What Should I Do? The Basics of Resilience (Part 7 – Protecting Wealth)

This is all fine and dandy if you can afford to invest in your home. We rent. How can we possibly create water, food storage, solar, wells, etc. living in a small apt.? Your advice seems to be only for those with money. I don’t understand if you are so concerned about helping your community, how can you leave out advise for those that don’t have money to buy land, stock-up and create a self-sufficient world on their own plot . Now I really am feeling panicked. It is great living in rural MA, surrounded by farmers…working on your property. Geez.

Hi advocadotoast
Welcome to CM!
This was just discussed. Here is the link:

[quote=avocadotoast]This is all fine and dandy if you can afford to invest in your home. We rent. How can we possibly create water, food storage, solar, wells, etc. living in a small apt.? Your advice seems to be only for those with money. I don’t understand if you are so concerned about helping your community, how can you leave out advise for those that don’t have money to buy land, stock-up and create a self-sufficient world on their own plot . Now I really am feeling panicked. It is great living in rural MA, surrounded by farmers…working on your property. Geez.
avocado -
First off, welcome to CM.com.  You will find there is a load of useful information here and many people who are planning on weathering the storm “in place” - meaning in the homes they are living in - and not heading off to some idyllic plot of land in the mountains.
Next suggestion - take a deep breath and realize that you have taken the most important and challenging first step, that of realizing that something is going on out there and that you need to add resiliency to your life to better deal with it.
You are also among virtual friends so don’t  get too frustrated before you ask for help.
I would suggest you take the Self Assessment that can be found on the “Take Action” tab at the top of the page.  Once you work through that, I think you will have the specifics of your situation framed in a manner that you can then plan for.
And finally, there is a ton of info here so don’t get overwhelemed and feel like you need to go through it all today.  Take it in chunks.
As the late, great San Francisco prophet Jerry Garcia once said, “You just gotta poke around.”

Thank you Johnny Oxygen and Dogs in a Pile! 

Don’t you understand that it is the best time to get the loans, which will make your dreams come true.

 A great place to invest in PHYSICAL, TITLED, and ALLOCATED gold and silver is at Silver Saver.com  https://silversaver.com/share/YU6HY  They have low premiums, auto-pay, and a great rewards program.  This is one of the best ways I have found to consistantly and automatically invest in silver and gold bullion.  Check them out and let me know what you think.  You won’t be disappointed!!

 Why is gold price going down continuously these few days?

JoanneWong:  the price you see is for PAPER gold and silver.  Hope you realize the difference.  Paper price is established and controlled by the banks and Feds (the bad guys)
that is NOT the value of the gold and silver that the wise have bought and own (to be determined at a later date).

Imagine this:  The electricity goes out!  YIKES!  no computer, no google, no facebook!!!  NOW take a look around.  How much gold and silver do you have?  If you can’t touch it do you really own it?  Right… you agree with that?  James Turk has a fanfastic business (among many others) but I have a hard time feelin completely comfortable having money half a world away with my ONLY connection via the computer. AND… IMO bank holidays will be accompanied by INTERNET holidays.

You hear it alot and it’s true… come barter time, physical gold and silver will be more valuable than an old print out of your stock holdings (cause who prints out their accounts regularly??)

A TIP I use that helps me sleep better at night.  90% silver (junk) is dimes, quartesr, half and full dollars minted before 1964.  The least expensive form of accumulating silver, it maybe the easiest to use come a time.  A single ‘junk’ dime right now is equivalent to A GALLON OF GAS.  Makes more sense than a $35 to $50 silver ounce or $1700 oz of gold!   "Can I have change for this $1700 ounce of gold please?"   ha ha ha

I cruise the sights a lot and am amazed that 90% silver just doesn’t get enough airplay.  oh, fyi, these coins were minted with 90% silver in then… hence the name.



AUD/USD’s rally extended further to as high as 1.0687 last week. Further rise is expected with 1.0444 support intact and AUD/USD should target 1.0752 next. Break there will be the first sign of up trend resumption and should target a test on 1.1079 high. However, AUD/USD is still bounded in range of 0.9387/1.1079. Break of 1.0525 support will argue that rebound from 0.9663 is finished and another falling leg inside the consolidation pattern could have started for the lower side of the range.

Thank you for this excellent post.

Excellent post, thank you for these tips and valuable information.



Since this was written over four years ago, and some of it involves future prognostication, it would be useful to update the prognosis in my opinion [update the article].
An example of this is the statement from above: "As I currently see it, the chance of a 10% advance in the stock market is about the same as a 30% decline. Those are bad odds if you are holding stocks."

We have since learned the stock market has advance A LOT since 2010. That doesn't make it a good investment in the fall of 2014 of course. But it makes a 2010 opinion quite obsolete.

DC -Updating the entire What Should I Do? guide is a top priority for Q4. We plan to launch the updated, expanded version before year's end.
There's a lot to accomplish between now & then, but we're on it :slight_smile: