Weapons Of Mass Deception


Yes, a great benefit of the pandemic???
kids out of school…

Robert Epstein explains how big tech / social media consciously manipulate users without them knowing. They can sway millions of voters, easily tipping elections toward candidates the companies prefer.
Watch the first 20 minutes, at least, to get hair to stand up on the back of your neck. This will creep you out.
I hope this gets shared far and wide.
His website: https://mygoogleresearch.com/

Thank you R.E. for the link to the “Big Tech and Political Manipulation” video!
Robert Epstein’s exceptional work explains what has been going on under the hood, completely unseen, that’s engineering our world lightspeed into an Orwellian nightmare of mind-control and our subsequent “voluntarily” giving up our freedoms. The sick irony of Google’s original code of conduct which said “Don’t be evil,” which of course now must certainly be revised to “We are evil Itself.”

Cambridge Analytica specializes in what’s called “psychographic” profiling, meaning they use data collected online to create personality profiles for voters. They then take that information and target individuals with specifically tailored content.
From the Guardian
“There’s evidence of really quite disturbing experiments on American voters, manipulating them with fear-based messaging, targeting the most vulnerable, that seems to be continuing. This is an entire global industry that’s out of control but what this does is lay out what was happening with this one company.”

“He was in 3rd or 4th grade and would complete his in class assignment far in advance of his classmates, and instead of being allowed to continue he was stifled so that it didn’t hurt the feelings of his slower classmates. He was told that it was his responsivity, as an 11 year old, to go and teach the other students until they caught up. This was back at the beginning of the ever increasing Marxist indoctrination of our public school system (where everyone gets a trophy)”--Bradford
I know a few brilliant neuro-atypical people who were pretty crushed in their early grades of public school by the emphasis on competition. Public schools, before much was known about emotional and neurological and social development in children caused a lot of harm.
Think of the cooperative spirit that is instilled in students who are high achievers when they are asked to help others who are lagging behind. That confers a social and emotional good for the high achiever and a sense of belonging for the under achiever.
What this has to do with Marxism, I have no idea.

“Of course “humanist” was just a code word for “collective,” and the UC education department where I was enrolled was already advancing/advocating, a collectivist ideology.” Bradford
Humanism is anything but collectivist. It’s foundational understanding is that we are individually unique, have natural rights, regardless of our position and or relationship to authority. It broke from the biblical tradition that places the individual’s rights and freedoms within a sacred context.
It is the exact opposite of collectivism or Marxism which views the individual more as a one head on a hydra headed being.
Why the alt right has confused the petty forms humanism have taken in academia with Marxism and collectivism, is beyond me. Could be due to Jordan Peterson’s inability to name it correctly. It should be called “Cultural Pettiness”
Gender politics has descended into something that could also be called “Cultural Swiftianism” where Blefuscu and Lilliput warred over where soft boiled should be cut off before eating. Individuals linked into micro-communites of individual pettiness. Don’t think that would have flown in Marxist states.
This is in no way Marxist. It is actually placing way too much importance on the primacy of the individual and ignoring the fact that they have to cooperate within a larger society.

It's a very strange conglomeration of the primacy of the individual, filtered through a Narcissistic culture that began post war within Madison Avenue, that focused on neurotic needs and desires of the individual as opposed to emphasis on the group.
the cooperative spirit that is instilled in students who are high achievers when they are asked to help others
Also consider: explaining a thing well enough that someone else can understand it is a highly effective way to strengthen one's own grasp of the subject. Having students explain things to others is good pedagogy on more than one level.

