Your T-Cells Determine Your Covid-19 Risk

WOW! There’s a lot to digest in that post. That’s a sobering dose of information. I just read a recently published article on VIT D. I feel its all related. We the “world” have been living in a pandemic with D before COVID came along. The impact is dramatic having levels below 20ng for COVID and many other illnesses. It’s a great review. Please see pg.14 section 5.8. Here is a piece:

Mfax, wow. Since felines are suceptible to Sars cov2, this makes some sense. Great find. So, would be cool if cat owners are more protected.

Around 2012, Dr. Mercola started making people aware of wide spread vitamin D deficiency. I had been living in Seattle for 15 years and my health was not good. Life Extension started offering half priced blood tests, so I got my 25 hydroxy vitD run. Off the scale low, below 20 ng/ml. With Dr Mercola’s great suggestions and articles, I put myself on a determined program of sun exposure and supplements. I finally got my reading in the 55 ng/ml range.
I have been keeping up my routine, but haven’t run a blood test for several years. I just got a kit to run it again for vitamin D.
Thank you, Dr. Mercola and Life Extension, as I am seeing that work pay off in this current pandemic.

Hi folks
Here are the links to a couple of papers on Vitamin D, if you don’t have these already. From MedCram’s Coronavirus update 97.

I live in Idaho, a state that was among the least affected during the earlier wave of CORVID19. Now that summer has arrived the roads are flooded with tourists swarming around the Yellowstone hot spot and the state is in the top ten for new coronavirus19 infections per capita.
During an annual wellness check-up last week I requested a Coronavirus test “just to make sure” Here is how testing works in my state:
1- You may request a blood antibody test which has a 50% false positive rate. Or you can flip a coin.
2- If you request a (PCR) swab test you must be diagnosed with positive symptoms, cough, fever, etc. by a physician. Upon receiving the test you will be registered as a positive carrier until the test shows otherwise and be required to quarantine for 14 days. The lead time for return of the test results in Idaho is 10-14 days!! So if you in fact have become infected you will have enough time to become severely ill as the virus accentuates pre-existing health problems or immune system weaknesses. If you don’t have coronovirus19 you at a minimum have lost another half month of income, to go with the previous months of unemployment.
The initial federal policy reaction to the possibility of a pandemic might be best expressed by “Don’t ask, don’t test” After learning how it is being done in Idaho in mid-July I have to wonder if there is any factual base content in the reported massive surge in diagnosed cases in Arizona, Florida and Texas. Are they using antibody tests and throwing the results into a general pot? Are their data two weeks behind like they are in Idaho? Have they set up massive drive-through test stations where swab test results are available before the person drives away like in South Korea? Where is the corresponding surge in deaths to correspond to the surge in infections?
Or is it all political as my physical therapist contends? Why have only 89 people died in Cuba and 43 in Costa Rica while 17,000 died in New York with similar populations? Why are antiviral and immune strengthening tactics that those countries use prohibited in the US?
The fundamental rule for understanding how an institution in a kleptocracy functions is “Follow the Money”. Follow the money to the billion dollar payout for licensing a universally required vaccine for the Coronavirus19 (even though it doesn’t work at all or only lasts 90 days. Follow the money to federal compensation to hospitals of $37,000 for ventilator usage (with 90% death probability or $13,000 if patient is not placed on a ventilator.

Hypothesis: A proposed theory, Basis for testing and replication:
Here is another hypothesis (as opposed to the biological warfare thesis) concerning why experiments were being conducted to gene splice enhanced viral components into the original bat virus genome in Wuhan, China and Fort Dietrich, USA. One of the purposes of such research is to fabricate a viral carrier that has the capacity to deliver a targeted “bomb” to human diseases like HIV, Dengue fever, and Cancer. That would explain the Gates Foundation’s substantial funding support of the Wuhan Institute.
A viral vector for anti-disease delivery that is successful must be highly capable of entering human cells but also must not attack the host cells. Obviously the COVID designers only got part of the equation right!
Ps: I’m sure Dr. Fauci’s lifelong work in controlling the HIV epidemic has no connection with the effort to manufacture the perfect viral delivery agent for HIV treatments—.

So, on the one hand, there is potential for immunity via T-cell pathway.
On the other hand, pre previous videos, SARS-CoV-2 attaches to CD147 receptors, which potentially means T-cells can be attacked.
This is a complicated story! I wonder how this will play out–in patients getting infected with SARS-CoV-2, are the T-cells active in getting rid of the virus, or do they end up being victims, or some of each?

