Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

It’s circled in white on the operations map. I believe one of the bodycams released was his showing him walking out of that building towards the barns.


I remember the original reporting that there were 3 snipers initially. I would posit that each was assigned one of the open windows and when the third sniper left, he left the window open to allow the other two to cover the vacated vantage point more easily.

Probably against regs but seems possible. Also doesn’t help explain why either no one was manning any of the positions or why each position “didn’t see “ anything. So… more questions with each hypothetical answer.


Chris, if the SS had an agent imbedded with local police, then why did the SS agent have to come all the way from the stage area to start the investigation on the roof?


Chris, have you noticed that the three plain clothes officers were dressed like Crooks?


They still have not communicated with local law enforcement as of Aug 9 !! Lol

Still siloed. Lol.

Had to laugh coz it’s too obvious it’s their attempted murder of Trump they are covering up. Allegedly.


I guess this is going to be the next “sloped roof”. Almost a month later, the guy in charge finds out that the various teams involved couldn’t communicate? Sure.

But this new lie doesn’t even fix the main issues. Why did the southern snipers turn north? The SS was in communication with its own snipers, right? Second, what were Greg and the Butler sniper doing in that building?


When you say three, I think you’re probably including ZZ Cop, but he turned out not to be an officer.


Really. I hadn’t heard that. Then why was he meeting with LEOs after the shooting? Anyways, he is still a questionable character for distracting the LEO shortly before the shooting.


I think the way it was revealed from my perspective was, Greg Smith (or somebody claiming to be him) said he knew ZZ Cop and that he was a patriot. I was surprised, so I went looking for videos and found him being shooed away by the sergeant telling everyone who wasn’t LEO to leave.


My understanding of timeline:
6:05, Nicols sees Crooks sitting at the picnic table near the adjacent building entrance from the 2nd story AGR building. Crooks is spotting running to the alcove.

6:06pm, Nicols leaves his post to go find him.

About 6:07 or 6:08pm, Crooks is spotted on the roof.

Had Nicols instead just radioed to a uniformed officer and kept visual observation then he would have easily seen Crooks scale the building and access the roof.

Nicols story is beyond implausible.


Interesting interview. Former CIA agent stating that Trump didn’t trust CIA so didn’t use it for intelligence. instead he hired private intelligence firms


I noticed first time and still do is if you’ll look carefully at the earlier video of the “shooter” scooting up the roof you see someone in bright clean looking long white pants and long clean looking neatly combed hair on the camera side of his face partially covering it. Look for yourself, do not rely on a commenter plant or anyone telling you. Then minutes later after the shots Crook is seen with dirty white looking shorts and what appears as not as long, dirty looking messed up hair. Yes he had been shot but so much different hair. So did he change pants? No i still think had to be two different people, likely the first one wearing a wig. Someone smart enough could also likely scale the gun in the first video and probably guage the guys height in roof climbing video. Look for yourself.

How did “both” get on the roof, and real shooter get off without being seen? Simply went thru that open second story window on the connected building. Real shooter change to camo or whatever and mingle in with other law enforcement during the chaos.

Would also explain why no law enforcement tried to shoot any shooter before the assassination attempt. They had to be sure to hit Crooks and not the real shooter. Remember only SS Snipers had open view of roof.


Right. The snipers were apparently supposed to keep watch to the west and the south. If one sniper left, it’s obvious that the remaining one would have to keep a watch in both directions.

If the remaining sniper (Butler, last name “M”), looked west, he would have seen people frantically looking and pointing at the building he was next to. If he was looking out the south windows, he would have seen Crooks.


According to the Detail Plan. Both Beaver County ESU & Butler County ESU were suppose to have counter-sniper teams in the corner of the 2 story building.


Aloha Peak People!

Chris, what you said about earning the rights back is so true! Can you imagine burning down one Nanny State and replacing it with another…NANNY STATE? What a waste of time that would be.

These amazing tech tools we have are proving to be a double edged sword. Like all fine swords, they cut both ways! Dash CAM for the win. Citizen journalism with direct financial input to the Journalists I Trust To Journal. The Way of the Future.

Thank you and thank you PeakTeam


Weird observation.

So… we have an attempted assassination of an ex President & presidential candidate Trump.

Event as big as Reagan attempted assassination. Worse it would be a monumental event like JFK assassination if the attempt was successful.

Yet barely 2 hours after the attempt, key local law enforcement officials, counter snipers etc all get to go leave & go home? go for a drink?

No going to police stations for depositions, interviews etc ? Maybe they did. Who knows. Probably we shall know 100 years later when it’s unclassified.

Maybe ex police, law enforcement, CSI, detective PP members here can enlighten us on what’s the protocol if local enforcement themselves are witnesses or in the crime scene area to an attempted murder.


so, in the beginning…Jason Woods (job description lead sniper) in chat group…5 Days prior. (Grassley Materials)

Monday July 8th

Tuesday July 9th

Wednesday July 10th

Friday July 12th

Jason Woods who doesn’t get replaced even though he is supposed to be replaced by xxxx(redacted) Finishes his shift @ 16:20.

anyone see a problem with planning here…? or are we all coolio.


Sorry, what I mean is, if one sniper had to leave the room temporarily (bathroom or whatever), the other sniper would understand they had to cover. I’m not talking about the guy who left about 4:25 pm.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Was the Shooting Staged?

If anyone is confused by Chris saying there was a sniper in the 1st floor of Building 2 facing south…there wasn’t, and a photo from this window would be looking up at people heads not from above them as they clearly are in each of the 3 Grassley photo’s…

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