Toby Hemenway: Scaling Permaculture Principles To Other Systems

Maybe he should get things done properly and approved. I say this because my current grey water system has just been retired and I moved it back into the septic system. It was 50 yards from the river, but it still managed to cause an algal bloom in the river, I switched to low phosphorus detergent and the algal bloom stopped, but I decided to retire the grey water.

Sometimes the rules are there for a good reason, I would be very wary of grey water systems at the risk of polluting down river.

"I have been developing a reinvestment strategy... and lastly huge appreciation to their investments, that are based on things people will always need – food, fuel, fiber, medicinals, water (including acquifer recharge), natural habitat, building materials and more."
As a young person who was planning to buy a small farm and attempt to develop permaculture systems on it with my small inheritance, what you described in the above paragraph is exactly what I am looking for.

Do you have more information on this?