What Does It Mean to “Shelter in Place”?

My husband is the car guy so much of it sounds like “fuel, power, hp, blah, blah blah to me.” With that said I know I am tasked with getting some E85 to mix with the 93 octane because the mod his car has uses the ethanol go get more horsepower. So I can well imagine the BMW is tuned to use the 10% ethanol in the Shell gas to increase the horsepower.
And yes we use 93 in the lawnmower because it is just easier. It is enough of a hassle to deal with 93, E85 and diesel. I don’t need 87 just for the lawnmower.

I think we have the same info more or less. I was more commenting on the relevance of octane in small engines as opposed to ethanol. I dont get 93 where I am so I wasn’t aware it contained ethanol. Thanks for the clarification. High end vehicles are optimized to run higher octane and thus grades will make a difference. Most vehicles benefit so remotely by 90+ as to be a waste, not that they can’t run it, just that’s there’s very little real world benefit.

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It comes from the fact that both the SARS COV 2 virus…and both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA “vaccines” have, or produce, S1/S2 spike-proteins, which ALL have PRION DOMAINS as part of their structure. It is the PRION DOMAIN, which allows these bio-weapons to firmly attach themselves to the human ACE2 receptors.
The SARS COV 2 virus is the ONLY coronavirus to include this Prion Domain…and it was the genetic engineering of this domain, during this chimera virus’s development in China…which allows this virus to be so infectious. The prions were added to enhance this bio-weapon’s ability to infect humans.
When you invade the body with trillions of prions…and allow, via the mRNA, for this prion production to be “hard-wired” into your DNA, via RT…as the mRNA is designed to hang around long enough for this to happen…you are going to get an increase in Prion diseases…such as Mad Cow…and many other neurological diseases.
You must remember ALL the monkeys infected with SARS COV 2 displayed prion related brain disease…all of them.

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Why? To kill off the surplus population, by allowing the dumb-driven cattle of humanity to select against themselves, voluntarily…if possible, via being emotionally propagandized to seek the false safety of the Primary bio-weapon (“vaccine”)…for which the original pathogen…is simply the motivation driving them to the desired inoculation.
What is taking place is the deliberate culling of the human population.
What the novice “thinks” this culling entails…is poorly thought out…and assumes goals, which do not exist.
This is not a “hurry up” idea of the pandemic managers…but, a project many years in the making. A novices guesses…are simply that.


A swift cull will result in catastrophe. All sorts of reasons. Manufacturing will fall apart entirely. Nuclear reactors cannot just be switched off and left idle. The shut down process is quite delicate and takes plenty time (and plenty of highly expert people) to do. The healthcare system is definitely being deliberately subject to sabotage right now, but they don’t want it to completely disappear (after all, the oligarchs need their cosmetic procedures and hip replacements and so forth).
Somebody posted that the UK is running about 15% above the 5-year average for all cause deaths. If that continues for a decade, and accelerates over the next year or so (conjecture is the worst of the vax’s adverse effects will begin to bite around the 2-year mark) to maybe 25-50% excess deaths, then we’ll begin to see population fall pretty quickly. Just not in a catastrophic 50% in a year kind of way.
Slow-burn cull is more manageable. Which is what they’re attempting to do – manage literally every aspect of life from birth to how we live to how we die.
They’ll f$&k it up, of course, being as they are arrogant and too-insulated and human. I intend to stay out of the way of the machine as it shakes itself to pieces.
If you want to cheer yourself up, imagine the oligarchs and their Nefarious Plan as the Wicked Witch, just after getting doused with a pail of water…
“What a world, what a world!” indeed.


Covid was a wake-up call for tens of millions of us. When it started in Dec 2019, I actually trusted MSM, TPTB, the medical establishment, big pharma. Since then we have figured out whom we can trust, vs who's trying to poison us and our children (using our tax dollars!).

They had one chance at a surprise attack, which they squandered, with a very mild virus. Then the establishment forfeited ALL of their credibility.

TPTB have shown their hand: their grand scheme to enslave us, with CBDC, vaccine passports, social credit score, we will own nothing. We know our freedom and survival hinge on how firmly we rebuff their power grabs. (e.g. Southwest Airlines, American, HCWs and 1st responders refusing the jab.)

Get used to saying 'NO' to those who are deliberately trying to kill us. DO NOT give the Devil the benefit of the doubt! If we keep messing up their plans, these corporate mafia bosses will turn on each other.

Now we are expecting them to cause chaos. We are getting ready for it (Vitamin D, broad-spectrum antivirals, organic foods, herbal remedies)

If they release another variant, or a different pathogen, we already have a playbook. You could even say we have THEIR playbook: paper trail of other DoD / NIAID gain-of-function projects (H5N1, H7N9, Dr Yoshihiro Kawaoka) and the fact that Robert Kadlec, as ASPR, procured millions of doses of a new Smallpox vaccine, (JYNNEOS®, Bavarian Nordic) and the targeted antiviral, Tecovirimat, (TPOXX®, SIGA Technologies) for the US Strategic National Stockpile. (The same paper trail shows Dick Cheney started taking Cipro BEFORE the 1st Anthrax attack in 2001).

We already know who will figure out the best treatments (FLCCC). We also know who will try to prevent the public from getting lifesaving meds (hint: rhymes with Mao-chee).


Maybe we have the playbook, maybe not. Our friend Bill Gates has quite clearly stated Plandemic 2 is coming, and I have a feeling something quite nasty is concocted for it. It wouldn’t make sense to cull only the sheep.

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So my sense with prions, given my research in the area, is that a single prion doesn’t doom you to extinction. It requires a steady dosing of prions to cause enough trouble to result in bad outcomes.
My evidence: in the 80s, AIDS patients suffered from dementia prior to ARV coming on the scene (death rate was 8%/year). Once ARV was in place, the AIDS-dementia issue (mostly) faded away. HIV has a prion like domain - gp120 - which - I’m guessing now - caused the trouble. Paper below compares scrapie & HIV gp120:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9745929/ Mechanisms of prionSc- and HIV-1 gp120 induced neuronal cell death
So for the AIDS patients, once "the dose" of prions was reduced (due to ARV = much less virus = much smaller "prion dose"), so was the dementia incidence. HIV patients still get "early onset" dementia, but the incidence rate is a tiny fraction of what it was back in the 80s. And, even better, it turns out you can treat the impact of prion injury. With niacin. See my post, below: https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/prions-neurodegeneration-and-niacin/ Prions cause neuronal cell death due to NAD+ depletion. Sufficient niacin (the NAD+ precursor) not only stops this from happening, but it can even rescue prion-depleted neuronal cells from death. So while I agree that constant supply of prion-like-domains via the injections will quite possibly lead to NAD+ depletion, and neuronal cell death due to the whole prion-like-domain-dose-dependent issue, it can be addressed (at least to a degree) by NAD+ sufficiency. Via niacin. I may have a case on point. I'll post more when things get fully resolved. Hmm. I should go order another couple of kilograms of niacin.