Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Every sniper did lol

I saw a webpage from 2012 that listed some 10+ towns that contributed to the Butler ESU!

From Butler Township (not sure it has any presence in Butler ESU), we have:

  • Murphy, Robert Sergeant
  • Murphy, Sean Patrolman

Just a note for people who want to do more research. From the “Zelie PD” page:

The Zelienople Police Department is proud to have three active members in the Butler County ESU.
Other participating agencies include: Adams Township Police, Butler City Police, Butler Township Police, Cranberry Township Police, Jackson Township Police, Penn Township Police, Saxonburg Borough Police, and the Slippery Rock Borough Police.


Taking it logically step by step, assuming what we’ve been told (to my best recollection):

6pm. Nicols is on the NW 2nd story looking out a window to see Crooks at a picnic table next to the doors. Why?

6:05pm. Nicols sees Crooks move in a north direction, and Crooks could only reasonably go in two directions: Either to the west and then north to circle the building or leave, or into the alcove to access the roof. These are short distances, taking only moments to observe his direction of travel. Nicols radios the suspect is moving toward the gas station 1/4 mile away. But the FACTS prove otherwise, that Crooks moved into the alcove and was next observed on the roof at 6:07 or 6:08pm. Why did Nicols radio information now highly suspected as false?

6:06pm. Instead of just continuing to observe Crooks (If he had he’d have observed Crooks climb onto the roof moments later), Nicols abandons his post where his loaded sniper rifle sits (breaking every protocol, rule, and common sense measure), and runs down to the NW doors to chase and look for Nicols. Apparently he never thought to look onto the roof or in the alcove. In 1-2 minutes he’d have easily seen him, presumably. We now move onto 6-8 minutes of totally unverified unaccountable time for Nicols. He claims he was locked out and his partner had to let him in. But why is he next on the 1st floor AGR#6. We next see him on police dash cam 2 minutes post shooting at 6:13.

6:13. We next see him at the 1st floor under Crooks at the doors of AGR#6, where he acts very unusual and casual before (again) locking himself out. This suggests the earlier lockout excuse was a lie (did he not learn his lesson and retrieve his key?) and/or he never returned to his 2nd story position the entire time to at least retrieve his key. So from 6:06 thru well after the shooting into 6:15 and longer he never was at his overwatch post where his rifle was presumably positioned. And for some time, we don’t know, NOBODY was guarding the position or rifles!

And IF as we’ve been lied to about, these windows had no overwatch vantage of the roof, who put them there and why were they at that vantage point with no ability to see the roof they’re meant to be guarding? But we know that’s a lie and coverup, and also a level of ineptitude because it is a poor overwatch location. Still, they could see the roof and Crooks from that position, could see/hear the crowd below, could have radioed or just yelled down to officers, etc.

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The one shown in the west window had no barrel attached. So I’m guessing it was his sniper rifle but he took the barrel off. Probably compare scopes to the one he walked out with and one shown in the Grassley Photo. Forgot to say that.

In one of Dr. Martens’ previous videos / articles titled “The unbelievable security gap that allowed Crooks to get in position” I posted general Standard Operating Procedures that the Secret Service and Law Enforcement were supposed to comply with but failed to do so. You can read my full comment at this link: https://tribe.peakprosperity.com/t/the-unbelievable-security-gap-that-allowed-crooks-to-get-in-position/41381/88?u=bubbalobob
When one rule is neglected, it is human error. When multiple rules are neglected, it is incompetence. When multiple rules are neglected by multiple trained professionals, it is coordinated. There is no reason not to suspect a conspiracy and I am of opinion that every law enforcement officer and Secret Service agent who were deployed that day, must be suspended and a criminal investigation must be opened against all of them.
If none of them are guilty of any crime, then goddamnit, being police officers, they should have suspected a turd in the drink water!



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Hi Tim…i would recommend reading the Washington post article as it has the times of the Radio Transmissions…as for the reason he went to look for Crooks we find that

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Have you gamed out the idea of what this would take if you were planning this as an inside job? This has the finger prints of a planned event from a very high level source. What would it take to execute this kind of plan?

