You Are Not Real

Not Serious People…also Serious Hypocrites

This was a fantastic article. I think any sentient person with an IQ over 80 and paying even a modicum of attention knows things are haywire. That said, Gore Vidal was probably right when he said we live in the United States of Amnesia. During all the lockdowns politicians had parties and broke the rules with no cares. Trump rallies were “super spreader” events as BLM rallies were “scientifically” proven to not contribute to spreading the virus. Putin is now portrayed in the mainstream media as having a tremor and appearing bloated. Meanwhile Biden is literally losing his mind and Kamala continually sounds like she’s giving a book report on a book she didn’t read.
How about a few months back when the FBI and Biden declared white supremacy the #1 threat to the homeland. Now we are giving boatloads of money and arms with no strings attached to actual Azov Nazis in Ukraine. Saw a protest in Manhattan the other day were the crowd was chanting Azov Azov. The hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is stunning. We know for a fact that vaccines make little to no sense for young children while Trudeau is talking directly to 4 year olds about their excitement to turn 5 and get vaxxed. How about this moron just realizing that social media can be manipulated. I’m old enough to remember when a certain laptop story was axed and it turned out to be 100% real.
At least my precious metals mining portfolio looks like Mauripol after takeover. Welcome to Clown World.

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I am not suggesting that you, me, or anyone else is not real in any literal, objective sense, but rather we are not real from the perspective of those I reference. My thesis is that what happens outside their in-group jockeying does not matter to them. As for remedies and how exactly to shut down the play? That’s a fair question. More coming on that in a couple of weeks.

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Looking forward to reading to it.

Awaiting Approval?

Guess my comment will never make it out of approval, even after I took out the bad words I stupidly had in originally. Unless “bull crap” is also not tolerated…

Came here to say that. I’m sorry to say that I don’t think the system can be fixed anymore by any means. It will collapse just as all previous empires did or are in the process of doing. End of empire brings concentration of wealth and power, disregard for law and ethics, pointless wars, and blatant in-your-face corruption (Ukraine piggy-bank anyone?).
I honestly have no clue what’s happening in Ukraine and except for some glimpses from sources you mentioned, I don’t think anyone else knows either. Am I sure that innocent Ukrainians who couldn’t get out are suffering? Absolutely! And I’m deeply sorry for them. But do I think we know what’s really going on politically or militarily. Hell no! Even the photos of destroyed Russian tanks - they could be Ukrainian tanks purchased previously from the Russians with whom they were formerly allied. And what good does it do the Ukrainian people to have the West send lawyers, guns and money so there can be a long proxy war in their country? Anyone can look at Iraq, Syria, Afghanastan and see how well that works out.

Just checked the news feed after posting this. Somehow the US should give $33 Billion in aid to Ukraine (does that include kickbacks?) and sell off the seized Russian assets (rule of law anyone?)
Sorry for CNN but I picked it because there’s no paywall - as we know, no one will pay for CNN: