Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I think a news article linked somewhere in here, maybe WA Post, and possibly got the timeline wrong, said 6:02pm spotted on roof. I question that.

Somewhere around 6:07 or 6:08 I think the call of him being on the roof was made.

But while I don’t have it easily available, I thought that the police radio call over the dash cam was 6:00pm man on the roof which put that boosted cop in motion to the AGR complex.

I wish I had more clear information but it’s very very confusing to keep together. Much appreciation for your trying to do it!


“He’s on the roof” was at 18:10:13. I synced that video with Trump’s speech and did the math to back calculate the time based on the first shot. As for media reported times, that would be far down on my list of evidence to base a timeline on. I’ll take timestamped body camera video over that any day of the week.


washing down the roof contaminates all reliable traces of gun powder residue…

  • if he fired any shots, the residue is removed;
  • if he did not fire any shots, the absence of residue cannot be proven

18:08:21 was when it was stated “someone is on the roof” in “propped up” cop’s dashcam, which was just as he was pulling up to the other cruiser near the water tower. That’s the time of the statement, not sure if that statement coincided with the sighting or not.


Why do we keep hearing about the hair, the guy got shot in the head with blood everywhere.

People have been tunnel visioning on the weirdest things here. They pick out some random detail and create an entire conspiracy around it lol

Pushing it’s not Crooks for some reason.

So far one of the most frustrating things to keep hearing around here. “It’s not Crooks” and they keep repeating it like we’re supposed to just accept it as fact lol

I’m sure he has finger prints on file if he’s working at a nursing home, aren’t those people required to have background checks?

He had a drivers license, the State will have a copy of his prints. They took his phone, rifle, backpack, “remote”, etc, so plenty of prints to compare back to. Unless they went ahead and never tested any prints, and just destroyed all evidence.


See post link.

Former Butler Township Police Department Chief John Hays retired last month, both Hays and a department official who answered the phone told The Intercept. There is no acting chief, but Lt. Matthew Pearson is the current head of the department. The department, which employs around 20 people, did not immediately respond to a request for further information about the absence of a chief.

Reached for comment, former Butler Township Police Chief John Hays said his last day at the department was June 14. “I really don’t have much information other than what I’m reading in the paper or hearing on the news,” he said.


Please watch gusquixote’s video of 11 August on substack, which is truly mind-blowing.

Thr guy on the picnic table makes eye cotact Greg Nicols as soon as he comes out building 6. Greg Nicols as soon as he walks out he makes direction eye contact with this guy they obviously a 2 pair sniper team most likely his spotter. When Greg disappears from car camara The guy hurrys over to him like a his litte stooge. Need to find his name also the sniper team in the other open window from Beaver county. This is a very suss as you would say. Need time line of all there movements and communications. This smell very fishy there mannerisms is not normal after a former president was shot in the head. You are dead on with your oppservation about there lacks a daisy mannerisms no sense of urgency its pathetic. There sniper rifles should have been confiscated and checked aswhile as there hand wrist forearms and clothes for gun power. Especially since they where in perfect locations to shoot at the president Trump in the head and best of all leaving there post.The sniper rifles Im sure they were loaded. Say the course I thinks you have done a great service for not only me but for WE THE PEOPLE AND ALL TRUE PATRIOTS OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


It has to be regarded as true unless proven otherwise. We certainly shouldn’t be discounting it on anyones heresay.

maybe he was wearing a wig :slight_smile:


Yep, and only 15 of the 86 casings were mine. Thanks Dr. Martens for bringing people together in search for the truth.

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Has anyone found out who the tall bearded guy is? Why did he hide his face? Is he CIA or similar? Is it true that his badge doesn’t match anyone elses? Is it 2 different guys? Their build and basic outfit colors are the same.

Did he add a holster and a vest and cover his face before leaving?


Video of the view from the sniper overlook in the two story bldg. It starts at the one minute mark on this short video from Congressman Eli Crane taken at the Butler PA location a few days after the shooting.


The local shooter guy #9 shot behind the grandstand caused Crooks to bleed FIRST and probably maimed him.

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Again, how SS sabotaged communication from local LEO - wrt radios provided:

"USSS did not retrieve the radios that had been set aside for them by Butler County tactical command. The radio comms were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J12 [one day before rally], the Butler County ESU Commander personally reminded the USSS counter-sniper teams to pick up their assigned radios at the ESU Command Post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds, the following morning before 1100 hrs. It didn’t happen. "

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Good find, another perspective.

More Questions from New Bodycam Footage - Gus Quixote (substack.com)

i copied and pasted radio transmissions from the washington post article


I think his is ATF I thing they where there but no one is talking about them but it wouldn’t surprise me.

I ran across Max Wittlinger when I was looking for Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy. From what I can tell, Wittlinger is a detective, and I can’t find any indication he’s a member of ESU.

Here’s a video with his face from a few years ago. Woman added inmate boyfriend to restaurant’s payroll, police say – WPXI

The reason, I think, is pretty clear - that SS defined their positions to be inside windows. This is in the pre-action portion of the post-action report. This suggests that SS set up local snipers for failure, because the windows were narrow, and sniper would be 2-3 feet behind window.

Many other “coincidences” mentioned already cement the thesis that SS handicapped local and SS snipers, chiefly in regard to the sabotaged communication. But one in particular is that a local policeman a few days before the rally asked SS to post people on the roof, SS never did.

The fact that SS handicapped local ESU snipers by so positioning does not erase the latter’s responsibility for the attempted assassination. They may have left their posts; if they did not, they must have overheard and seen the bystanders below verbally calling police about Crooks on the roof with a rifle. That they did not take out Crooks on the roof before any shots were fired is certainly their fault too.