Basic Principles:

  • Minimize number of people who know what is going on

  • Identify a “believable” patsy who is expendable

  • Design a flawed protection plan at the systemic level that will pit the different organizations against each other (Secret Service, Beaver County, Butler County, DHS, etc.). This will automatically cause confusion as each organization attempts to protect its own people and reputation. These organizations will control or leak info that will take the blame away from their organization and point the finger at someone else, or, best of all, at “the system.” Everyone is to blame, so no one takes the fall. This is a critical piece, because with this dynamic in play, the central planner at the top does not have to control the fallout. The organizations, themselves, will create enough confusion that it will be almost impossible to figure out what actually happened.

  • Assume the goal was to kill Trump. But managing the fallout afterwards is almost the same regardless of success or failure of the assasination

  • Intentionally design confusion into the plan

  • Have absolute control of the mainstream media (like during COVID). Make the story disappear after about two weeks. Maintain control of the court of public opinion, which is where the real battle is. This critical factor significantly limits the pool of possible organizations who could have pulled this off

  • Identify a fall-guy to take the public hit shortly after the event. In this case, it was a fall-girl (Director Cheatle)

  • You know that the alternative media will be all over this, so feed them a stream of distracting information, but stall the release of critical information that is readily available (powder residue analysis, shell casings, texts, body cam footage, crime scene footage, etc.). You want lots and lots of theories to be floating around so you can label them all as “conspiracy theories floating around the internet.” You would probably even seed a few of these that are obvious sham theories so you could point to them as bogus and so discredit all other internet conspiracy theories.

So who would you need to have on the inside to pull something like this off? (Remember: minimize number of people who are “in the know”)

  1. Person / organization pulling the strings behind the scenes (highest level planner)

  2. Someone at a high level in the Secret Service

  3. The lead planner at the tactical level (SS Agent in Charge)

  4. Real sniper (there were two - a real sniper and the patsy)

  5. Someone in the command and control chain of one of the local law enforcement agencies.

  6. One person in a federal agency (FBI, DHS, etc.) who could participate in the C2 radio nets during execution to influence the situation as it unfolded.

  7. Someone to manage the mainstream media narrative. This is probably an ongoing function of the high level person/organization who planned it from the beginning (#1 above).

This is just thinking out loud. But if you recognize that “they” will never let you get access to the info you need to actually resolve the case, and that anything they release is designed to get you to chase down rabbit trails, then you can step back and look at the situation from the other angle. If you were a bad actor who planned this, how would you design the plan? Who would be involved? How would you control the outcomes?

High Level Question - Why do this?
Possible answers:

  • Kill Trump and take him out of the elections
  • Create confusion and anger at the national level (poke the rats in the cage)
  • Erode public faith in our institutions
  • Spark a civil war
  • Distract attention from a different, more critical action going on in the background (the Great Taking, depopulation, etc.)

Thanks for the deep dive you have done on this investigation and for getting important information documented in the public record.


I will 100% grant the person on the roofs hair does appear slightly different, more straight and shiney.

However that does not negate the bulk of body of evidence that it’s Crooks.

  1. The guy on the roof, both living and dead, looks very consistent with the guy photographed on the retaining wall and elsewhere that day. Same thin build, black shoes, black socks, white/tan shorts, gray Demolition Ranch shirt, shoulder length brown hair parted on the left, and glasses. I’ll add that the glasses and underbite are identical to a high school picture of Crooks. We don’t see these on the roof, I’m told the glasses were knocked off and next to him.

  1. Why does living Crooks pictured from his left with the sun on his right side, look different that rooftop living Crooks pictured from his right, with the sun on his right side? Answer: his hair is parted on the left, giving his hair more weight and length on the right, and the sun is shining directly onto it. In the photo of him on the retaining wall, the sunlighted part of his long hair IS SHINEY.
    Rooftop living Crooks picture is consistent and not inconsistent with retaining wall Crooks. Same thin build, black shoes and socks, white legs, white/tan shorts (now dirty from crawling on a roof), same gray DR shirt (now bloody), same hair, face, etc. now bloody and dirty from roof, sweat, etc.

Notice also: Crooks high school picture. Follow the curvature line of his forehead to his eyebrows. See how it indents. We have nearly the same right side profile angle image of the guy in prone position on the roof. Notice he has the same curve between his forehead and his eyebrow. Both dip inward. That’s an unusual feature. Mine doesn’t do that. Most people I know do not have this inward indentation.

One other point. Someone else mentioned that some modern cameras esp. cell phones use aps or filters that “improve” a person’s looks. This might include making hair appear my full, bouncy, or shiney. Filters are very common and hard to navigate for precision. Just check any dating site! LOL.


