Weapons Of Mass Deception

Daisy Luther at TheOrganicPrepper quotes Selco as describing a Big Circle and a Little Circle.
The Big Circle is the global picture, the international and national geopolitical chess game and the effects of human action on the environment, climate. This stuff is mostly beyond our control (though it effects us).
The Little Circle is our immediate world. Our home, our yard, our relationships with spouses, children, parents, the apple tree in our yard, our dog, what I am eating today, my mood. Do I meditate or sit under a tree to quiet my striving mind? It also includes the solar panels, wiring, the flooring in the kitchen and hallway that needs fixing. Have I told my daughter how much I appreciate her kind words? Would a foot rub be appreciated by my friend? If so, lets do it as a very important act.
I resonate with what BrushHog is describing above as I have been far, far to focused on the Big Circle.
An antidote for me is to look at the Little Circle of my life.

per veganism, one has the right to practice whatever cult or religion they’re attracted to but never to enforce or impose it on others.
I never knew a vegan diet was a cult. I do know a legitimate conspiracy theory when I am confronted with it. Did you know that Hippocrates and Socrates were cult members. Einstein joined the cult toward the end.

Sand -Puppy, I liked your comment very much. I commit to my family, heart and soul. I will participate with the outside world. My goal: first remain calm then get involved, reset, and I will be HAPPY! They tell me so.

I agree but I’d also ask why can’t we address both?  In fact, I would posit that we must because that big circle has the potential to crush that little circle if we don’t.  And TPTB want the “little people” to focus on the “little circle” and the little things and leave the “big circle” and big things exclusively to them, as we have, for far too long, with disastrous results.

I agree not only with you but also with brushhog.  We do need to unplug.  As with everything else in life, we require BALANCE.  If one is spending too much time watching The Great Crumble as I call it, it’s not healthy for you.  Lord knows, I’ve been all too guilty of that myself. 

We do need to spend time and a lot of it connecting with others, connecting with plants and animals, and connecting with nature to be healthy.  But if we fail to fulfill our responsibilities to be aware and active citizens, we will have no one else but ourselves to blame if we are placed in circumstances where those connections can no longer be made … like a concentration camp or a gulag or a prison planet.

I think I’ve told this story here before but it bears repeating.  It was in a book my daughter gave me to read years ago about a young Jewish girl growing up in an upper middle class family in Poland in1939.  She had an idyllic existence with a loving family, a lovely home, prosperity that allowed the family to have a couple of servants, and a charming town with surrounding countryside to live in.  One day, she heard thunder in the distance.  The next day, German tanks rolled into town and she realized the thunder was the sound of artillery.  And her whole world was turned upside down in a day.

We all potentially face that same cataclysmic change and therefore, although it is tempting and pleasant in the short term to unplug 24/7, abrogating our longer term responsibility can ultimately leave us and our loved ones in a position that no one should ever have to experience.


We gave up TV decades ago and have never regretted it.  I consider it mind mush.  But when you tell someone you don’t watch TV and don’t have a TV, the reaction is one of ranging from disbelief to shock to pity to a look that suggests that somehow, you are unAmerican or un- something.  It really is quite amusing to observe but, on the flip side, is a sobering reminder of the degree to which most of our society has been indoctrinated and brainwashed. 

I’ve walked around my neighborhood at night and you can see into most houses because of the contrast between the dark outside and the light inside.  Almost every one has a glowing big screen TV.  Our house is one of the few exceptions where, when the light is on in my home office with large windows in the front of the house, as it is normally is at night, what you see are ceiling to floor and wall-to-wall shelves of books.  Yes, yes, I know you can carry these things on your Kindle but there are multiple problems with that strategy that I won’t get into here.

But if you really want to see a reaction, tell them you don’t have a cell phone (or at least don’t carry one with you everywhere).  That’s an even greater violation of some unwritten law.  You will be considered a Luddite and explanations about not wanting to be tracked, not wanting to be monitored, not wanting the EMR exposure, not wanting to be tied to an electronic leash, not wanting to pay tribute to certain PTB, etc. will fall on deaf ears. 

I made a decision long ago to own certain things but not let certain things own me and I’m sticking to it as best as I can.  So far the positives of that decision have far outweighed the negatives. 

It’s not a surprise that Fauci is ordering people to comply with tyrannical government rules. Fauci is a Catholic. So are Bill and Melinda Gates.
So is most of my family, I grew up in the church.
Most of my family worked at and served in it.
The Catholic Church is one of the best examples today of a working communist model. It has top down governance and leaders who urge strict adherence to rules for the benefit of the whole body. I mean no disrespect to Catholics, there are so many wonderful good ones.
Someone who practices the Catholic faith is someone who enjoys and believes in rules and rituals. As we have all seen with the Catholic church, this can lead to all kinds of horrific abuse. Just as it does in all communist societies. That is why we need transparency and accountability from communist leaders like Fauci, so the abuses are investigated and stopped. If not, they will continue for decades, within a culture of silence, as we have seen in the church.

Since Critical Thinking (which used to be called Common Sense) became some sort of “Suppressed Art”, scarcely available to, it appears, only a handful of people, most of them well into their 50s, the first steps toward recovery should be pretty straightforward.
Ignore Media, in its totality ! It’s a very simple algorithm, after all: if one considers that he or she receives more fakes than real information from a certain source (even if the percentage fake/real is just 51/49%), he or she would be better off ignoring that source altogether.
Critical Thinking 101…


per veganism, one has the right to practice whatever cult or religion they’re attracted to but never to enforce or impose it on others.
I think the issue with veganism and vegetarianism is that animals in our societies have no rights and are treated badly. Oh sure, our domestic pets are subject to weak anti-cruelty laws but from what I have seen, the animals used for food seem to have no protection (I have seen bizarre justifications for this that this is ok because "they are for food", as if the animal has any choice whether it is to be a pet or food). This is backed up by laws prohibiting unauthorized videotaping inside factory farms. Imagine the situation was reversed and you were subjected to extreme cruelty but simply because you were on private property, no one had the right to record and expose that cruelty. What motivates vegans poking their noses into other peoples' business is the extreme disconnect between what we buy in the store and what meat production actually entails, and the extreme lengths the industry goes to to keep consumers in the dark about what actually happens. I can see both sides. On one hand, people shouldn't and ultimately can't be told what to eat and not to eat; it's their life. But on the other hand, our meat production industries are on the whole so unethical that it does not warrant a "hands off, let people choose what they want" attitude. The goings-on in these facilities is insulated from the average consumer via the sterilized styrofoam packages in the supermarket and the average person has no clue what went into providing that meat. This is about as far removed from our historical roots as hunter gatherers as you can get, where we were personally witness to the butchering of the animal, which lived a good life in the wild before that one fateful day when it was hunted and killed. And most people rationalize their meat purchases with, "well people have been eating animals since the beginning of time so I should be able to choose what I want. Shut up you stupid vegan, don't tell me how to live my life". -- of course entirely missing the point that our historical meat consumption was nothing like what we have now. Many meat purchasers will try to address some of their guilt by buying supposedly natural meat which it turns out probably isn't much better. We have the legal right to buy any meat we want to, but are our laws just? Do we have the ethical right to eat factory farmed meat simply because the law says so? https://www.theguardian.com/food/2018/nov/16/theres-no-such-thing-as-humane-meat-or-eggs-stop-kidding-yourself?fbclid=IwAR3YSIH7ZpFLd49dEUhwQcQS-IpRLdV1yrCYVufg6EEPlCe4Zor8VmwOaWU And you know what, I try to buy "natural" meat but I myself really have no proof that it comes from ethical sources, so I am guilty as well. I'd like to take up hunting but I don't know if I'd be able to pull the trigger.... I think instead I'll keep a cooler in the car and if I come across fresh roadkill in the winter I'll load it up.

