2020: The Year Everything Changed

That’s it just WOW

Even in the last century, we've had extreme events that lasted for years and caused massive damages. Just look at the Dust Bowl as a pertinent example. How can you blame AGW for that?
Um, I don't blame AGW the Dust Bowl. Look, I don't know what the "correct" CO2 ppm level is. None of you do either. It's a really complicated system. Once you have an accurate working model that can predict how the system will respond from current conditions with dumping 36 million tons CO2/year, and several hundred years showing that model was able to make reasonable predictions, then I will concede your points. The problem is still the current rate of change. It's simply too fast, too large, and reckless; combined with strong data to suggest serious climate problems are in our immediate future.
That means that they will institute draconian measures to limit consumption of fossil fuels.
You mean potentially reasonable measures :)
It will either be outright quotas or higher taxes.
Well I hope those taxes target all fossil fuel consumption. Okay lets do it starting now.
Mohammed Mast said that there is no solution for climate change.
But there are solutions, as I have laid out. All of those items are in line with things we should be doing anyways. Wise person once said - How do you eat an elephant? "One bite at a time". As I said before, I can plan for all those other things outlined here (peak oil, currency collapse, war, etc). What I can not plan for is becoming a climate refuge that needs move every two years. And I can not plan for 500 million climate refugees moving into my region because I picked a better spot to live. I'm in my mid years, and we have a blended family with 5 kids. We cannot concede to isn't hopeless and there is nothing to be done. There are things we can be doing. As it's clear here, we just have too many people looking for reasons why they themselves don't need to change. -Travis  

