Unfixable (UPDATED)

More to the point…  Future Energy will cost much more to extract in terms of ENERGY.
To misquote Clinton, "it’s the energy stupid"… not calling you stupid of course, but there is a propensity on this site for people to concentrate on money instead of the REALLY important things.  Like food, energy, and water.  Everything else is a luxury… and a distraction really.
Right, which is why I included the "Oil Barrel stat".  However, when setting up shop, the capital cost are paid for in dollars, not oil.

[quote=pinecarr]Great presentation, Chris!

I’ll second (third?) that!  Bravo!

i like to think more of the live off than the die off.  eventually from some cause i will die…so i’ve made peace with that.
so a short discussion on dying. but i hope i can see this thread shifting to how do we live , now and in the future.

i was told bedtime stories as a child, of johnny appleseed …going around planting apple trees.

i am also reminded of a comment from an aging farmer who asked me why was i planting little trees at my age, certainly i was not going to live long enough to see them mature…to which i responded…i may not, but someone will see them and enjoy them after me.

we not only prepare for ourselves and families, we prepare for those who follow us.

i may not live to see the start up of the new way, but i will have left behind a 14 acre parcel that can sustain life without oil or electricity.

i’m learning as much as i can about how to live with what is here …naturally

[quote=herewego]…being human on this planet so far has been riches beyond all asking at least in this part of the world.  To know water, mountains, breathing, to have a star shining in our sky every day, to have the use of a fine body for decades, to be surrounded by living entities that can convert starlight into a biosphere that supports starfish, coffee and  elephants, and to know the brilliant minds of other humans - this is wealth and it has been mine.  I will look for the spiritual courage to become ever more appreciative and the practical skills to become a functioning part of Earth’s primary wealth until I do die off.
Eloquently said.
Reminds me of another: "I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate…"

Good interview with CM and James Turk.  Don’t feel as gloomy after watching this one.  Thanks for posting both of them…


 Excellent interview.
 I think Chris shines even more in question  / interview format than the prepared,  formal lecture mode…  the spontaneity and body language.

 Two concepts.

  In times of crisis we’ll look for what is tried and tested… (off-the-shelf, "shovel ready" solutions.)  The flight to certainty.

  First mover advantage. Beating the rush.

  eg: When power cuts become a huge problem, suddenly everybody wants candles and torches…

 if you prepare ahead, not only do you avoid the panic and shortages, you reduce them by bringing forward demand in advance.

[quote=KugsCheese]Right, which is why I included the "Oil Barrel stat".  However, when setting up shop, the capital cost are paid for in dollars, not oil.
They’re paid in both…  and the enrgy audit is the IMPORTANT ONE.  I don’t know how many times Chris has to say so…

Chris and Adam,
The goldmoney presentation is simply head and antlers above the CC in terms of quality and persuasiveness.

I certainly don’t mean to dump on the CC in any way - you know I think it’s a masterpiece. But hey, Chris was "new at this" when he started working on the CC. To be brutally honest, that showed in the first several chapters. But this is just plain rock star stuff.

If you possibly can, I encourage you to REPLACE the CC with a shorter (1hr max) version, similar to this one, with Chris’ face on camera. Nothing wrong with the CC, but it’s time for new material to spruce the place up, and Chris was just plain on fire in this vid.






I have been reading your interviews / free materials off and on (sporadically) since about 2008.  Sometimes I thought you had a handle on things and sometimes I thought you were a bit off base.

However, the two videos posted to this entry were fantastic.  Very well done. 

[quote=Erik T.]The goldmoney presentation is simply head and antlers above the CC in terms of quality and persuasiveness.
If you possibly can, I encourage you to REPLACE the CC with a shorter (1hr max) version, similar to this one, with Chris’ face on camera. Nothing wrong with the CC, but it’s time for new material to spruce the place up, and Chris was just plain on fire in this vid.
I totally concur with Erik…  those two videos were smashing!  AND I think they are far more valuable to anyone "just starting out", much more digestible than 3 1/2 hours of CC which, unless you are already convinced and knowledgeable about the looming crisis, can be a bit daunting.

 Beautifully stated butterflywoman!  One of the most laudable assets a humane being can possess is the ability as you state to "not only prepare for ourselves and families" but to "prepare for those who follow".   
It’s the only way to survive and leave behind a legacy in this world of diminishing resources.


MMT proponents posit the following: Because the Gov. (Federal Reserve and Treasury) issues all of the currency, as much as it wants whether grants, loans or payments for goods and services, it is not constrained by revenue to spend. 


This is a logical construct for a monopolist issuer of our currency, what then are the fiscal policy purposes served by federal taxation other than to manage aggregate demand?