2022 Year In Review

Hi Rod:
I feel strongly that this time is different. Agree with you about the corruption and the uniparty. My father used to say: “Honey, it is just Socialist Party A and Socialist Party B” meaning the party differences were in name only rather than principle or substance.
However, bodies can only pile up so far before people notice. At this point everyone knows someone who was damaged or who died suspiciously and suddenly post-vaxx, and the sheer magnitude of the harm will force it into the open and make it obvious. Imagine all the parents who vaxxed their kids with the best of intentions, only to learn that the lies they were told caused them to harm their children. Then imagine all the grandparents, uncles, aunts and other family who love the vaxxed children. That is the army that will usher in the consequence phase of the genocide. The same thing will crash our financial system. Fiat currency requires a belief system and without it, turns quickly back into green paper. The reckoning will be brutal.
But beyond the suffering and pain, and as a result of it, will come a serious and resolute people insistent on justice, real justice and not some woke and frivolous charade of justice. I am not certain of much anymore, but I am certain of this.

I’m thinking about starting to encourage people to get their boosters.
If your dumb enough to believe “safe and effective” at this stage, you are a useless eater. Thin the ranks of the masses that drag us down.

Peter Zeihan

Hi Chris, just finished listening to Peter Zeihan on the Joe Rogan podcast. Very interesting, he has some views on geopolitics and energy etc that are polar opposites to views and analysis I hear at peak prosperity. Has anyone got any background on this guy. I had never heard of him before, but that’s not saying much. Seemed to have some accurate analysis mixed in with other conclusions that were very hard to swallow. My gut feel was CIA has something to do with him, but I might be completely wrong. Has anyone got anything to add?

The Intrepid Seekers Of Truth

It takes a lot of conviction and a special kind of belief in truth and justice to pursue the truth when it flies in the face of public opinion.
When we find ourselves in such a place, we can see just how governments and other special interest groups lie to us. As one commentator said
“If you think the government lies to us about things happening today, imagine how we are lied to about things that were supposed to have happened in the past!”
I agree with this wholeheartedly. There comes a point, however, that when we are deceived, a point in time comes where it can come out. You can fool all the people some of the time etc.
If we are fed a narrative in which we or our forebears are supposed to have been the perpetrators, then the allegation of covering up, minimising, or dishonouring the memory of the victims can be leveled. This makes breaking such a narrative more difficult; it takes longer to find the truth. I think you can see that from the MS Estonia story.
History is replete with examples. We could talk about USS Liberty. We could talk about the firebombing of Dresden or the decisions leading to the dropping of nuclear bombs on civilian populations. We could also talk about how, after General Patton visited the Nuremberg trials, he was so disgusted at how they were conducted that he was moved to say that “we backed the wrong side”. We also know that official UK government documents suggested certain alleged events be elevated to divert public attention from the atrocities our allies, the Red Army, were committing in Germany.
I would caution against any mainstream-claimed event from WW2 being spoken about as an uncontested fact. Especially if you contest those “facts”, some supposedly free “democracies” will put you in jail. That is, unless you are prepared to say “to hell with the stigma and the risks, I’ll go through the evidence both in favour of and against such supposed facts and arrive wherever the evidence—the truth—takes me”.