What I was saying was that humanism was the guise, the slight of hand, under which the collectivists employed their long term strategy 0f a “deliberate dumbing down” of the educational system, in order to usher in new generations of easily compliant leftist followers. This of course was at the expense of individualism, exceptionalism, and critical thinking, all by design. “Feelings” and “everyone gets a trophy” became the exclusive mandate and so has led us into the dysfunctional society of Antifa et all, that we now inhabit.
I take it that you are not a big fan of:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Would those be the "neurotic needs and desires of the individual" in your opinion?
"Our nation was built upon the virtues of individual responsibility and self-reliance. Adams and his contemporaries believed that liberty was worth defending no matter the cost. Patrick Henry said it best with his now-famous line, spoken one month before the start of the Revolutionary War: “Give me liberty, or give me death!” The Founding Fathers understood liberty as the right of each individual to pursue his or her own desires, ambitions, and interests, so long as they did violate the rights of other individuals in the process."
Having students explain things to others is good pedagogy on more than one level.
No, not in 3rd grade class where it was employed as a means to frustrate the gifted children on a continual basis, and to extinguish their innate desire for competition and individual excellence. That was both cruel and sick.

Epstein makes a glaring error which casts doubt on his presentation.
The Nest thermostat does not have a camera or a microphone

You mentioned the child was 11 years old. That is sixth grade. But is is beside the point. Having children as young as 8 or 9 help those who are behind is still a good practice. It blows my mind that anyone would think that is part of a greater conspiracy to “continually frustrate gifted children.”
As part of a faction that is so sensitive to what the “elites” are up to, this is a remarkably elitist comment. A young child’s innate quest for excellence and competition? LOL.

“What I was saying was that humanism was the guise, the slight of hand, under which the collectivists employed their long term strategy 0f a “deliberate dumbing down” of the educational system, in order to usher in new generations of easily compliant leftist followers”
Not even close.

So, I guess Chris Martenson is a collectivist. He is frustrating his own innate quest for competition and excellence by trying to help others within this collective, called Peak Prosperity. Many are lagging behind…unprepared. Correct?
Chris and Adam remark frequently about the folly of living in a growth paradigm on a finite planet. That sounds a lot like a plea to work together and help others and to accept restrictions the environment will place on us.
Those restriction are often implemented through government. Are Chris and Adam collectivist Communists? Have they been hoodwinked by leftists to believe this?
Chris is working toward sustainable living on his own farm and helping others while they help him do this. Is this collective farming? Come on now, Bradford. We all know its a slippery slope.
Maybe Chris and Adam are employing sleight of hand, using this website and allowing the alt right to pretty much dominate the comments to hide the fact they are really Communists initiating a Bolshevik style rebellion. LOL.
Because the comments section has become more and more susceptible to online propaganda I guess I better include that I am kidding and don’t think that Chris and Adam are Communists.

That just what I thought would be a revealing anecdotal example, 22 years ago, of one exceptionally bright child who expressed his frustration and dislike of being in school at that time because he was being constantly held back. It was consistent with what I observed having gone through the student the student teaching program at a major university. You are choosing ignore the trends and outcomes that have transpired since then?

Now you appear to be trolling me. Oh well, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree concerning collectivism by edict (“you will own nothing and you will be happy”), and perhaps even vaccination by mandate! Neither of which I think Chris or Adam would be in favor of.

The trends I have witnessed are classes where kids are allowed to go berserker in the classroom without much in the way of consequence. They are going nuts because they are from single family homes and fathers exert a stabilizing influence on boys. Plus boys are more energetic and should would benefit from learning by doing. Harder for them to sit still.
It’s partly a neuro-atypical phenomenon that is exaggerated by social conditions and handled the wrong way by the culture, in general.
Kids who have a passion for learning can’t be held back. They will find a way. Don’t worry about them. Whatever you attribute the cause to, they will be fine.

I am in disagreement. Am not trolling you. Vaccine by edict is an entirely different subject and I also think it is wrong to force anyone to have a vaccine and think parents should be able to choose for their children, barring an outbreak of bubonic plague.
I sure won’t be taking any vaccine that was rushed to market. No thanks!
Hey…we agree on something. All is not lost!

Depends on the model

MM -
Quick search gave me this link showing Nest has hidden mic. Has this been refuted?