Too Big to Save - New Martenson Report Ready

We Got Your Money!

Traders may not have liked Obama’s budget proposal yesterday…but some comedians did. If you’ve ever seen the movie Zoolander, you’ll recognize these characters right away. Hmnn… In the next scene don’t they die in a “tragic gasoline fight” accident?

They sure look happy.


Davos, that chart doesn’t make sense to me. "US budget deficit" isn’t a country, and so of course the US budget deficit is equal to exactly 100% of the US budget deficit. Isn’t line 1 the line which should be highlighted?

Hello Jrf29:
I agree, line 1. I just put it up there to show we are the biggest debtor nation…with the biggest deficits, take care


The chart reads, "If the US budget deficit were a country with an economy, it would be the 9th largest in the world."

Wow. Now that’s worth thinking about.

Hi Chris

From here on out I may switch from observing and cataloging the financial decay to sharing my experiences in forming local groups and making preparations that are less about finances and more about community and securing physical needs. I am interested in your thoughts on this.

Please don’t stop observing and cataloging the financial decay.

If it were not for the Crash Course and your subsequent observations I would not have loaded up on gold and silver bullion and coins and shares in gold miners and cash. I share the course and web site with many. It is your even handed analysis which moves people through the five steps. The desire to stick my head back in the sand decreases with each of your financial observations.

So far as community and securing physical needs I am still pretty much a deer in the headlights. I know it’s coming but I can’t bring myself to get out of the way. I (we) need you to do both. I don’t know what to stock up on, I can’t decide if I should put in a pellet or a wood burner. Should my generator run on gas or diesel? How will I keep the deer out of a garden that I don’t know how to grow in the first place? I don’t know how to start getting like minded people together. Most of the people I associate with including my wife think I have lost my marbles so I have learned to say a little from time to time and wait for the evidence to pile up. Please keep pilling up the evidence as well as help us get our communities started.


"You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.
If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would
be a revolution before morning. If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public
monies, & holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable & dangerous than
the naval & military power of the enemy. " - Andrew Jackson 1767-1845

We all know the deer-caught-in-the-headlights feeling. I find the best way out of that is to write down my priorites (emergency food and water are usually first). Then I start at the top of the list, and work my way down. I spend as much time as I need to on each item, then move on. Perfect decisions are not possible at this point because there are so many unknown variables. I try to choose solutions that are flexible, so that I can adapt to a variety of conditions. I have made a few mistakes, but overall I am glad that I just pushed ahead so that now I have a modicum of security that allows me to get out of crisis mode.

No one can tell you exactly what to do, as each person’s circumstances, finances, and regional strengths/weaknesses are different. Trust your common sense, and develop the habit of doing your own thinking. Within that context, use this site to get ideas and resources.

And know this: being-afraid-and-wondering-what-to-do-first puts you ahead of 99% of the population. Most of the deer haven’t noticed that there’s a car coming.

I wish there was a triple long ETF for the US budget deficit. LOL.

TRIPPLE? long, my what greed Foot in mouth

Only kidding, Davos. I don’t have the sophistication or the prescience to play the double or triple ETFs.

Hello c1oudfire: I know, I was kidding to. On a 1:1 we all could retire and kick back. It is sick how much they are printing, the best is todays news that the banks balked about the FDIC insurance rate hike and Congress is now going to give them a $500,000,000,000.oo "LOAN" like hello? We are loaning them our money to give to us in a few weeks/months???

Yikes! The obvious absurdity of it is mind-boggling. What really baffles me is why these in-your-face shenanigans are not obvious the the general public. Goes to show how dumbed down the general public is. Sad, really. But the bright spot is that more people are waking up everyday, largely because the mischief is so blatant. Every day I manage to start a conversation about these issues with the people I meet in the course of going about my business. I’m finding cashiers, mechanics, healthcare workers, and bankers (yes, bankers!) who are fed up and waking up.

In the past two weeks, I’ve spoken with two bankers (smallish local/regional banks) who are so disgusted with the bailouts of the large banks that they’re spitting nails. They are frustrated because their institutions managed their equity responsibly all along, and it’s the irresponsible megabanks that are getting the handouts. I never thought I’d see the day when a bank manager waxed eloquent about the crimes of the federal reserve. We are living in unique times, indeed.

very parallel to HO; the responsible pissed at the irresponsible

my mom is pissed b/c she almost has her $700k house paid off after 30 yrs. of being in her house n now the value keepS dropping-- but at least she has a "free" place 2 live even w/ 50% loss on her retirem-- she and my dad have been soooo responsible-- never fast food, flipping mtg., consumerism shopping, rarely went "out", gave over $500 per month to cath. church, never let us watch t.v., never had a video game, NEVER wasted food, and made us forage around the prop. for between meal snacks (berries & nuts), encouraged us 2 garden, made us do lots of chores; the only "cool" thing we got was a huge inground pool paid for in cash with the little $$ left by aunt who died (single & secretary all her life)

i am proud of my parents 4 being so responsible

now think of how my mom feels (dad’s dead) about irresp. HO!


Great to hear your parents story, Caroline. Yes, indeed it is parallel. For what it’s worth, they have my respect, and would be welcome neighbors.

thanks… and most of all the neighborhood’s (in country) been there for 30 years… same house etc.

dont agree w/ them about all their $$ to church

my mom has stopped going and contributing which i’m happy about (she had to go back 2 work after my dad '98 died)

she is still plugging along and doing well-- she hasn’t worked for 25 yrs. of our lives but she is has a mast in lib. sci n she is now head of lib so she is doing fine and still responsible. as ever!

dont agree w/ them about all their $$ to church

my mom has stopped going and contributing which i’m happy about (she had to go back 2 work after my dad '98 died)


Hi, Caroline;
