Why We're So Unhealthy

That's a fair point about the abdication of responsibility demonstrated by patients. However, I don't think that we can let these other industries off the hook so easily. Our system encourages this by eliminating risk-based insurance costs and therefore subsidizing irresponsible behavior and over-consumption of resources. And reimbursement schemes also play a role, since they also tend to favor approaches which are profitable to doctors/pharma/hospitals, rather than ones which are more cost-effective.

"Though the mainstream media paints skyrocketing healthcare costs as the result of costly new technologies and drugs, the unspoken reality is that higher costs also reflect cartels being able to raise prices without fear of competition and the declining health of Americans."
It is really an odd argument that new and advanced technology is responsible for the explosion in health care costs. In other industries, new technology brings costs DOWN. Why does it work the opposite way in health care? The main reason is that market forces are simply not allowed to operate, for the most part, and therefore nobody is doing any cost-benefit analyses to determine whether or not the new technology is raising costs or lowering them. As long as they are increasing revenue, they are deemed an improvement.

What is the Number One Killer in USA?  Hospitals!   On the first surgical follow-up five days later I awoke with classic meningitis symptoms.  The hospital gave me the run around not even considering anti-viral.  I have a strong immune system but when the pathogen is injected into your blood good luck!  Obamcare cost cutting is causing even more problems like this.

It's called fascism.  That's exactly the system of government we are living under currently.  We are post-constitutional.  We live in an olighargic fascist country/state.   hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but if you can dispute what I'm saying- knock yourself out.

While soil exposure is now known to be a desired exposure for developing immune systems- think healthy kids playing in the dirt - hospitals are no place for the wide range of pathogens that can be contained in soil. 

See: Soil-Related Bacterial and Fungal Infections

People in hospitals tend to have either  relative (circumstances related to stress, medications or acute illness) or absolute (HIV infection, steroid therapy, transplant patients or the chronically ill) immune deficiencies. Exposure to soil borne pathogens can pose a risk of serious illness.

However your point is well taken. I could imagine a day when we have cultures of probiotics (beneficial microbial organisms) added to our drinking water, food, dental treatments and hospital environments.

Tall wrote,

However your point is well taken. I could imagine a day when we have cultures of probiotics (beneficial microbial organisms) added to our drinking water, food, dental treatments and hospital environments

Why not let our children play in contact with soil, get everyone be in contact with soil and all those beneficial microbes instead? This the best way to help our immune system in the fullest way. (Of course, good alimentation, exercise are also part of the equation)

Our western culture observe parts of nature and reproduce the desired effects. Unfortunately, understanding one effect and implementing it in a foreign environment is much less efficient as it is a simplified model of what is going on in nature.

This is another step that distant us a little bit more from nature and makes us a bit more weaker.


Life is always going to be more mysterious and beautiful than words can ever convey.

To reclaim our health let Andrew Faust tell it like it is.

I Think That At Present

I think that at present the problem of diseases for the majority of people arises most often. I remember how I was looking for tips that would help me cope with on disease and loss of appetite. One day I came across this website https://easystd.com/hepatitis-a where I knew more about hepatitis-a, I can now say that it is effective. That’s interesting.