VIDEO: Challenging The Chinese Coronavirus Data

Sparky1, I am about as close as you can get to the source of this information. When a nurse of 2 year old,with cancer, tells the family that corona virus is in the hospital, I think it’s safe to assume it’s true

Jeff, Where are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Responding to your earlier post:

Finally, we’d all be interested to hear from you further about your experience and what should be done at this point from a public health standpoint. What’s not being done that should be? Given that, what should people be doing?
The thing I'd like most to see is for you to be nominated - and confirmation fast-tracked - to the post of Surgeon General of the United States. In all seriousness, though, I individuals should be doing exactly what you've recommended here as well as what's recommended in nearly every emergency/pan flu preparedness plan published to date. What public leaders should be doing - which they're not - is communicating the risk and situation. What's most frustrating for me to watch is that there are actual terms with actual definitions that could be used to describe what's going on (i.e. pandemic level 5), but they are not being spoken in public. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt that public leaders (or at least the CDC; I won't speak for politicians) are trying to be as factual as they can be to avoid panic. However, I think this situation is moving just too quickly for that and they are behind the 8-ball, which will inevitably bite them in the end. All we can do is continue to prepare and try to bring others with us.

Must disagree with one thing Chris said in his reply to you.
Even if not the snuggest of fits, the mask will stop the wearer from inadvertent/unconscious touching the areas its covering - the nose and lips- with their fingers/hand. I read studies from a couple of years ago that plain surgical masks were found to cut the rate roughly in half at which wearers caught the flu from common, seasonal viruses placed around a room. This was the case even though the wearers and non-mask-wearers were washing their hands periodically. I am unable to find that on the web again, but will look some more and come back to post its link.
Moreover, you should be recommending to everyone that they wear a mask as it cuts down on the likelihood they will be an unwitting transmitter of a (pandemic) flu virus.
The mask is worth wearing, even if not well fitted/snug. Though, if this virus is aerosolized/weaponized, the benefit may not be realized.

Also: No mask is worth the effort if worn improperly! Might as well not have it. This means a snug fit where you are not breathing ‘around’ the mask.

Maybe I misunderstood Chris’s written text, but I thought I heard differently in his podcast. your graph kind of supports the higher R0 burns out faster.
The other thing I don’t understand is the dynamic of the spanish flu, where it dropped off and came back with a vengeance.

East Bay, Walnut Creek, hospital is in oakland

Hey – what I don’t know about coronaviruses could fill an Olympic swimming pool, so maybe there’s long-lasting immunity (if in fact I did have it), and maybe not.
Even if not, I’m glad that the various countermeasures (megadoses of Vitamin C, fermented foods [kimchi, “live” miso, etc.] yin chiao, SLEEP) for sure had a strong effect. I’ll be adding elderberry syrup next time. Ran my supply down to nothing and forgot about it (like I said, my 2020 has been strictly NUTS), but I have a couple of store-bought bottles and just received a pound of berries from Amazon today. Gonna get cracking on some homebrew once I’m done moving…
VIVA – Sager

Even if not the snuggest of fits, the mask will stop the wearer from inadvertent/unconscious touching the areas its covering – the nose and lips- with their fingers/hand.
You must have missed the part of my post where I sourced the info that said coronaviruses are mostly spread via droplets. you mentioned a study of fomite transmission. Not at all comparable. Droplets float through the air. Thus my statement about the importance of having a snug fitting mask that you can't breathe around. Even if a poor fitting mask provides some benefit, why would you contradict the basic instruction to people of assuring they have a good fitting mask? At the gun range we just always handle our weapons in the same careful, safe manner. We don't change our behavior because we "know" it's unloaded. Makes it easier to know how to handle it - the same at all times! No additional brainpower required. It should be the same for masks. Wear them properly at all times, and you have the best odds for a good outcome. If that's the best way to do it, why wouldn't that be the way you always do it?

The source seems reputable however cant confirm the origins of what he is talking about, as i can not read Chinese. If this is true thou, this is very worrying right?
nurse in bejing giving report from the front line.

Per CDC, media outlets reported 210 Americans were on the charter flight from Wuhan epidemic epicenter. Yesterday the flight was rerouted from final destination of Ontario, California to Riverside, California (March AFB). There was a planned stop in Anchorage, Alaska. Passengers were monitored throughout the flight. Anyone showing symptoms of illness reportedly would be flown out of Alaska on a separate flight(s). Media reports shifted to stating “more than 200” passengers were on the plane, with final reports that 201 passengers were on the plane from Alaska to California.
What happened to the 9 Americans that were on the initial flight from Wuhan but not accounted for when the plane landed in California?
“State officials had said the plane could carry up to 240 passengers, and Zink said they were prepared for that number.
“At the end of the day, 201 passengers loaded and 201 passengers left Alaska,” she said.”’
A typo–or maybe 9 people become symptomatic and were diverted from the flight to California. Hmmm…

Chris/PP, you are specifically called out in this article that has come out today: :wink:
See paragraph 5:

One set of tweets and Facebook posts from U.S. conspiracy theory accounts said drinking bleach could protect against the virus or even cure it. On YouTube, a series of videos accusing media organizations of suppressing information had hundreds of thousands of views.

I challenge the article’s authors to debunk any of the thoughtful, well-researched, credentialed content put out by Chris regarding nCoV. PP has NOT been fear-mongering! If people actually trusted the official narrative (which simply doesn’t add-up/make sense) and MSM (spin-meisters in their own right), then they perhaps wouldn’t be so inclined to search out “alternative” information. This is simply a cheap shot guilt by association (bleach “cures” and MSM mistrust) to discredit and distract. Notice that there’s no ability to comment on the article.
Yes, I think Chris has “hit a nerve”, so perhaps this is a positive indicator. Maybe the reference and link will drive people to the PP nCoV videos.
I get the impression that the censorship has been ratcheted-up in the last few days. Expect that to increase as the virus spreads.

“Unofficially”–of course! I’m in Central Valley, Cali, so I’m watching this very closely and taking precautions. I appreciate the “heads-up”. Stay well!

I have looked into evidence for fomite transmission of the nCoV virus without finding anything but since it has an 80% similar genom sequence to SARS Cov this study may be relevant:
“A SARS outbreak in 2003 in the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, concluding that the SARS coronavirus was most likely
spread via a combination of long-range airborne and fomite routes”