Waiting For The Black Swan

An uncle was in the army during WW2 (rose to Major: middle management equivalent). I was chatting with him once about how it felt during the build-up to the war. He said that it had been obvious for years what Hitler was up to.
Sometimes people can clearly see what’s coming and yet be unable to do anything about it.

Call it what you like, predictable, black swan, total surprise, unpredictable, slow deterioration, the convergence of energy-environment-economy-perpetural growth … whatever … maybe we can all agree on one point… “it” is coming. The great equalizer is coming.
Couple climate change with the other issues and the fact that I am mid 60’s already, what is the likelihood this society will value my existence 10 years from now to keep me around anyway. (How much room/tolerance will there be for people in their 70’s and 80’s?)
“It” is coming. How many years I personally have left is a crap shoot. LOL.

In both cases you mentioned there appear to be Wahhabi-Salifite iconoclasts, in close proximity. Just Say’n.

Very nice, thanks Les! :slight_smile:

In it’s original context a “black swan” describes something totally unseen, unexpected. ergo, if you can describe it, it is NOT a black swan. The better term I’ve seen used is “gray rhino”: not uncommon, high impact and can be seen coming, even if in the distance

“Couple climate change with the other issues and the fact that I am mid 60’s already, what is the likelihood this society will value my existence 10 years from now to keep me around anyway. (How much room/tolerance will there be for people in their 70’s and 80’s?)
“It” is coming. How many years I personally have left is a crap shoot. LOL.”
Steve -
I am right there with you in age but have a different perspective. Young people know how to use their cell phones utilizing all the latest apps and features. I on the other hand can walk outside my front door and point to a whole lot of plants that are edible or provide medicinal support, or can kill you. I can live without electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. I have lived that life. If people are smart they would look around and find an elder who has valuable skills. WE might just become an extremely valuable resource.

I hear you.
Having originated in a farming community, worked a long career as an engineer in electric power generation, water and wastewater/sewer, I too have plenty to offer.
With the current trends advancing over the next 10 years society will be stressed. There will be choices to be made. Only those with the strength, health and ability to contribute will be valued by “the cell phone” generation.
Those who are fortunate enough at 75 years of age to be one of the valued choices, I suspect, will be in the minority.
Stay healthy, fit and good luck with deploying your assets.

I think your right. At this point there is little interest in wild-crafting, gardening and survival skills even amount my children and Grand-children. But when the student is a ready…
Thankfully, I can still work a lot of young people under the table provided I get my post lunch nap. Lol

Reported yesterday that U.N officials believe that the U.S. is planning a "tactical assault"in Iran with an aerial bombardment on an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program."The bombing will be massive but limited to a specific target"We shall see…

Several author’s come from the perspective that a global elite (the globalists) are about to crash the global economy as a part of their efforts to re-engineer the global geopolitical structure through chaos, with them in charge, of course.
One is Brandon Smith writing here.

Iran War Looming War with Iran at this time makes no sense whatsoever unless you look at it from a globalist perspective.... the only group that stands to gain from such catastrophe, as war with Iran would seal the fate of the US economy. The most immediate threat would be the potential shutdown of the Strait of Hormuz by Iran, .... [with an] explosion in oil prices would be devastating to the global economy.... In the longer term complete destabilization of the Middle East would result, .... [An Iran war] coupled with the trade war would fulfill the globalist narrative that the Trump Administration and the conservatives that support him are a “menace” to global stability. ... Currently, the mainstream media is very quiet on the Iran situation despite the sudden shift of US military resources to the region, which leads me to believe that a conflict is being planned in the near term.
----- As edwardelinski reported above, the Jerusalem post advises that the US is planning on a massive, but focused, bombing of Iranian nuclear facilities. The Israeli military intelligence public website debka.com reports that IRAN is Planning on attacking a major Saudi Oil site.
DEBKAfile Exclusive (June 18, 2019): US intelligence learns from a highly credible source that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have completed preparations for a large-scale assault on an important Saudi oil facility within days. On Monday, June 17, the aides of senior US congress members were summoned to the White House for a briefing on this intelligence and informed that this time the administration is gearing up for a military response.
Additional troops, destroyers, submarines and patriot missiles have been moved to the gulf to "counter the Iranian threat."
How does DEBKA know of these dastardly Iranian intentions? Anonymous sources. What Saudi facility will be attacked? Don't know.
The key element here is to make the masses believe that Iran is the evil aggressor and trying to start a war. Our actions are defensive. ---------- Pepe Excobar reports on the developing Eurasian cooperation networks between Russia, China, India and including places at the table for the "-stans," Pakistan and Iran. I don't follow this closely, but, China and Russia will most certainly have strong feelings about an attack on Iran. To what degree will they be involved? ----------- Left-Right Conflict Brandon Smith also writes about another facet of this same process where the global elites consolidate their power through the nurturing of Left-Right conflict.
There is a common misconception among newer activists in the liberty movement that the idea of the “false left/right paradigm” means that there is no political spectrum; that the entire notion of left vs right is a fabrication. This is not exactly the case. When we talk about false paradigms in regards to politics (or geopolitics), what we are actually referring to is the elitist class, otherwise known as globalists, and the fact that they have no left or right political orientation. They do not care about Democrats or Republicans, they have no loyalty to either party. Their loyalty is to their own agenda [which is the centralization of power in their own hands], and they will exploit BOTH sides to get what they want whenever possible. The end goal of the globalist cabal is to eventually reach a point where EVERYONE in the world is a supporter of totalitarian centralization.
_____ Removal of Firearms from the Common Citizens Another pre-requisite of centralized control by the elite is to eliminate citizen firearms. You cannot impose a (RED Meme) vicious totalitarian rule on an armed population. They have enough power to fight back and will not submit. Daisy Luther at TheOrganicPrepper.com writes on this aspect this week. The "Mass Shootings Map" Propaganda
If you use any form of social media whatsoever, you’ve probably seen the scary “mass shootings map” published by PBS, leading people to believe that they live in a terrifying place and that the only answer is strict gun control [letting representatives of the state be the only people allowed weapons.] These terrifying dots are not all brazen shoot-outs in malls or movie theaters, during which someone takes out as many people as they can. But that’s how it’s portrayed. It’s posted without any real criteria except for the fact that it is incidents in which 4 or more people are shot, including the initial perpetrator. There are many vital stats missing. Here are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself when you look at that ridiculous mass shooting map.
  • Are any of these homeowners protecting their family from a home invasion? We don’t know – we just know that 4 people were shot.
  • Are any of these incidents of gang violence? We don’t know – we just know that 4 people were shot. Also, I’m pretty sure gang-members don’t register their firearms or get permits to carry them
  • Are any of these shooters victims of the mental health industry, taking SSRI anti-depressants? Actually we do know that quite a few of them were. Despite the fact that SSRIs don’t work on everyone who takes them, and on some they actually cause the person taking them to become violent and act on their thoughts, I don’t see anyone calling for a ban on SSRIs.
  • Are these all legally obtained guns? We don’t know – we just know that 4 people were shot. This most recent incident happened in California, home of some of the most stringent gun laws in the country. (It was nearly an 8-month process to get my own concealed carry permit here, and many were the hoops I had to jump through.)
  • How many of these happened in gun-free zones? [SP addition]
This is a scare tactic, meant to frighten those who won’t think more deeply about the issue. It’s for people who read the headlines, but not the articles. The map was published by PBS, who is sponsored in part by Pew Charitable Trust. While the map makes it look like gun violence is on the uptick, Pew reported in a recent article that it actually dropped in half a decade ago, and has remained steady since.

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