We're In Uncharted Territory

Probably the most demoralizing realization to me of the entire last 14 months is the magnitude of the public’s inability to think critically. I thought it was widespread. I now know how badly I had underestimated the numbers.

Question to all PP-members: Who of you has put (some of) his savings in US bonds since the last 5 years?

I did, and made out OK. I bought 2 year bonds back in 2017-ish. They paid 2.5%. And matured last year.

To be honest, I did not expect this :slight_smile:
Would you do it again now?

Not at these rates [.16 for the 2 year? ]. But if they offered a real rate [ depending on what else is going on in the economy ] I probably would. Problem is, I doubt we’ll ever see real interest rates again in our lifetimes.

Exactly. Me neigther. Other countries are also not buying anymore. The Fed is the only one and they create it just out of thin air.
They can raise interest rates, but that would only mean that the gouvernment is going to borrow more than when the interest rates would be lower. This results in a even steeper shape of the debt-curve that is already vertical.

The question is, when does it all blow up? I think you hit on it in your previous post, when people lose faith.
So when do the mask wearing, vax taking, MSM watching crowd finally wake up and realize they’ve been conned?

How long can it go on?
Well my native home of Argentina has had a number of currency collapses/resets (for over 50-60 years) and still the people play along.
Their yearly inflation rate at the moment is running at 25%. It changes how people do business and how they store wealth but it hasn’t gone into Mad Max territory, at least for too long :-/
No one saves their cash everything is spent right away and large purchases are done somewhat in barter or quoted in US dollars. For a complete loss of faith it has to get bad, real bad Venezuela bad… the sheeple will not wake up until their bank accounts are seized, their fridges are empty and home invasions are common. At this point TPTB run the risk of losing control so it’s not in their interest to go there. People can get used to a progressively worse situation in so long as the pace isn’t too fast and they are scared enough.
We in the west aren’t there yet.

Hello Brushog, your question when does it all blow up? I believe it will be in the near future (one-two years) if the “vaccines” are demonstrated to be dangerous enough that it effects cannot be hidden any longer. Where that threshold is I don’t know. Decades of trust and hubris in previous good vaccine outcomes will have to be destroyed. Therefore damage control is of the first priority. It’s probably happening already. Word of mouth will be the main medium of exchange of information as official data sources will be compromised. First hand experience will have to trump propaganda efforts. I think people will begin to question everything at that point.

Sebastian, I agree that it could go on a LONG time. I would not have said that 10 years ago. I was wrong in my thinking.
My question for you is, what are stores of wealth used in your home country and how are they used in economic exchanges? Other than the barter you mentioned.

Currently in danger of loosing a very good friend over it. He has elderly parents and he has been understandably very concerned. However, even though I shared FLCCC and ivermectin data , he made no effort to acquire any. He didn’t even suggest to them that they take vit d. With all the evidence, he still didn’t do anything (now 5o papers for IVM 70-90% effective). He did however think I was going to sit in his garden at Christmas time in the UK 1 day before we were officially ok to visit… I impolitely declined! I’ve been friends with him for 30 years!
I mean, is it me?

Couldn’t agree more. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone…

Well my native home of Argentina has had a number of currency collapses/resets (for over 50-60 years) and still the people play along. Their yearly inflation rate at the moment is running at 25%. It changes how people do business and how they store wealth
3 Questions; 1. How do people in Argentina store wealth?   2. What would you think happens in Argentina if the US dollar is no longer a stable/trustworthy currency? 3. Do you think people in the USA can adjust to a currency collapse/reset as well as the Argentinians since we have no experience wiht it? Thanks

I think it is interesting to learn from the examples in Argentinië.

Your friend is representative of the mindsets of everyone I encounter, friends and family alike. There is such tremendous belief and faith in the MSM narrative it is unreal. I have stopped trying to educate, save for forwarding the odd article as last gasp attempts to try to educate. Nothing is working. PP is the ONLY place where I can talk to intelligent people who want to know what the truth is and are not afraid to find out. People think I am a nut bar and conspiracy theorist. Lordy… I feel like the sanest person around!!! Just focusing on my self now, doing all the right things as we discuss here.
Ordered a lot more of the magic horsey stuff that comes in a tube yesterday. Was on sale to boot - yay me! The way BC is rolling, it might be worth its weight in gold soon. Not a motive. Just insurance.

Japan is another country to take a look at. No doubt they have similar bi-flationary effects occurring in their economy, but take a look at the general inflation chart. China’s population is aging and old people don’t buy much more than they need, so that provides a brake on what otherwise may be very high inflationary forces.
Corporate taxes in a highly automated society have helped Japan keep up payments on debt. See chart below. The Biden administration is proposing a global minimum corporate tax, which will help offset deficit spending. It will likely not exceed 25%, up from 21% and should go a long way to enable the country to continue to finance or loan money into existence - while remaining one of the strongest reserve currencies.
Another on Japan’s debt levels, some of the highest in the world.
“Tokyo has run budget deficits throughout the past three decades, creating one of the world’s highest public debt to GDP ratios, without any adverse effect on inflation and interest rates.”
Measured against other currencies and debt levels, the U.S. doesn’t look so bad. I watched the Richter interview two or three times and noted that he said the government would intervene and raise interest rates if inflation ran hot, like over 4%–and, it looked like the situation was going to remain that way.
There will be inflation but there will be so many factors tempering it, in the long run, I’m not concerned with the dollar spiraling down in value.

I think the dollar & all global fiat will be destroyed and state digital currency’s will be offered as the escape mechanism. The trap is then sprung. Total control. And I’ll probably be buying some. God help us all…

At least there’s PP. I just don’t get it. But as you say, I won’t try anymore. This seriously demoralised me to be honest. I now see the horrifying reality that most will literally believe whatever they’re told until they see the state kill a loved one by commission; omission doesn’t seem to be strong enough!
I’m afraid COVID 19 has laid bare just how far down the rabbit hole we are. Anything is possible now. Even probable…

Jan, my fear in all this is that mad Dr Fauci’s mask zombies who are running out to get the death jab are going to get horribly sick this winter when they get exposed to the live virus. Alot of them will die. Then they’ll claim the deaths are due to a “mutated virus” and the “unvaxxed” “science deniers” will be blamed.
Very few people will question it because, lets face it, if they havent by now they never will. Hope Im wrong about it all.

The original Wuhan strain Clade 19a no longer exists ANYWHERE in the world ,or is out competed by variants as to make it immaterial. Look up nextstrain.com . Every case of covid is now a variant. All current infection/case is/are a variant evolved in the human population. End of story, unless you happen to be a Vax manufacturer (happy days, Keep them profits rolling).