When Every Country Wants to Sell, Who Buys?

[quote=Rodney7777]  Sedonix thank you for alerting me about weather tight solar roofs.  I will be looking into that. Rodney7777
I watched the installation videos, and think that it would be easier to mount on top of a solid roof. Seems like less issues. Notice that in the video there is no wiring on the panels (they omit showing you how to run the wires). And no telling if micro inverters would work in this system. It would be a hard sell for me having installed 5 systems with no issues using traditional roof mount systems. Also if you think about using this I would do a careful cost analysis of this system vs. racking over a solid roof. Looks expensive, but the main issue is all the flashing involved and transitions. I like roofs to be solid with as few penetrations as possible. The best system I've used is over standing seam metal roofs with clamps that lock to the seams and do not penetrate the roof. Zero penetrations and no flashing.

Hello trader17,We often worry here at Peakprosperity.com about the very real threat of deflation but if you read further you will find we are hyper aware of the ravages of current inflation.

Don't forget air.  It seems impossible that we are approaching a water crisis, but we are and so, how far behind is an air crisis? 

By the way.  Hats off to the creators of this comment section.  I will leave a comment here and there, but this is my first experience with what I will call an "extended discussion".
Makes a real "community effect" so thanks to somebody.

When I was a kid, my parents were in the habit of visiting with people every week.  Either our whole family would go to someone's home for the evening, or we would have visitors appear at our place.  The women in one area and the men in another area and all were exchanging what they knew about farming, baking, horses, sewing etc etc.  This "extended discussion" here reminds me of those times.  By the way all that ended suddenly with the appearance of television.

Trader 17.  I can appreciate your viewpoint.  However, for many people, less informed than you perhaps, due diligence demands that we know about and investigate both sides of any issue. "Don't talk about X because we already know it's a lie" just doesn't work for us.  I need to hear Chris Martensen's point of view and his proof, and I need to hear from Mr. Opposite and review his proof that Chris Martensen has got it all wrong.  I'd be willing to bet that Chris operates the same way, his background being in science.  I applaud Chris for presenting other viewpoints that may not be in complete alignment with his.  Unfortunately, for me the only helpful response to a false and/or misleading statement is data that proves it to be false or misleading.

[quote=Rodney7777]By the way.  Hats off to the creators of this comment section.  I will leave a comment here and there, but this is my first experience with what I will call an "extended discussion".
Makes a real "community effect" so thanks to somebody.
When I was a kid, my parents were in the habit of visiting with people every week.  Either our whole family would go to someone's home for the evening, or we would have visitors appear at our place.  The women in one area and the men in another area and all were exchanging what they knew about farming, baking, horses, sewing etc etc.  This "extended discussion" here reminds me of those times.  By the way all that ended suddenly with the appearance of television.
I agree with you, Rodney.  Most comment threads that I have found on the net do not approach the quality of the conversations here.  I've been pretty busy at work lately, so I have some catching up to do, but I appreciate the dialog.