We're Living In 'The Groundhog Show'

Peak Prosperity is easily the best forum for discussion of resource limitations, financial malfeasance, and how we should respond. For this article, though, I take great exception to one thing Chris wrote:
I would argue that any actual mistakes are merely them trying out new approaches to harvesting wealth for their elite owners. Inevitably, while most of their approaches are effective to that end, some won’t be.
The Fed was established more than a century ago, and over the decades, they have strengthened their grip on the US and the world (with the help of ancillary organizations like the CIA). Today, the owners of the Fed/planet have power that is greater, further reaching, and more entrenched than ever. Even though I don’t like the result, I have to give them credit for successful Machiavellianism.
Brandon Smith’s Feb 22 article nicely sums up my feelings about all this (which I arrived at totally independently):
For the coming bubble pop, I think a major shift of fiscal dymanics is indeed what’s in store. “Never waste a good crisis” – problem, reaction, solution.
IMO, there is no doubt that the Fed and its owners are wizards at deception, manipulation, and mojo accumulation. They’re not half-brained idiots, and to treat them as such paints them as merely incompetent, when we should finger them as intentionally criminal. We need to see the Fed as a top general in the class war (which the elites are easily winning at this point) – a key actor that must be dealt with if we are to have any hope of resolving the conflict in our favor.

Brushog: your post reminded me of the transformational work of Dr. Kelly Brogan.
You made changes that are similar to what she recommends, and your successes speak for themselves. I have been re-reading the book with new eyes and thinking to address long term issues of my own. I do very much believe that she has presented strong proof that we can take charge of aspects of our lives, and reap wonderful benefits, improved lives and outlooks. In my mind that is what healthcare really is, not the profit driven sickcare system we are brainwashed and/or forced into following.
There is not a lot in this life we can control, but you have given a peek into that which we can. Thank you!

I pretty much agree. Create a crisis that will move policy to the outcome
already picked.

There was a time in US history when the general populace and most politians even, understood the danger posed by center banks and were very much against them. Fast forward to today, for most people their role in national affairs is not even up for debate, they are considered and essential and inseparable part of economic infrastructure. The propoganda is so complete, it is now the background wallpaper of our lives.
Once a month or so I tune into NPR see to what the latest PR is that is being foisted onto the public, and I was treated to an interview of Janet Yellen no less. They want on about how they just hated doing all the bailouts of AIG and like, as criminal as they were, but they held there noses and did it for the man in street, because they had to save the economy. Good thing I had an empty stomach so I didn’t vomit all over the inside of the car. Tonights installment on Market Place, why no one went to jail. I don’t think I can stomach listening to that one. If someone with a stronger wants to listen and report back, that would be interesting.
The fact that their rolling this crap out, maybe their getting nervous that the peps in the street are starting to get restless, perhaps there afraid of the yellow vest mind set making its way over the USA. Well, will just have to wait and see.

by Johann Hari in Lost Connections. He lists the loss of meaningful work as the leading cause of depression. This is indirectly behind the discussion that is occurring here and elsewhere regarding the Green New Deal, Socialism, Capitalism, health, the homeless, etc. We simply don’t have the infrastructure – physical or otherwise – to provide meaningful work for many people. I’m not certain that the GND will provide this as it is shallow green at best. Bigger government is not the answer. Brushhog was fortunate to have the flexibility and resources to make a move to his 100 acres. Obviously we can’t all do the same. (There was a woman who posted at PP the other day who represents this group. Single mother, two kids, who wants to do something different but is stuck in a situation/system that prevents change.)
I’d like to work with others in developing the aforementioned infrastructure. I’ve given this a great deal of thought but have been unable to get any traction for this new infrastructure. Perhaps now is the time.

jeantheau wrote:
IMO, there is no doubt that the Fed and its owners are wizards at deception, manipulation, and mojo accumulation. They're not half-brained idiots, and to treat them as such paints them as merely incompetent, when we should finger them as intentionally criminal. We need to see the Fed as a top general in the class war (which the elites are easily winning at this point) -- a key actor that must be dealt with if we are to have any hope of resolving the conflict in our favor.
Thanks for verbalizing exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to give a shout out for 108morris who lives in Cambodia and puts out daily videos of his thoughts on these kinds of matters, he is very refreshing. I'm not sure if the community here is aware of him. I'm actually surprised he hasn't been banned form Youtube for saying it as it is; many have been for less.