There has been a Northwest Passage. How long has it been since a ship could traverse from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the Arctic? Before the last ice age? Is there a still a glacier in Glacier National Park? Greenland’s ice sheet and Glaciers all over the world have been shrinking fast. Coral Reefs across the planet are being decimated. The change is indeed incremental, and the same change over 50 years or 500 years is still incremental. Contrary to Mr Collum’s claim that we can’t tell the difference between weather and climate, I can and do. I know there are models and studies, and on and on and on, and even the people with decades of “on the job” training/experience can disagree, and I do agree with Mr Collum that the data and conclusions from it are just guessing for anyone other than experts in the science. Some of them may have got it right, and know, but there is no way for the laymen to know who has it right. I’m going with what I can understand, and that is the correct choice. What is causing the changes I’ve mentioned is heat, more now than before, duh! CO2 is the horse that most scientists are betting on, so I’ll go with the numbers that winners do. As the lesson in the old adage I won’t get right goes, the race doesn’t always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that’s where you place your bet. There is nothing that can be done about it in any case, other than kill billions of people. 80% of the energy consumed in the US is from fossil fuels and there is nothing that can replace it. We either use the energy derived from fossil fuels or die. The energy from fossil fuels did the work that made us, it grew us like the light from the sun grows trees in the Amazon, but trees in the jungle don’t need to expend 10 units of energy for a 1 energy unit dinner. No energy = no work. Unfortunately Americans built the economic environment that they depend on to sustain their lives by designing the most efficient economic system for wasting the most energy possible, depleting the greatest amount of resources possible, in the shortest span of time possible, in order to create as much “profit” as possible with more debt than thought possible, the creation of wealth from worthless money still impossible. Money is a promise, tangible money paper or gold is still a promise. Paper money backed by gold is the representation of value, representing the value of a representation of value, or a promise for another promise. The purpose of gold money is to help insure promises are not lies. Gold money is a fixed measure that a society agrees on and the role of government is to enforce that the standard is adhered to. The compounds that comprise what we refer to as Fossil Fuel Hydrocarbons, have stored within their chemical bonds energy released from the Sun#?> years ago that is so dense, that though we are surrounded with its use our monkey brains aren’t designed to process the scope of numeric values and discern their significance. Free work. Gold as money being fixed standard and the amount that could be mined and minted is limited. The US produced 3200 auto’s in 1901, 130,000 in 1910, and 1.45million in 1920. Regardless of how much gold was imported in exchange for exports, gold coins stashed in 1900, 20 years later, the ratio of gold to goods multiples the amount of prior goods available resulted in hoarding gold and spending paper money until there wasn’t enough in circulation. Capitalism destroyed the Gold Standard. Then Capitalism destroyed it again. Wars to swindle and loot resources for Capitalism’s creation of the Third World and markets that would never develop to purchase the surplus of production that started running out of places to be sold, and ways to keep wasting. From too little money for too much stuff, to an exponentially increasing supply of money as more debt, than the money supplied and it can’t be stopped, or the less money there is in ratio to the debt. The energy consumed by the US is close to 70 times more than a 3000 calorie per day supply of food for every man women and child in the country. More than enough energy to supply all the work necessary for us to live if the resources to supply our existence were available, but they are not without fossil energy. There is no, and can be no other economic infrastructure to support us. What we have took decades to build and fossil fuels to keep running. The industrial part of military industrial… are corporations with stock holders, and I’d bet there are some real wealthy people that own significant portions of those corporations. Real wealthy people own significant portions of lots of big important corporations. A tiny, tiny, percent of people own America. The controlling shares, so to speak. If they thought putting Americans to work building a new, better, modified, repaired infrastructure was possible, that is what would be happening. Changing bankruptcy laws and psychologically handicapping students with debt isn’t a coincidence. Money to them is a different animal. It’s a means to an end, and that end is control. Banks create money by adding numerical values in a ledger. Money is a chimera, smoke and mirrors. Fossil energy makes work free, resources that cost nothing, the Pharos’s built the pyramids, had great riches, by controlling people, having them pile up rocks in the desert and they did it with energy from biomass that was spread out over the geography #*? square miles. Pharos’s lavished themselves and their family with the proceeds of free work they skimmed from the enterprise, and their propaganda/religion/indoctrination is still working today. Filling up Americas landfills has been China’s pyramid. Capitalism would have died in America because it can produce way more than we needed, and it must grow or die. China produced “Made In China” that seems to be on everything purchased that uses electricity, made of fiber, and most of everything manufactured, and managed to pour more concrete in 3 years than America did in the past 100 years. Control. What is Power, but the power to control? The police state that was unimaginable to 99% of Americans 20 years ago surrounds us, monitors all of our communications, and records everything, has cameras and spies (intelligence), informants, and collaborators that spy on us, and how many people still don’t see it? Censorship is control. Election fraud and treason for anyone to see and hear just by watching the 3 hour Georgia Senate Subcommittee hearing on Dec 30, rather than listening to what people claim without an oath that ensures lies are perjury, regardless of who is lying it’s strangers talking. The US economy is comprised of interdependent complex systems for which our ability to understand the hierarchy of priorities to scale it back, or how much, before cascading systems failure crash it down, seems that it would be unfathomable, but then again I may be wrong because it sure seems there’re indications that it’s being attempted now. Maybe the controllers are working on or already have sold us out to China. Cheney and The Project For A New American Century cabal put all the chips on securing the oil of the Middle East. The Machinations for decades, that are clear from at least when James Baker via Ambassador April Glaspie betrayed Saddam Hussein, are meeting resistance it appears, though who is behind Iran being antagonized I wonder, because I am skeptical that Trump has more than minimal control of foreign policy. The US has been installing and supporting puppet dictators that sell out their populations, or betray their government since the annexation of Panama from Columbia. The similarity in character between informants (rat) and cops (rat-master) collaborators/dictator and US State Department personnel, begs the question why wouldn’t the public be sold out? Americans lost their country already, and real trouble hasn’t started yet. I know what the top of America’s political class are and they should be feared. “We came, we saw, he died ha ha” laughing at the horrible death that she is probably the most responsible for, and “but the price, we think, we think the price is worth it” and nothing was said, not a word heard on the radio the following day, the local news, the newspaper, with 2 TV’s and 2 remotes flipping back and forth between the main network channels world news, and nothing. Past the empty cans of Zyklon B the public is being led to aroma therapy. We made our bed and are going to die in it, and not of old age.