I agree but I’d also ask why can’t we address both? In fact, I would posit that we must because that big circle has the potential to crush that little circle if we don’t. And TPTB want the “little people” to focus on the “little circle” and the little things and leave the “big circle” and big things exclusively to them, as we have, for far too long, with disastrous results.
I would argue that we have watched the big circle far too much. Your attention feeds it. Look at the whole set up…what do all of these things run on? Clicks? Ratings? It feeds off of your attention.
You and I are only small individuals, we dont have the power to make sweeping changes to the big circle. But we do have some little fragment of power, we have control over at least ONE person. Ourselves. Imagine a world where people just stopped listening? People stopped clicking on the headlines…stopped using facebook…stopped engaging in the kobuki theatre that we call politics? What a great world that would be. It would starve the elites of all of their control mechanisms. No more narratives, no censorship, no more propaganda, no more controlled opposition set ups, no more media controlled psy-ops…it would all evaporate if only we would stop feeding them the thing they crave…our attention.
Now sure, the big circle can crush the little circle but there always has been and always will be things outside of our power. A meteor can land on our homes at any minute…so are you going to spend your precious time and energy watching the sky? And if the meteor comes you cant stop it anyway. And, more likely, if it never comes you cheated yourself out of all that time. You worried when you should have enjoyed. What a tragedy.

It would be helpful if everyone shared what they did to figure out what was going on in the world. Here is a part of what I do.
Fortunately, I have family all over America as well as in Southern Mexico and China. I rely upon them for accurate information on what is happening in the those places.
Also, until Covid hit I traveled (many times) through the United States, Mexico, Europe and China. I learned a lot from all of that.
Additionally, I make a habit of researching stories by comparing what is said by all parties to the story. If a story is about France, I compare French media with American media and contrast that with alternative media in France and America. I look to see what they agree about and what they don’t agree about. I then apply logic and experience (a lot of experience since I am old and have been battered by myriad slings and arrows of fortune) to deduce what might really be happening.
Finally, I have trusted sites (such as this one) which I rely upon to fill me in on things that I would otherwise miss.
I would appreciate hearing from others how they sift through information to get an idea as to what is really happening in a world where deception seems to be the norm and honesty is the exception.

Thank you Mike from Jersey for this important initiative.
First of all, I have overall Mentor types from which I learn the way to approach things -from David Icke to Ken Wilber, I have some key people who I think approach paradigms intelligently and thus try to follow that.
I do not care who or what is presenting the information. I look at all without judgement of the authors. Maybe 100% seems BS, so I may skip to another, maybe 90% seems BS, but there seems to be a dot there.
I look at dots and patterns and question motives and follow the money but no piece of information is beneath my consideration.
Review all as AI does and see patterns. Without prejudice, neutrally, objectively.
Like a blank slate - make your mind like those big white boards where detectives map the crime plots…same idea.
The big circle contains the little circle.
With great privilege comes great responsibility.

Yes, that is good advice.
In matters of power and/or money always ask: cui bono? - who benefits?
And looking for patterns is crucial - including timing. I always found it suspicious that the revolution in Ukraine (putting Russia hating nationalists in power) happened just after Russia intervened in Syria.
Maybe not.

Sand_Puppy, loved this description. If enough of us focus on the little circle then it will become the big circle, however until then, I agree we cannot ignore the big circle.
International attorney Reiner Fuellmich is filing a class action suit, I believe in Germany, regarding the lockdowns. He is interviewed by Pat Ben-David from Valuetainment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpOzHHJmy7g
This guy is attacking the Big Circle and I’m sure he could use some support. He’s worth following. The great thing about lawsuits is something called ‘discovery.’ In the discovery process, a party can ask the other side to produce just about anything under the sun. Whether that info is admissible in court is another issue, but getting your hands on information is usually wide open. Personally, I hope attorney Fuellmich kicks ass!
In the meanwhile, my little circle includes some health protocols, the garden, the orchard, work, and my personal spiritually practices.
Om Tat Sat everyone!

AKGranny, thanks for posting this blog from the IceAgeFarmer. No doubt the public is getting ‘softened up’ for some not too distant future grid problem. IMO, if we do have problems with the grid, I don’t think it will be across the nation or for too long - unless it’s for real.
According to the 2004 EMP Commission Report, the US would suffer an 80-90% fatality rate in less than 60 days with a nation wide grid down scenario - from food shortages. The chapter on water infrastructure did not publish a fatality rate.
As a matter of fact, I learned about the EMP Commission Report right here on Peak Prosperity when Chris interviewed the guy at suvivorlibrary.com. When he became aware of the EMP report, he started a pdf library on 18th and 19th century technology. I tried to find the interview on PP but no luck, maybe someone can find that interview and repost?
The chapters on food and water are chilling and it’s a short read.
Here’s the report if anyone would like to read it for themselves: http://www.empcommission.org/docs/empc_exec_rpt.pdf