  1. Autopsy positively IDs him as Crooks.

  2. The most potent evidence is this. The rifle was registered to his father. His parents are possibly or likely facing serious criminal penalties possibly prosecution (like the Michigan parents that went to prison for having given their disturbed kid a gun who then went on to kill others). They are likely going to be sued into bankruptcy and lose everything, probably lose their medical licenses, probably spend their remaining lives grieving about this, have to change their names and move and avoid the public.

Now, don’t you think that if Crooks was not involve, perhaps alive and well, both Crooks and his parents would be on every mountaintop, TV show, news network, and internet show declaring his innocence? I think they’d be doing everything possible to exonerate him and the family.


Here is an even better view to show how those sniper window views are clearly from the second floor and not the first.

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Guessing here, but the picture of the stubby rifle in the post-action report has it pointing West, based on a tree outside.

If this be so, I think Jason Woods would be the one with the stubby rifle.

Why? The post-action report indicates two local snipers facing south from 2nd window, one from Beaver County and one from Butler County. We know one of those was Greg Nicol, since he took the pic of Crooks on the retaining wall and the pic clearly shows it was from a south-facing window. Now, GN is with Beaver County ESU. So the other sniper in a south-facing window would have to be with Butler County. But Jason Woods is with Beaver County, so he can’t have been facing south, ergo, he was facing West with the stubby rifle.


Ed Lenz in Butler county command center screwed up by not calling command center where PSP and Ss were when he knew of shooter on the roof at 6:09!!

The van with IED was likely his escape plan. There’s no other plausible reason for it. (There is actually one other theory, I’d say 1%, that it was parked in the neighborhood near the highway Trump would take if the plan failed, to attack his vehicle en route to the hospitals to the NE). Crooks had the detonator in his pocket but the bombs were not armed. Hence a 2nd person was needed to drive the van to the rally, park and arm it. So after the shooting Crooks could detonate it as a diversion and escape.

Who was the 2nd person? Was Crooks wandering around openly and checking his phone, looking around, trying to meet this person? Was his Demolition Ranch shirt a “uniform” secret code?

1: agree
2: After a major shock to body , body does not look exactly same.
3: Any info from official sources is suspect.
BUT if it plays out as you say, you could be right.
BUT if the media and authorities “ignore” the “parents” then it may be a set up.

Good work,


Yes, I’m all for the “hard questions until Greg says something that makes sense.”

Here’s one thing we need to clear up:

And here’s another idea…

… Crooks is actually a patsy/doofus. He’s never done anything like this before, obviously. He’s been groomed. Trump gets on the stage and doofus is still wandering about clueless unable to find a way on the roof. What a moron! Greg is forced to leave his post, hustle over to a window or a door and communicate to doofus/Crooks/patsy that it’s time and he’s got to get on the roof by heading into the alcove where there’s a pre-cased and relatively easy way to get there. But, somebody may notice! So Greg then wanders down to the front “door 9” of AGR6 asking the two circulating beat cops to meet him there. They hustle over there. By the time he relays his “concerns” about doofus, it’s too late for this pair of patrol officers to hoof it all the way back around to the west side to see or prevent Crooks from getting on the roof.



This view from one of the bodycams should explain that perspective from the second floor window.


They screwed up by not making sure all 3 sniper positions were manned for the entirety of the day…Butler was in charge and Beaver took orders from them…Butler communicated with the SS about planning for the event…so did Beaver tell Butler that one of the ESU snipers was leaving @4pm…20 minutes before the time Trump was supposed to arrive at the show ground when overwatch is most important


Apart from minimizing the number of people, another technique central plotters use to minimize detections and confessions is to have people work toward the plan without knowing that they are - “need to know” basis. Thus

  • the woman riding a horse with a massive Trump flag back and forth across the southern face of AGR 6
  • the guy with the same build and clothing as Crooks walking around the western side of AGR 6

could have been paid by an unsuspicious person. A horse-riding school, e.g., could have put out an ad to hire someone for the rally to ride around a horse in that location, and give out “horse riding classes” business cards to anyone who asked about the horse. The woman riding the horse would not be aware of any assassination plot, but did distract bystanders (including D Stewart, Greg Smith) away from looking at the first floor face of AGR 6, where some suppose second shooter may have been.



From FBI update July 29, 2024

  • the weapon was purchased legally in 2013 by the subject’s father & investigation has shown it was legally transferred to Crooks last year from his father.
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