2021 is Going to be Rough!

I just want to disappear and head to our Cabin where I hope I'll get a couple days in it before someone comes to my door with their M-16 and tells me I got to go, then starts to eating my food I busted my ass to produce.
Maybe, but you have the intellectual and experiential capital to produce more food. That kind of capital isn't something you can easily steal with a gun. With your cultural, social and, especially spiritual capital, you have the resources to take a good shot at forming a partnership instead, i.e., recruiting the recruiting the first member of the militia to defend your budding independent community. Of course, there are no guarantees. They might not have the ability to cooperate and might just take by force regardless of their ability to keep your homestead running in the future.

You are as old as you choose to be. If you are too old that is your choice.
It is also your choice to remain ignorant of the most revolutionary development of this century and more revolutionary than the internet, which yoou don’t seem too old to avail yourself of. My My whatever would a Granny do if there is no electrical grid and no internet?
What Granny may be too old to think about is if the electric grid goes down BTC will be the least of everyone’s problems Think Mad Max.
But of course this sort of sentiment gets good air play here on PP where most have no idea what BTC or Crypto in general is capable of and look forward to the day when we will all live like Amish.

Well I doubt you will hear much of what I do on my 4 acres. Been doing this shit for almost 50 years not interested in beating my chest.
I promote BTC and crypto in general because it is sound money. I thought people here at PP were interested in sound money. Well I apparently am quite mistaken. People here are in love with complaining about the fiat money system and thus would hate to see it go. Therefore any attempt to replace it will be met by ignorant scepticism .
I get all of that. I also get your thinly veiled contempt for all thing crypto.
Once again if one does not know anything about a subject then to comment might seem a little ludicrous to one who does. So once again even though no one reads books anymore and certainly it would be a rare person here at PP to read anything about BTC, I will offer once again the excellent book the the Austrian economist Safieden Ammous (who would make an absolutely sterling candidate for a podcast guest) “The Bitcoin Standard” . Ironically the book deals mostly with the history of money.
Everyone hates the legacy system but refuse to let go of it. Reminds me of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Good luck living on an island

I don’t own cryptos. Not because of ignorance but because I made other choices. Years ago I started investing in PMs. It made me deel good to see my stack grow. Now I stopped investing in PMs because I put my savings in developing my small piece of land. Our house already has solar, rainwater collection, etcetera. For me, now this is the best thing to develop my 750 square meters. I have been searching for a small property that I could afford. Without any success until recently.
It is all about choices. Which ones depend on so many things. Personal preferences, but also the chances people get. I did not have a lot of money when I started buying silver. I am site I would have made other choices if I was able to buy some land, back then.
Let’s be nice to eachother and let’s help eachother to go through the rough times that are ahead of is, instead of wasting energy in discussing which method is best.

I Told You So Granny
“It is also your choice to remain ignorant of the most revolutionary development of this century and more revolutionary than the internet, which yoou don't seem too old to avail yourself of. My My whatever would a Granny do if there is no electrical grid and no internet?” Well Mohammed there you go again calling me ignorant! Odd how I do not specifically target you with attacks on your character. But after years of such reactions to my posts I no longer take them personally or count on there being any moderator involvement. And just for your information, Granny would survive just fine with no electrical grid. ”What Granny may be too old to think about is if the electric grid goes down BTC will be the least of everyone's problems Think Mad Max.” Yep, and spending more time learning skills and less time obsessing over something you cant hold in your hand makes perfect sense to me. “GOT AMMO?“ An Alaskan gal can never have enough Ammo! Gosh Mohammed, I think you are even more of a cranky curmudgeon than I am. Are any of your posts kind, complementary or positive? AKGrannyWGrit    

Dear Hans,
best greetings from a gardener with 1.000 qm in northern Germany! I grew up in the 1950 in a settlement for part-time farmers for german refugees, who were former farmers or farm hand from the all in the east, Ukraine as well as Russia, Hungary, Romania and the eastern german provinces. All the plots had no more than 1.200 qm with originally very poor and sandy soil. The often big families with sometimes 4 grandparents and the children grew all their vegetables and a big part of the potatoes there. Chicken, Ducks, Rabbits and 2 hogs were very common. 3-4 apple trees, berry bushes and minimum 1 cherry tree and 1 plum tree were on the ground.
With your 700 qm it seems more than possible, that you can grow most of your diet there. Are you originally from the Netherlands? If yes, could you read german language? (I myself could read in dutch - but did’nt understand much of the spoken language) There is a very practical book from the beginning of the 1900 that I like very much. Here it comes:
Arthur Janson: Auf 300 qm Gemüseland den Bedarf eines ganzen Haushalts ziehen. Anleitung zum Gemüsebau des kleinen Mannes und zur Bewirtschaftung von Schreber- und Kleingärten aller Art.
You can purchase it at the kopp verlag for under 14 €.

