – 200 of 1974 dubbed the The Kissinger Report (Link: Pcaab500.pdf) – as articulating and evidence of a general nefarious authoritarian Government plan for global “depopulation”. Implicit in Dr. Malones characterization of The Report is the intended misguided presumption that ipso facto – that planetary human “overpopulation” does not exist and will never exist AND that The Report is evidence of immorality and moral turpitude for anyone that would dare to raise the question of excessive human activity (human population) that is progressively destroying Earth’s life support systems. With all due respect – in view of the actual Report – Dr. Malone’s characterization of the same appears to be at best an uninformed (worse unobjective and biased) opinion that is unsupported by adequate evidence, facts and logical reasoning. Can specifics be pulled from the Report that are “politically incorrect” in hindsight or misguided from inception – perhaps – but that does not equate with Dr. Malone’s broad-brush suggested would-be depopulation-trope. Dr. Malone at best appears not to have any real or operational knowledge of how U.S. A.I.D. Population Control programs were deployed before and after The Report. A very cursory look at just the table of contents of The Report illustrates that it relates to considering strategically the issue of (real/potential) human overpopulation and A.I.D. programs relating to family planning, education and health initiatives. The Report appears to be (and theoretically still is) – foundational guidance and part of U.S. aid provided to 2nd World and 3rd World countries to facilitate “population control” (now politically incorrect terminology) – that again theoretically is supposed to lead to a populist organic escape mechanism from the clutches of direct or indirect theocratically based authoritarian systems of hierarchical dominance, control and repression - that use basically “mass formation” to create a fanatical “overpopulation death cult” that facilitates status quo overpopulation and corresponding authoritarian control. Note, this type of mass-formation is similar but different from overpopulation-death-cult programing used by Marxist totalitarian systems for dominance and control. It is important to understand that theocratically based and atheistic-Marxist based overpopulation-death-cult mass-formations are two sides of essentially the same coin – used to control, repress and maintain authoritarian hierarchical dominance.
Just to be clear, because of the specific and overall architecture of the Covid-plandemic – that is it is too-stupid-to-be-stupid – I believe there is malice-of-fore-thought and therefore a depopulation agenda afoot regarding the same. But, it would be helpful if Dr. Malone can point out with particularity wherein the 1974 Kissinger Report there was then an express or constructive U.S. A.I.D. “depopulation” agenda.
I agree with Dr. Malone (starting @ minute 1:16:00) that the powers-at-be actively and passively promote, stoke and outright sponsor false narrative traps that can be later discredited. These trap false narratives – gain adoption by strategically and selectively targeting a deep-seated specific fear and bias in the target (latent persistent legacy mass-formation or emerging new mass-formations) – to facilitate control via the power to discredit influencers and create division in we-the-people.
Even though I believe that Dr. Malone is out-to-lunch on some of his points – he seems still to be over-the-target regarding the mechanics of the “psywar” as an instrument used by the Deep State to maintain and shape-shift a system of hierarchical dominance and control.
What is apparently lost on Dr. Malone is that historically human overpopulation regionally and now globally is a fundamental instrument used by authoritarians in a system of hierarchical dominance and control.
An excellent case study and evidence of this can be seen for example in China’s experiment with the (authoritarian putatively unethical) mandated “one-child-policy” (population control) and the eventual abandonment of the same some 26 years after emergence of the populist anti-totalitarian protests – aka that started with the 1989 Tiananmen Square/Tank Man experience.
The unethical authoritarian CCP population control of the one-child-policy essentially back-fired (against the totalitarian regime) – because it created an increasingly affluent educated (less resource restricted) population that was willing to challenge CCP State authority regarding fundamental human rights - including fighting against the one-child-policy.
The China “one-child-policy” case study – is a potential basis for creating considerable cognitive dissonance for those that are part of an overpopulation-death-cult mass formation – whether it be from theocratic authoritarian programing or from socialist totalitarian programing.
Again, thank you for the excellent Malone interview and your reporting and analysis.
P.S. – I hope it was not lost on PP Members - that starting @ minute 14:00, Malone asserts that the early COVID content censorship partnership (impacting him and you) - between Government and corporate interests started with the Trump White House/Administration – presumably as part of the OPERATION WARP SPEED. Say it ain’t so Joe!
I’m less than halfway through this video and I just feel the need to jump in and say… MIND. BLOWN.
My partner and I have been watching Doctor Who, sequentially, from the first of the new seasons (Rose Tyler). We’re currently up to Bill as the companion (black lesbian). We’ve absolutely noticed the woke progression of the show, as well as the fact that, at least twice in Season 10, the Doctor practically breaks the fourth wall by launching into such a lengthy, blatantly politically slanted, speech that I was left sitting there in annoyance thinking “Am I still watching fun sci fi? What the hell is even going ON here?!”
What Chris said about Sesame Street is freakin’ terrifying.
I recently wound up stranded in the Newark airport overnight, which was not fun, to put it mildly. There were people from multiple delayed flights desperately trying to get a little sleep any way they could: on the floor, in chairs. And yet, they STILL wouldn’t turn off those hideous TVs that are on 24/7. It really seemed rather cruel. Almost all the restaurants, and airline clubs, were closed overnight, so we couldn’t utilize those resources, but they left the @#$%ing TVs on! I thought at the time that I was being Clockwork Oranged (or Brave New Worlded).
Side bar, the State Department’s Global Engagement Center shut down today.
The U.S. State Department unit was originally created to “counter propaganda and disinformation” from foreign states and other “sources hostile to the U.S.”
However, just three years after its creation (in 2016), the center began serving the interests of the Democrats, rather than the country. After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, journalists uncovered (Innocent Americans flagged for Twitter bans: report) evidence that the organization was putting pressure on the leadership of American social networks, demanding that they censor those who wrote about the laboratory origin of the virus.
The Global Engagement Center also played an important role in the fight against conservative-minded American citizens - this was stated during the Congressional debates on the need to maintain the organization’s funding by Republican Senator from Missouri Eric Schmitt.
Given that the entire election campaign of Donald Trump was built on the ideas of conservatism, it is not surprising that the operation is being shut down.
As promised by the elected president and his supporter Elon Musk, a gradual purge of all organizations that are useless from the point of view of the new government and are funded by the state has begun.
However, this will not at all harm the implementation of the tasks of countering “foreign propaganda” - the GEC was just a screen behind which the Democrats hid the tools for fighting their internal political opponents.
Thanks for this interview. I continue to experience terrible guilt for falling for the Covid narrative. I should have known better. I’m an ICU nurse for decades, remember other bad flu seasons. I let my teenage son get vaccinated. It assuages my guilt a little to listen to a rational explanation of essentially “how I got played”. Consider it con ed.
That video was so intense, I had to pause it multiple times to take a mental break, or rewind it to rewatch a section.
I’m ashamed to say that I was sucked into the COVID narrative for much longer than, I’m guessing, most of the people on this site. I really believed the “killing Grandma” plotline for a long time. So I’m not familiar with Robert Malone’s work. I’m going to have to ponder all this.
“I imagine that right now, you’re feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?”
It seems like everything goes back to “The Matrix” eventually. We need a term for this. Like, Godwin’s Law, only instead of for Nazis, it’s for The Matrix.
Don’t feel bad, Malone took two jabs himself. Although I was also new to the red pill, I recall watching Malone “slowly” get it. The important piece is that once you see it, you dig in ferociously and never stop seeking truth.
AI can now simulate your personality. This experiment used a two-hour interview.
Imagine what they can do if they have been profiling your internet activities and preferences for years