Trouble In The Real Economy

PS If you have any good news sites for Iceland pleas do share, thank you!

Hi Davos-

I can't remember exactly all the places I read about Iceland, but I tried to rediscover a couple links for you.  I know Chris references their troubles in one of his topics towards the bottom on the home page. I frequently check and Chris Laird mentions Iceland in an article there that I read at  <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (as well as several other countries).  I also frequently check <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to get a different perspective, and they have some articles on Iceland.  I'm not sure where else I read up on them.  Oh, I just rememebered: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> .  They have a lot of good info.  If you do a search on &quot;Iceland&quot; on their site, a number of different articles/analyses will come up.

I hope that helps!

Thank you PineCarr, I’ve always maintained that PPP=PPP ("Pretty" Poor Planning = "Pretty" Poor Performance)

pinecarr and Davos; I too have had "trouble" convincing my partner. At first I thought it was the man thing; looking out of the cave while woman looks in.

This is a difficult admission. While I have been panicking and stocking up my partner has been buying seed and planting to add to our already lush vege garden. I guess we can dissagree till the cows come home (forever). So long as one of us is growing food. Next thing you know I might be helping!



Too funny! I never thought I’d say this but we raise chickens now…cheap, easy and a dozen eggs a day to start with.

[quote=pinecarr]/So what happens when/if stuff stops getting shipped to stores and store shelves get emptied? Look at what’s happening in Iceland right now! That tends to scare me into thinking we could veer more towards #2 and #3.
If it gets down to people not being able to meet their basic needs, and they have no family farm to go back to, I think it could get ugly.


This concerns me too but there is one specific shortage that concerns me the most: psych drugs.

Antidepressants are highly physically addictive
and some, like Effexor, have a very short, sharp and neurologically
dangerous withdraw. I know from personal experience that missing just
one dose of Efexor-XR can put a normally rational and moral person into
flashes of rage over very ordinary inconveniences. That is why antidepressants and antipsychotic medication must be managed carefully,
especially when coming off the drug. They must not be suddenly stopped
but have the dose slowly tapered down over weeks or months under
medical supervision. Even then it can be a very rough ride depending on the individual.

There are 30 million Americans on psychiatric medication, including antipsychotics. Does anybody know how Eli Lilly and Solvay are faring in this crisis? Eli Lilly are in big trouble over Zyprexa and will be making some big payouts. Can you imagine if the big drug companies suddenly go bust what kind of social chaos this could bring? Even if all the hospitals suddenly decided to take everybody in free of charge they wouldn’t be able to look after everyone in withdrawl.

Some of these drugs have been promoted to doctors as being appropriate for children when that hasn’t been researched at all. (see link above). In fact some actually make children psychotic. Abruptly stopping the drug can do the same thing and many times parents have not been informed about these dangers and some of these parents own guns.

If anybody’s interested in looking into this problem here are some links:

Furious Seasons

Psychiatric Drug Facts (Dr Peter Breggin)

The Drugging of Our Children movie trailer on YouTube and you can see the whole movie on Google Videos too.

Alison Bass


Found this on The Campaign for Liberty website of Ron Paul’s, an audio talk about the creation of the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, enjoy…