Along with TV, cell phones need to go. I’m not saying don’t use one when traveling, if broken down on the side the road then a cell phone could be life saving. At all other times, there is no need for a cell phone!
Cell phones are the primary pathway to our surveillance. When you buy into cell phones, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT.
If most of the country stopped using cell phones, I think it would be a lot harder to force a digital currency on the population and it would a lot harder to force/coerce vaccination on the public. There may very well come a day when citizens are required to carry cell phones with them. In China, it’s already very hard to function in society without a cell phone.
At the very least, the cell phone user should get a cut of the pie for what he/she is worth as the actual product!

I stopped using a cellphone in 2005 and never looked back. I moved to a semi remote place and there was no cellular reception [ still isnt ]. Now when people come to visit me I get the opportunity to watch a drug addict go through withdrawals.
Im not exaggerating. After I tell them that their phones wont work here they say OK. But within an hour they start figgiting with it. Picking it up, turning it on, checking the bars to make sure.
Then they start getting a little panicked. Im not exaggerating in the least. Checking the phone, holding it, becoming observably disturbed. Often they suggest a trip into town to get this or that. We go to town, Im driving, and they are checking the phone every 2 minutes, waiting in a panic for when it comes on. Literally, the SECOND it comes on they are on there scrolling and tapping.
Of course, there have been no messages, nothing missed. No earth shattering news. We get what we need from town, they check their phone again before driving up the mountain and then make a show of turning it off and putting it away…but I already know better.
In a few hours the nervousness comes back. The dead phone comes out…maybe if they stand just right…maybe if they climb that little hill and stand on one leg…
The next morning its “lets go down into town for breakfast, my treat!” lol. And the phone comes out because they know the exact spot now where they can get their fix. Scroll through, no important messages, no earth shattering news, they are disappointed.
I had a friend stay with me for 10 days and it took 3 full days for phone detox, until the leg stopped shaking, and he stopped pawing his dead phone. By the end he seemed mostly cured but when I dropped him off at the train station I noticed he was scrolling his phone as I drove away…sigh

I’m all for unplugging, but we have to be realistic here. Just because we don’t watch TV and aren’t subject to the fear marketing of a cable news producer, doesn’t mean we are free of it.
If you are reading and commenting on this site you are not a luddite. You are not unplugged. Your fear is being harvested and used, like it is on every other social platform.
I’m not implying that Dr. M and Adam are bad people or evil business men, I’m saying that we, as users, want this. We want our fears legitimized by group think. We want to compete for who has the most terrifying conspiracy theory (aka fear).
We are the problem, not the media, not the social platform. It’s time to take responsibility for our own fear and not let it be used against us. Then, and only then, can you say that you are ‘unplugged’.

You might need to check the weather, and that comes with ads, headlines and other things even if you are not interested. You might need to check your email, and you can be sent things regarding current news. or get ads or articles.
However, not turning on the tv news. and watching only on-demand tv shows without ads, not listening to live radio stations, and unplugging from social media is really really good start. In fact, its what I do. I do get bits of news. but at least I do not make it front and center. One of things that has been important for me is what is going on with the coronavirus. I get most of my news for that here. Because, though far from perfect, is a lot better than the spew flying elsewhere. I feel my family and I have benefited from what we know about the virus and able to protect ourselves the best as possible. But, I clearly do not get into the madness that I have watched family and friends who are glued to CNN and others. It is almost funny ( but very sad and pathetic ) watching the hole they fall into. Their political persuasions and other judgements about things are grossly distorted. It very sad, its like someone watching children harm themselves, but unable to do anything about it.

As you unplug yourself from this one source of mind control it is important that you not ignore the most psychologically satisfying aspect. If you live in a rural area where gunshot will not attract Homeland Security, use the wide screen for target practice. If you are still an urban sheep, use a sledge hammer. You will find the exercise immensely satisfying.
Don’t forget to follow up by killing all cell phones in possession of your family. You will have to tie up all your teenage offspring as they watch, but they will recover after a week or two and can be released onto a leash.