Hi Bob, thanks for your excellent response. We have frequented this site for about 10 years now and the world is crazier than ever. Glad you are active again. My best to Barb and wish you and the rest of PP readers (including Mohammed) a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas.
“Me, I just want to disappear and head to our Cabin where I hope I’ll get a couple days in it before someone comes to my door with their M-16 and tells me I got to go, then starts to eating my food I busted my ass to produce.“
I am with you, that’s why I have a plan B and a plan C. And it gives me satisfaction to know that my efforts will feed someone. My foot steps on this earth will not be in vain and though the future may not be what I expect, through faith in God, my effort will be a serendipity for that special someone.
Best wishes and enjoy the journey.

Thank you for your response. I’m on the list to get a plot at our community garden so I can at least learn a little bit about growing vegetables (reading up on gardening in small spaces as well). I also am a beginner beekeeper and can delve into that more (two hives now). My only other skill is being a great vegan/vegetarian cook, if I do say so myself. Oh and I’m applying for my gun license (I took an intro course) and will need more practice with that. Any other ideas are welcome, as I can’t really leave suburbia right now.

we’ve been on our small farmable land now for 10 years. It took ten years to find this property at a price we could afford. Patience is worth it. And hard work ?. We use NO chemicals, pesticides etc., we try to keep everything here what we call a “closed loop”. It’s taken awhile to find a balance, but think we have achieved it. We have Irish dexter cows, meat rabbits (THE BEST), chickens, meat chickens, guard dog, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, berries, medical plants, and most importantly are our hives. I breed queens using Grafting and instrumental Insemination. We are as sustainable as I can get us right now.
I highly recommend bees. If you can’t keep them on your property, see if a local farmer will. I’m working on my Master Beekeeper through a University, and also teach classes. I am more than Happy to help any PP folks!

Hi Regina,
Indeed, I am from The Netherlands, but live in Belgium for quite some years. Do you live in Ost Friesland or more in the region of Rūgen?
I have ordered the book you recommended. I think I will use Google translate a lot ?. What interests me in it, is the fact that it is written in 1900. Old knowledge…
My idea is to use the land from a permaculture perspective and try to build a small ecosystem where everything alive will thrive. I hope the book will help me with some old and maybe forgotten techniques. Thank you for your remarks and hint.

yes VT
Definition of Resilience: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
This is what we mean by our efforts towards homesteading.

There you go again playing the victim. For somebody who says you don’t take it personally you sure do a lot.
First of all here is a definition of ignorance “lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.” That my dear young lady has zero, zip nada nothing to do with character. It may surprise you to hear me admit i am ignorant of 99.999999% of the knowledge of the planet. This prevents me from posting about things I know zip, nada, zero, nothing about.
It is quite clear you are completely ignorant of BTC and crypto in general. The unfortunate aspect of that circumstance is it does not prevent you from commenting about it.
As for moderation, well I guess that is something you would know more about than me since you have been banned. I do not engage in ad homs. That is clearly your projection. I also post a great deal of information which is actionable by anyone who cares to take the time to look at it.
I suggest you refrain from projecting your stuff onto me. Your comments about me have nothing to do with the facts I post.
But do have a good holiday and pray the electric grid and the internet don’t go down.
PS. BTW I am not cranky at all. Once again that is your projection. You give yourself far to much credit if you think you have any capability for causing me to be cranky. I am actually quite blissful at the moment and finding great humor once again reading your comments. Thanks for the laughs