July '20 Researchers at Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem have been conducting a study using fenofibrate, a "95 Cholesterol lowering drug. The issue with Covid lung disease is a fatty infiltrate. They discovered that the virus impairs fat metabolism. It follows that obesity and diabetes would predispose someone to a worse course with Covid. Hypertension is often associated with the other two.

No human trials have investigated inulin supplementation and immune response to viral diseases, which puts inulin at a decidedly lower level of evidence than other elements of prophylactic stacks: zinc, quercetin, melatonin, vitamins C & D, famotidine…
But it seems to have low risks, and there’s some animal studies which have found benefits to T-cell immunity. This isn’t caused by the inulin itself, but is mediated by short chain fatty acids that the gut microbiota produces from fermentable fiber.
Arpaia et al, 2013. Metabolites produced by commensal bacteria promote peripheral regulatory T-cell generation. Nature, 504(7480), pp.451-455.
Poorbaghi et al, 2014. Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus and inulin on faecal viral shedding and immunization against H9N2 A vian influenza virus. Journal of applied microbiology, 116(3), pp.667-676.
Trompette et al, 2018. Dietary fiber confers protection against flu by shaping Ly6c− patrolling monocyte hematopoiesis and CD8+ T cell metabolism. Immunity, 48(5), pp.992-1005.
Bachem et al, 2019. Microbiota-derived short-chain fatty acids promote the memory potential of antigen-activated CD8+ T cells. Immunity, 51(2), pp.285-297.

@sofistek From Chris's videos, there are plenty of examples of healthy, even extremely healthy, people suffering health problems for a long time after officially "recovering" from Covid-19. It is not just unhealthy people who can suffer.
That's a HUGE assumption, as you're going with the assumption that when someone says they are healthy, they are healthy... when in fact they may have massive nutrient deficiencies because they haven't done any nutrition/health research but haven't been diagnosed with any kind of medical condition. And I've addressed I think all cases Chris has recently brought forth (in the relevant threads), pointing out some ways in which they might be unhealthy while believing they're quite healthy. We are told to shy away from essentials like sunshine, sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, red meat, animal foods in the case of veganism... while we're told eating organic makes no difference, to not consider sources of toxins, to eat glyphosate, GMOs, drink fluoride, do nothing to counter chemtrail metals dust, take your aluminum injections, don't worry about mercury-filled seafood, or arsenic-filled rice, ... Don't take any supplements, only hippies do that! You don't need any extra magnesium, or vitamin C, or D, or A, or K2, or antioxidants of any kind... but keep eating sugars and carbs (including fructose-rich sweet GMO fruits filled with pesticides)... You get the point. You can't be healthy if you put your health in someone else's hands (e.g. a doctor or government regulatory agency). As Dr. Mercola says, "take control of your health" (before you destroy it by trusting someone other than yourself). The conclusion that seems to best fit the evidence, and that is most in accordance with common sense, is that SARS2 affects unhealthy people primarily, whether they know they're unhealthy or not. That would explain why children are almost entirely immune, because they haven't had time yet to destroy their own health by trusting perceived "health authority" figures/organizations. Edit: Oh, and let's not forget the constant FEAR PORN, which shuts down people's immune system. It might well not matter how healthy you actually are, if you're cowering in fear based on carefully crafted largely-false narratives designed to control your mind and turn you into a weapon and/or depopulate you.


the assumption that when someone says they are healthy, they are healthy
It's not just that they say they're healthy. It seems that you are also making big assumptions - the assumption that, if someone who contracts the virus has severe effects, they must not be healthy.

A great source of Inulin is Sunchokes. Super easy to grow, builds great soil, and helps suppress other invasives. It can be invasive in it’s own right but if you plant it on an edge where you can keep it mowed it will stay put.

@sofistek It's not just that they say they're healthy. It seems that you are also making big assumptions - the assumption that, if someone who contracts the virus has severe effects, they must not be healthy.
Yes, based on the observation that most people who get the virus don't develop COVID-19 symptoms, and on the clear direct correlation between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 severity. There are even centenarians who have survived it, but it's obviously also true that generally the older you are, the more susceptible even if you're well aware of health parameters (actual health parameters, not clownworld BS like low LDL or avoidance of sodium and saturated fat). I'm not saying the virus is harmless, just nowhere near as bad as many people want to paint it or believe it is based on how it's painted/presented in the false narrative of the corporate legacy media.