"This Looks Like The Market Peak"

Yes, the big crash is right around the corner. Just need to wait a little bit longer. LOL! ....buy gold and silver too.
The echo chamber. Same thing has been said for the last decade. I’m resolved it’s either going to happen or it won’t (I tend to lean towards the former as a member of this site), but not going to “wait” anymore. Life goes on. Learn to live with it and learn to live without it.

“Let that sink in. Does that ring any bells in your head?”
Ummm, no. Should it? Someone would have to be pretty damn bored to read someone’s pms.
In order to be resilient, you have to be mature. Perhaps you can take your subversion tactics elsewhere and quit hijacking threads.

Speaking of “taking your subversion tactics elsewhere” didn’t you pinky swear in a previous thread to deprive us of your wisdom should Adam not take over the site?

“If Adam does take over here, I will very likely be resubscribing as a paying member. Otherwise I am done here and won’t be posting or reading it.” - Agitating Prop
Doesn’t AOC have a Twitter account/fan club or somewhere else your intellectual gifts can really shine? mm

Somehow, vocalizing a likelihood is conspiratorial and subversive. I hear that often from certain groups these days.

That’s my plan. I’ve not indicated otherwise. When Chris returns I will be leaving – nothing against him, nor paranoia about investors, just irreconcilable political ideology and an allergy to the radical fantasists he attracted to the site during covid.

First, a considerable percentage of booze cost is taxes (even worse for cigarettes). It seems a much better investment would be a still and ingredients to make booze. You can buy stills or even cheaper, make them yourself. Ingredients are also important to stockpile.

Back to topic. Wotthecurtins,
You could distill later or buy caseloads of high quality rum, whisky etc…right now, as an investment.
Just think of all the horrible moonshine people might be drinking and what a rarity anything of quality will be.

In deflation everyone’s debt becomes intolerable. Perhaps the govt can deal with it, because they can gin up money out of thin air, but companies and individuals are screwed.

Technology exists for pretty good quality moonshine now. When times are tough, price matters. The problem with your cases of high quality hooch is how are you going to sell them? Also, eventually they run out. With your own still and a source of ingredients, you’re set for an indefinite period.

My response to agitprop regarding his statement that post collapse Russia ran on vodka! :slight_smile:

That’s me. Welcome to the dystopia…

Thanks, Mots.
I purchased your book, and started reading through it. Once I get to the point of actual implementation questions, I will hit you up for the meeting details.

I love the ideas behind PP, but I keep running in to the same issue: Blog posts like these read like thinly veiled advertisements. I like NHF! I even tried working with them (didn’t have enough cash for it to make sense)!
But I feel like they can’t possibly be the conclusion to every blog article? Like this one, I am left hoping for more and feeling like I got teased. The whole thing could have been summarized as, “Smart people think shit’s going crazy! Invest with our partner!”