The notion that homesteading requires 180 acres and three mules is a concept left over from the last century. 4500 sq ft will comfortably provide for the food needs of the standard American 2 kid + parents family when supplemented with an occasional deer-pest or four legged garbage disposal unit. Or far better, a half dozen families working together to share the labor and capital costs of a larger urban farm. The basic technology has been used by subsistence farmers in S Asia for many generations. Start with a farm pond that adjoins the pig pen. Their manure will soon create a rich soup covered with duckweed. The tilapia stocked in the pond will grow fat on their favorite food- that same duckweed that serves to cleanse the pond of the toxic chemicals pumped into the environment by “progress.”
The modern expression of the pig pond is called aquaponics. It uses low flow pumping to distribute the fish waste to the root systems of your tomatoes and leafy greens. The earth sheltered greenhouse catches a large portion of its heating from the sun and stores it in the building’s mass and the large volume of water in the fish tanks An acquaponics system is a solar machine, and like any artificial or natural machine it must operate within an engineered or evolved balance of energy. But once balance is achieved it can produce sufficient plant fiber and fish protein to keep a family healthy in a space about the size of a typical suburban back yard.
Sustainable suburban homesteading requires at least the rudiments of a functioning society— a reliable energy grid and distribution system, private or public transportation that moves faster and eats less grass than a horse, and a functioning system of laws and public safety. But a post-collapse society built upon 40 acres and a mule requires the same.
We already have the foundation technology for a highly redundant, long term sustainable distributed energy system. Its called the LFTR (liquid fluoride thorium reactor) but we (or actually our Malignant Overlords) have chosen to ignore it in favor of building thousands of bombs that are so dangerous that they never can be used.
The technical aspects of urban homesteading are simple. But what is inconceivable is the idea of six American neighbor families actually working together to produce their own food. The first thing that would happen is that a budding capitalist would see a potential for profit in the system, bribe the local authorities to make it illegal, buy the equipment at fire sale prices, move production to a low wage dependent colony, and export the profits to the Cayman islands.

“I am actually quite blissful at the moment and finding great humor once again reading your comments. Thanks for the laughs.”
Ah yet another dig - I am sure no matter what I post there will be a reason to either criticize or laugh.
“There you go again playing the victim. For somebody who says you don’t take it personally you sure do a lot.”
Again, you are mistaken. Pointing out when someone, in this case you, is unkind or disrespectful does not make me a victim rather it simply lets you know I am aware of your actions, and your lack of civility, both of which are not appreciated. Awareness does not make me a victim.
And, it would have been the kind thing to do to explain that by suggesting I am ignorant you meant no offense. But, yet again another dig to explain that I am clueless about the definition of ignorant. The intention in this case was very much intended to offend.
“I suggest you refrain from projecting your stuff onto me. Your comments about me have nothing to do with the facts I post.“
Actually I did not start this exchange you did by being condescending and insulting. Projecting my stuff on you, WTF is that? My comments about you have nothing to do with the facts you post. What?? That makes no sense.
“But do have a good holiday and pray the electric grid and the internet don’t go down.”
For further information along that line I suggest you investigate Dr. Peter Pry. Chris did an excellent interview with Dr. Pry and Ambassador James Woolsey (former CIA Director) regarding the electrical grid risks.

anyone who’s HODL’d BTC for more than a year has absolutely no excuse for being cranky! XRP hodlers on the other hand are holding bags of vapor, or so it may turn out to be, curtesy of the SEC noticing an exit scam when they see one, or did they?
This kind of reminds me of the Start Trek Next Gen episode where the holodeck character of Dr Moriarity seems to have come to life beyond the holodeck. Beware or digital projections with jokes about digital projects.


Skip to 06:00 min if rushed.

“The purpose of gerrymandering is it torpedoes a competitive democracy.”--Ralph Nader

Yes I agree that about 700 m2 should be enough for creating your own resilient patch. I own a 900 m2 property in New Zealand with a little 90 m2 wooden bungalow on it. My wife and I have been developing our little slice of paradise for 5 years now. We have planted a number of fruit trees, apple,pear, mandarins, fejoia and peach and created a 50 m2 veggie garden. Also planted blueberry and raspberry bushes to cater for all nutritional needs.

I’m guessing this won’t REALLY get rolling until after Biden/Harris are anointed by the Electoral College vote on January 6. That ought to be fun. ?

Tom, I’m not sure how these are linked to anger about the election. One appears to be a boiler/gas explosion. The other has no info about who might be the perpetrator. Do you have other info?

One news report has already stated natural gas was NOT involved in Bodymore, Murderland (per the gas company itself). I don’t have any inside information but I’ve been watching the inter webs and been expecting serious blowback to get started. Serious. Blowback. If this isn’t election-related I’ll be shocked. I’ll be even more shocked if it doesn’t accelerate and intensify once there’s no hope the election fraud can be corrected (January 6 and 20 are the big dates). These two are mere warmups for what’s coming.
The only way to have prevented what’s coming would have been for the Dems to have enthusiastically joined the Reps in serious investigations of the fraud. They did the opposite. In fact they predicted this scenario before the election (a Harris/Biden win days after it looked like Trump would win) and that it would end in disaster.
I’m keeping an open mind as to whether the Dems actually WANT the right to go berserk. It sure would fulfill their “dark winter” prophecies and give them permission to purge the right in extra-Constitutional ways. If so, they have badly miscalculated they’d win such an effort.
Nearly everybody I mention Civil War 2.0 to Pooh Pooh’s the idea. You know: Bosnia X Rwanda on steroids. Stand by on that. I think we’re just getting warmed up.