What Can I Do?

I hadn't heard of that group - it could be something that grows, something that is passionate like the anti-war university riots of the 60's - but easily contained but when one considers the current regime of overt spying and info gathering, and the overt lack of rule of law now… I kind of think such movements would /could be squelched by simply shutting down transmission lines and internet. 

Hey Max,
Sorry for the long delay, it's been a busy summer. 
Absolutely no offense taken - and I agree, the topics you bring up are important - whether in an increasingly authoritarian government in the first world, or living under Mugabe in Zimbabwe. 
I don't want my views of the world to be constrained by the Amero-centric view that so many people in the states suffer from… the sociological developments we could be looking at are similar across the spectrum, and you're right - it does matter of you're dealing with a statist government running surveillance on its citizens, and covering it up with sensationalist banter, or a facist dictator driven by race, who's hell bent to purge an ethnicity from his land by violence… 
Being dismissive of your point would be a disservice to the members here and elsewhere, who are looking for legitimate comment on how to prepare. It's great to know how to provide for yourself, but as you can see in the second link (Mugabe and the White African) - it doesn't matter if you're providing for yourself. The Government can hire thugs to harass, beat, and terrify you off your land in a relentless campaign for redistribution. 
How do you fight that? It can't all be done politically, but I'm very reluctant to give it full audience because of the implications… having been involved in a country's civil war, I'm not eager to invite solutions that promote violence. The battle right now is for ignorance, and the statists are absolutely sweeping the board in the Western world. When we allow ourselves to give in to such forces, the next and most logical step is creating a caste in which the minority group is intimidated and battered by those who stand to gain from the promises of statism. 
Mike Campbell is a hero of mine, for taking a non-violent stand against a racist dictator, and I hope that people here will watch MATWA (Netflix has it available to stream) to see that Maxwell is, beyond a doubt, correct. It will take much more than self-reliance to weave through the net being cast by the power hungry, and their relentless pursuit of those who'd reject their authority for freedom and independance from over-reaching governing. 
